Minor packages, study modules, languages and culture, summer studies and other studies

BBA Courses for Incoming Exchange Students, Pasila campus



This is the course offer for exchange students at Pasila campus for autumn and spring semesters. The list is updated a week before the course enrollment starts






All compulsory

Marketing and Sales
MAR003AS2AE Integrated Marketing Communication 5 cr
COM003AS2AE International Business Communication with Impact 5 cr
MAR001AS2AE Strategic Branding 5 cr
SAL001AS2AE CRM and ERP for Sales 5 cr
SAL004AS2AE B2B Sales Skills 5 cr
MAR003AS3AE Marketing Analytics and SEO 5 cr
COM002AS3AE Website Design and Development 5 cr
COM006AS3AE Crisis Communication 5 cr
MAR002AS2AE Data-Driven Marketing 5 cr
DIG005AS3AE 3D Printing 3 cr
DIG006AS3AE 3D Extended Course 3 cr
DIG002AS2AE Innovation and Prototyping 5 cr
DIG003AS2AE Digital Service Prototyping 5 cr
SOF009AS3AE Software Development Technologies 5 cr
SOF005AS3AE Software Development Project 1 5 cr
SOF007AS3AE Software Development Project 2 10 cr
ICI003AS2AE Linux Servers 5 cr
ICI001AS2AE Windows Servers 5 cr
SOF004AS3AE Front End Programming 5 cr
SOF008AS3AE Mobile Programming 5 cr
ICI002AS2AE Information Security 5 cr
DIG006AS2AE Digital User Experience 5 cr
SOF002AS2AE Software Requirements Analysis 5 cr
ANA001AS3AE Excel and BI 5 cr
ICB008AS2AE ICT Project Management 5 cr
ICB006AS3AE Selling ICT Solutions 5 cr
ICI003AS3AE Cloud Service Technologies 5 cr
ICB006AS2AE Managing CRM Processes 5 cr
Finance, accounting and economics
ECO001AS2AE Management Accounting 5 cr
ECO006AS2AE Enterprise Finance Planning 5 cr
ECO002AS2AE Financial Accounting 5 cr
ECO023AS2AE Financial Statement Analysis 5 cr
ICB014AS3AE Financial Accounting, Processes and Systems 5 cr
ECO004AS2AE Financial Processes and Service Design 5 cr
ECO005AS2AE Financial Statements and Corporate Tax 5 cr
Human Resources (HR)
HRL002AS2AE HR Processes 5 cr
HRL011AS3AE Employee Experience 5 cr
HRL007AS3AE Strategy Work and Development 5 cr
HRL005AS2AE Leading People and Teams 5 cr
ANA002AS2AE Advanced Use of Excel 5 cr
HRL012AS3AE Technologies in People Management 5 cr
International Business
ICB011AS2AE Basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 5 cr
COR008AS2AE Circular Economy and Supply Chain Management 5 cr
SER004AS2AE Innovate Circular Economy and Sustainable Future 5 cr
ENT012AS2AE Sustainable Business Opportunities 5 cr
ENT002TR1AE Expanding to Foreign Markets 5 cr
ENT005AS2AE Forms of Entrepreneurship 5 cr
ECO013AS2AE Operative Business Controlling 5 cr
SER020AS2AE Service Design and Co-Innovation 5 cr
ICB005AS2AE Business Intelligence 5 cr
ICB012AS3AE Business Intelligence Development Project 5 cr
COR004AS2AE ERP 1 5 cr
ICB015AS3AE Business Data Management and Data Analytics 5 cr
ICB001AS2AE Business Process Management 5 cr
ICB014AS2AE Business Requirements Management 5 cr
COR003AS3AE Sourcing and Supplier Relationship 5 cr
DIG015AS2AE Digital Service Design 5 cr
DIG009AS3AE Digital Service Project 10 cr
COR007AS2AE Principles of Logistics and Supply Chain Management 5 cr
Languages, Culture and Communication
CUL8RZ002 Intercultural Survival Course - case Finland 2 cr
FIN015AS2AE Finnish for Exchange Students 5 cr
COM2LE202 Languages for International Communication 5 cr
ENG003AS2AE English for Academic Purposes 5 cr
FRE001AS2AE French 1 5 cr
FRE002AS2AE French 2 5 cr
FRE003AS2AE French 3 5 cr
GER001AS2AE German 1 5 cr
GER002AS2AE German 2 5 cr
GER003AS2AE German 3 5 cr
SPA001AS2AE Spanish 1 5 cr
SPA002AS2AE Spanish 2 5 cr
SPA003AS2AE Spanish 3 5 cr
CHI001AS2AE Chinese 1 5 cr
CHI002AS2AE Chinese 2 5 cr
CHI003AS2AE Chinese 3 5 cr
RUS001AS2AE Russian 1 5 cr
International Business
ENT002TR1AE Expanding to Foreign Markets 5 cr
ENT003TR1AE Responsible Business 5 cr
ENT008AS2AE Entrepreneur’s Networks and Arenas 5 cr
