This course is a part of all Haaga-Helia's degrees and the student can participate in any implementation. This implementation is aimed at students of the INTBBA International Business degree. This means that the contents of materials and exercises are degree-specific.
Teaching methods:
Lecturing and in calss activities + assignments
Stickdorn, M. (2018) This is Service Design Doing. O´Relly
Other service design and innovation related materials delivered through the course module in the Moodle.
Pasila Campus
No exam.
This implementation is aimed at students of the INTBBA International Business degree. The students participaiting to the course can represent different nationalities and disciplines.
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
In Class activities individual and team assignments
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
Period 4: 24.3.-16.5.2025
CONTACT in class Lessons 2x3h per week
Wednesdays 11:00-13:45
Fridays 8:00-10:45
Katja Suihkonen
15 - 45
individual assignment
team assingment
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
This course is a part of all Haaga-Helia's degrees and the student can participate in any implementation. This implementation is aimed at students of the INTBBA International Business degree. This means that the contents of materials and exercises are degree-specific.
Teaching methods:
a. online workshops including lecturing and team coaching in Zoom/Teams
b. performance of an equivalent course elsewhere; the equivalence is assessed from the perspective of the learning objectives.
NOTE! In fall 2024 the Service Design and Co-Innovation is called 2024 InnoChallenge (IC), which is an innovation implementation for a commissioning company/organization. The implementation is organized together with Haaga-Helia, Thomas More University College from Belgium and OTH-Amberg-Weiden from Germany.
Stickdorn, M. et al. (2018) This is Service Design Doing. O'Reilly
Österwalder and Pigneur, 2010. Business Model Generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers.
Other service design and innovation related materials delivered through the course module in the Moodle.
The teamwork of the course is made for a commissioning company/organization.
Pasila Campus
No exam.
The student teams of the implementation consist of students from different nationalities and disciplines.
20.10.2025 - 12.12.2025
Pre-assignment/reading Weekly team assignments: - Immersion - Summary of Insights interviews + initial User personas - Finalized User personas + First ideas/solutions - Conceptualization and visualization of the final idea/solution - Final pitching video presentation + portfolio of the weekly team assignments
Pre-assignment/reading of the 2024 InnoChallenge (IC) will be released 10th Oct 2024
22nd Oct at 11-14: INTRODUCTION TO SERVICE DESIGN (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
24th Oct at 9-12: KICK-OFF/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
7th Nov at 9-12: 1st workshop/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
14th Nov at 9-12: 2nd workshop/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
19th Nov at 11-14: CONCEPTUALIZATION (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
21st Nov at 9-12: 3rd workshop/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
28th Nov at 9-12: 4th workshop/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
5th Dec at 9-12: 5th workshop/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
12th Dec at 9-12: FINAL/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competence via a demonstration and thus progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognizing and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at MyNet.
Olli Laintila, Katja Suihkonen
15 - 60
Innovation is assessed based on originality, feasibility & presentation
Process & active participation
Self- and peer evaluation of teams
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
1 During the face-to-face meetings at Porvoo campus, we will together learn how a service designer works and try out different methods and tools to use in a service design project.
2 The course follows the phases of a service design process.
3 Between the session, there are materials to study and discuss on our online platforms on Teams. This enables students to use the time spent together in class to learn from and with each other.
4Students will work in project teams and implement a service design project where they innovate new services for a specific target group.
Stickdorn, M. et al (2018) This is Service Design Doing. O'Reilly
Course materials on Teams.
Materials from industries. Development project with an organisation with real-life challenges.
Porvoo Campus
No exam.
International links, literature and cultural considerations.
Work in international teams.
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
LT 1: Learning Diary (individual) 40 % LT 2: Service Desing project documenation and presentation (Team) 60 % The assignments and the assessment criteria are descibed in the Teams assignment section. Students need to receive a passing grade for both the assignments to pass the course.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Meetings on Tuesdays and Thrusdays at 11:15 - 14:00
Demonstration of competence as recognition of prior learning, please see Haaga-Helia student pages on Recognition of Learning for more information
Liisa Wallenius
15 - 50
Assessment criteria for the two assignments as per the assessment matrix and description.
The assessment is based on the learning assignments that demonstrate the learning process, understanding of the service design process, using service design tools, working in teams on the development project, active input in the team work and final documentation.
When the implementation type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 25%, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed.
DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations
3.00 cr
0.00 cr
This course is a part of all Haaga-Helia's degrees and the student can participate in any implementation. This implementation is aimed at students of the INTBBA International Business degree. This means that the contents of materials and exercises are degree-specific.
Teaching methods:
Lecturing and in calss activities + assignments
Stickdorn, M. (2018) This is Service Design Doing. O´Relly
Other service design and innovation related materials delivered through the course module in the Moodle.
Pasila Campus
No exam.
This implementation is aimed at students of the INTBBA International Business degree. The students participaiting to the course can represent different nationalities and disciplines.
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
In Class activities individual and team assignments
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
Period 2: 21.10.-9.12.2024
Monday EVENINGS at 17:40-20:30
Katja Suihkonen
15 - 45
Individual assignment
team assingment
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
This course is a part of all Haaga-Helia's degrees and the student can participate in any implementation. This implementation is aimed at students of the INTBBA International Business degree. This means that the contents of materials and exercises are degree-specific.
Teaching methods:
a. online workshops including lecturing and team coaching in Zoom/Teams
b. performance of an equivalent course elsewhere; the equivalence is assessed from the perspective of the learning objectives.
NOTE! In fall 2024 the Service Design and Co-Innovation is called 2024 InnoChallenge (IC), which is an innovation implementation for a commissioning company/organization. The implementation is organized together with Haaga-Helia, Thomas More University College from Belgium and OTH-Amberg-Weiden from Germany.
Stickdorn, M. et al. (2018) This is Service Design Doing. O'Reilly
Österwalder and Pigneur, 2010. Business Model Generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers.
Other service design and innovation related materials delivered through the course module in the Moodle.
The teamwork of the course is made for a commissioning company/organization.
Pasila Campus
No exam.
The student teams of the implementation consist of students from different nationalities and disciplines.
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Pre-assignment/reading Weekly team assignments: - Immersion - Summary of Insights interviews + initial User personas - Finalized User personas + First ideas/solutions - Conceptualization and visualization of the final idea/solution - Final pitching video presentation + portfolio of the weekly team assignments
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
Pre-assignment/reading of the 2024 InnoChallenge (IC) will be released 10th Oct 2024
22nd Oct at 11-14: INTRODUCTION TO SERVICE DESIGN (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
24th Oct at 9-12: KICK-OFF/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
7th Nov at 9-12: 1st workshop/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
14th Nov at 9-12: 2nd workshop/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
19th Nov at 11-14: Prototyping/External guest speakers (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
21st Nov at 9-12: 3rd workshop/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
28th Nov at 9-12: 4th workshop/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
12th Dec at 9-12: FINAL/IC (ZOOM, incl. 15 min. break)
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competence via a demonstration and thus progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognizing and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at MyNet.
Olli Laintila, Sari Korhonen
15 - 60
Innovation is assessed based on originality, feasibility & presentation
Process & active participation
Self- and peer evaluation of teams
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr