Material and links to be shared in Moodle.
Pasila Campus
19.05.2025 - 30.08.2025
02.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
Lauri Tapola, Ville Pennanen
30 - 100
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 op
5.00 op
Study like you want, at your own pace based on the videos in the course, on-site in class or remotely online.
All the material or the links to those are in Moodle.
The course is based on assignments that are based on teachers' over 20 years of work-life experience.
Pasila Campus
No exams, some assignments are graded, and grading is based on those assignments.
We are using English as the course language and the English version of Excel.
18.08.2025 - 10.10.2025
The assignments are practical and useful, skills taught are important to manage in work-life.
8 weeks, assignments and lessons for every week.
- at your own pace based on the videos and guidance in the course,
- on-site in class or
- remotely online.
Lauri Tapola
15 - 45
Some of the assignments are graded.
ITBBA Business Information Technology, INTBBA International Business
0.00 op
3.00 op
Material and links to be shared in Moodle.
Pasila Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Lauri Tapola, Ville Pennanen
15 - 45
ITBBA Business Information Technology, INTBBA International Business
0.00 op
3.00 op
Study like you want, at your own pace based on the videos in the course, on-site in class or remotely online.
All the material or the links to those are in Moodle.
The course is based on assignments that are based on teachers' over 20 years of work-life experience.
Pasila Campus
No exams, some assignments are graded, and grading is based on those assignments.
We are using English as the course language and the English version of Excel.
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
The assignments are practical and useful, skills taught are important to manage in work-life.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
8 weeks, assignments and lessons for every week.
- at your own pace based on the videos and guidance in the course,
- on-site in class or
- remotely online.
Lauri Tapola, Ville Pennanen
15 - 45
Some of the assignments are graded.
ITBBA Business Information Technology, INTBBA International Business
0.00 op
3.00 op
Study at your own pace based on the videos in the course.
Voluntary EVENING ONLINE lessons: twice in May and once in August.
Online lessons:
- Monday 20.5.2024 17-20
- Monday 27.5.2024 17-20
- Monday 12.8.2024 17-20
Material and links to be shared in Moodle.
practical usage of Excel in working life.
Pasila Campus
no exams.
in English with English version of Excel.
20.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
The assignments are practical and useful, skills taught are important to manage in work-life.
23.01.2024 - 17.05.2024
starting 20.05.2024 and ending 31.08.2024.
- at your own pace based on the videos and guidance in the course
- remotely online
- RPL.
Lauri Tapola
15 - 60
Some of the assignments are graded. Grade is based on the quality of the assignments.
ITBBA Business Information Technology, INTBBA International Business
0.00 op
3.00 op