ENT015AS2AE Digital Platforms and Channels to Global Markets 5 cr
ENT001AS2AE From Idea to Innovation 5 cr
COR001AS2AE Quality Management 5 cr
COR007AS2AE Principles of Logistics and Supply Chain Management 5 cr
SER020AS2AE Service Design and Co-Innovation 5 cr
SAL003AS2AE Growth and Competitive Strategies 5 cr
AVI002AS3AE Airline Operations and Management 5 cr
AVI003AS3AE Airport Operations and Management 5 cr
AVI004AS3AE Air Cargo Operations and Management 5 cr
AVI005AS3AE Airline Revenue Management 5 cr
ECO007AS2AE Business Simulation 5 cr
Marketing and Sales
SAL001AS2AE CRM and ERP for Sales 5 cr
SAL004AS2AE B2B Sales Skills 5 cr
MAR001AS2AE Strategic Branding 5 cr
MAR003AS2AE Integrated Marketing Communication 5 cr
MAR002AS2AE Data-Driven Marketing 5 cr
MAR004AS3AE KREA Strategic Concept Design and Storytelling 10 cr
COR011AS2AE International Trade and Business Law 5 cr
COR003AS2AE Principles of Procurement 5 cr
COR012AS2AE Green Packaging 5 cr
Finance, Accounting and Economics
ECO017AS3AE International Accounting - IFRS I 5 cr
ECO020AS3AE International Economics 5 cr
ECO002AS2AE Financial Accounting 5 cr
ECO006AS2AE Enterprise Finance Planning 5 cr
ECO023AS2AE Financial Statement Analysis 5 cr
ECO001AS2AE Management Accounting 5 cr
ECO006AS3AE Management Reporting, BI 5 cr
ECO002AS2AE Financial Accounting 5 cr
ECO006AS2AE Enterprise Finance Planning 5 cr
ECO005AS2AE Financial Statements and Corporate Tax 5 cr
ECO004AS2AE Financial Processes and Service Design 5 cr
Human Resources (HR)
SER021AS2AE Corporate Meetings and Events 5 cr
LAW005AS2AE Labour Law 5 cr
HRL009AS2AE Organizational Behaviour and Wellbeing at Work 5 cr
HRL010AS3AE Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition 5 cr
ICB014AS3AE Financial Accounting, Processes and Systems 5 cr
ICI002AS2AE Information Security 5 cr
ICI001AS2AE Windows Servers 5 cr
ICI003AS2AE Linux Servers 5 cr
ICI003AS3AE Cloud Service Technologies 5 cr
DIG006AS2AE Digital User Experience 5 cr
DIG003AS2AE Digital Service Prototyping 5 cr
DIG005AS3AE 3D Printing 3 cr
DIG006AS3AE 3D Extended Course 3 cr
DIG015AS2AE Digital Service Design 5 cr
DIG002AS2AE Innovation and Prototyping 5 cr
DIG013AS2AE Digital Business Ecosystems 5 cr
ICB011AS2AE Basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 5 cr
ICB001AS2AE Business Process Management 5 cr
ICB014AS2AE Business Requirements Management 5 cr
ICB012AS3AE Business Intelligence Development Project 5 cr
ICB005AS2AE Business Intelligence 5 cr
ICB008AS2AE ICT Project Management 5 cr
ICB013AS2AE ICT Applications for Business Communication 5 cr
ICB006AS2AE Managing CRM Processes 5 cr
ICB003AS3AE Business ICT Project 10 cr
ICB015AS3AE Business Data Management and Data Analytics 5 cr
ICB006AS3AE Selling ICT Solutions 5 cr
COR004AS2AE ERP 1 5 cr
COR005AS2AE ERP 2 5 cr
COM002AS3AE Website Design and Development 5 cr
SOF004AS3AE Front End Programming 5 cr
SOF009AS3AE Software Development Technologies 5 cr
SOF015AS3AE Software Testing 5 cr
SOF002AS2AE Software Requirements Analysis 5 cr
SOF005AS3AE Software Development Project 1 5 cr
SOF007AS3AE Software Development Project 2 10 cr
SOF008AS3AE Mobile Programming 5 cr
ANA001AS2AE Data Analytics with Python 5 cr
ANA002AS2AE Advanced Use of Excel 5 cr
Language, Culture and Communication
INT003AS2AE Knowledge of the European Union and Public Administration 5 cr
FIN015AS2AE Finnish for Exchange Students 5 cr
FRE001AS2AE French 1 5 cr
FRE002AS2AE French 2 5 cr
FRE004AS2AE French 4 5 cr
GER001AS2AE German 1 5 cr
GER002AS2AE German 2 5 cr
GER004AS2AE German 4 5 cr
SPA001AS2AE Spanish 1 5 cr
SPA002AS2AE Spanish 2 5 cr
SPA004AS2AE Spanish 4 5 cr
CHI001AS2AE Chinese 1 5 cr
CHI002AS2AE Chinese 2 5 cr
CHI004AS2AE Chinese 4 5 cr
RUS002AS2AE Russian 2 5 cr
ENG003AS2AE English for Academic Purposes 5 cr
SPA008AS2AE Spanish-speaking Market and Culture Studies 5 cr