During this implementation we will meet six (6) times in Pasila Campus and the content is strongly business oriented. We aim to have have different guest speakers visiting our class and we will learn topical perspectives how employer branding and talent acquisition work in different kind of organizations.
During the course you will create your own reflective diary which shows your capability to analyze different topics, give reasoning for your opinions and think thoroughly how you can use your learning points in the future.
The physical presence in the classes is necessary and this course cannot be done online or virtually.
To be published later.
Visiting speakers.
Pasila Campus
There is no examination during this implementation.
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
Individual and group working. The assignments will be introduced in the learning platform Moodle when the course starts.
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
4th period March-May 2025.
The mandatory physical lectures are on Thursdays at 17.40-20.30 in the Pasila campus on the following days: March 27, April 3, April 10, April 24, May 8 and May 15, 2025.
Tiina Mehto
15 - 50
Grading 1-5.
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
Pasila Campus
23.03.2026 - 15.05.2026
Tiina Mehto
15 - 50
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
No ongoing implementations yet.
During this implementation we will meet 7 times in Pasila Campus and the content is strongly business oriented. We aim to have have different guest speakers visiting our class and we will learn topical perspectives how employer branding and talent acquisition work in different kind of organizations.
During the course you will create your own reflective diary which shows your capability to analyze different topics, give reasoning for your opinions and think thoroughly how you can use your learning points in the future.
To be published later.
Visiting speakers.
Pasila Campus
There is no examination during this implementation.
25.03.2024 - 17.05.2024
Individual work.
02.01.2024 - 22.03.2024
4th period March-May 2024.
Tiina Mehto
15 - 60
Grading 1-5.
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr