After completing this course the student is able to use ideation methods to a problem, acting creatively and focusing on the client and the solution. The student can present an innovative product using visual aids. The student knows how to use methods of concept building and is able to produce a working solution based on the concept.
The course is mostly based on exercises and group work.
The course focuses on problems from either client companies or the students themselves. Innovations are then developed starting from ideas related to the problems.
Central themes include:
• innovation: concepts, stages and demands of the innovation process, ideation and analysis methods, and tools for structuring the work
• concepting: defining and describing a concept, presenting and testing a concept, and how to present a concept
In Moodle
You need to read at least one related book. You can either pick one from the list below, or submit a book you'd like to read.
Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from
Scott Berkun: The myths of innovation
Clayton M. Christensen: Innovator´s dilemma
W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne: Blue Ocean Strategy
Austin Kleon: Steal like an artist
Jeff Dyer et al.: Innovator´s DNA
Scott Belsky: Making ideas happen
Chip Heat & Dan Heat: Made to stick
James Webb Young: A technique for producing ideas (method)
Mark Stickdorn: This is service design doing (methods)
Vijay Kumar: 101 Design Methods (methods)
Michael Michalko: Tinkertoys (methods)
Porvoo Campus
This course is graded by the group project - there is no exam.
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
Tasks presented in class. Project work resulting in a working prototype.
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
This course can be completed by either
a. full time studying in class, blended learning or intensive implementations
b. taking part in a work project
c. learning at work (studification)
d. taking a virtual course.
Pierantonio Silvani
15 - 50
Grade 1
The student knows innovation methods, has a basic understanding of the central tenets of innovation, and knows the main features of the innovation process.
Grade 3
The student knows the basic concepts of innovation work, is able to choose applicable innovation methods for solving real life problems, recognizes the phases of an innovation process, and is able to function as a team member in an innovation project.
Grade 5
The student knows the basic concepts of innovation work, is able to choose applicable innovation methods for solving real life problems, knows the phases and requirements of an innovation process well, and is able to manage an innovation project in a solution-oriented and customer-oriented manner. The student shows initiative in developing an innovation process.
DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
After completing this course the student is able to use ideation methods to a problem, acting creatively and focusing on the client and the solution. The student can present an innovative product using visual aids. The student knows how to use methods of concept building and is able to produce a working solution based on the concept.
The course is mostly based on exercises and group work.
The course focuses on problems from either client companies or the students themselves. Innovations are then developed starting from ideas related to the problems.
Central themes include:
• innovation: concepts, stages and demands of the innovation process, ideation and analysis methods, and tools for structuring the work
• concepting: defining and describing a concept, presenting and testing a concept, and how to present a concept
In Moodle
You need to read at least one related book. You can either pick one from the list below, or submit a book you'd like to read.
Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from
Scott Berkun: The myths of innovation
Clayton M. Christensen: Innovator´s dilemma
W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne: Blue Ocean Strategy
Austin Kleon: Steal like an artist
Jeff Dyer et al.: Innovator´s DNA
Scott Belsky: Making ideas happen
Chip Heat & Dan Heat: Made to stick
James Webb Young: A technique for producing ideas (method)
Mark Stickdorn: This is service design doing (methods)
Vijay Kumar: 101 Design Methods (methods)
Michael Michalko: Tinkertoys (methods)
Pasila Campus
This course is graded by the group project - there is no exam.
18.08.2025 - 12.12.2025
Tasks presented in class. Project work resulting in a working prototype.
Fall semester of 2023, both periods
This course can be completed by either
a. full time studying in class, blended learning or intensive implementations
b. taking part in a work project
c. learning at work (studification)
d. taking a virtual course.
Mikko Uusitalo
15 - 40
Grade 1
The student knows innovation methods, has a basic understanding of the central tenets of innovation, and knows the main features of the innovation process.
Grade 3
The student knows the basic concepts of innovation work, is able to choose applicable innovation methods for solving real life problems, recognizes the phases of an innovation process, and is able to function as a team member in an innovation project.
Grade 5
The student knows the basic concepts of innovation work, is able to choose applicable innovation methods for solving real life problems, knows the phases and requirements of an innovation process well, and is able to manage an innovation project in a solution-oriented and customer-oriented manner. The student shows initiative in developing an innovation process.
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
After completing this course the student is able to use ideation methods to a problem, acting creatively and focusing on the client and the solution. The student can present an innovative product using visual aids. The student knows how to use methods of concept building and is able to produce a working solution based on the concept.
The course is mostly based on exercises and group work.
The course focuses on problems from either client companies or the students themselves. Innovations are then developed starting from ideas related to the problems.
Central themes include:
• innovation: concepts, stages and demands of the innovation process, ideation and analysis methods, and tools for structuring the work
• concepting: defining and describing a concept, presenting and testing a concept, and how to present a concept
In Moodle
You need to read at least one related book. You can either pick one from the list below, or submit a book you'd like to read.
Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from
Scott Berkun: The myths of innovation
Clayton M. Christensen: Innovator´s dilemma
W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne: Blue Ocean Strategy
Austin Kleon: Steal like an artist
Jeff Dyer et al.: Innovator´s DNA
Scott Belsky: Making ideas happen
Chip Heat & Dan Heat: Made to stick
James Webb Young: A technique for producing ideas (method)
Mark Stickdorn: This is service design doing (methods)
Vijay Kumar: 101 Design Methods (methods)
Michael Michalko: Tinkertoys (methods)
Pasila Campus
This course is graded by the group project - there is no exam.
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
Tasks presented in class. Project work resulting in a working prototype. Students will familiarize themselves with possibilities that cheap microcomputers like ESP32 and Arduino bring to innovation.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Spring semester of 2025, both periods
This course can be completed by either
a. full time studying in class, blended learning or intensive implementations
b. taking part in a work project
c. learning at work (studification)
d. taking a virtual course.
This implementation is about option B, taking part in a work project
Mikko Uusitalo
15 - 40
Grade 1
The student knows innovation methods, has a basic understanding of the central tenets of innovation, and knows the main features of the innovation process.
Grade 3
The student knows the basic concepts of innovation work, is able to choose applicable innovation methods for solving real life problems, recognizes the phases of an innovation process, and is able to function as a team member in an innovation project.
Grade 5
The student knows the basic concepts of innovation work, is able to choose applicable innovation methods for solving real life problems, knows the phases and requirements of an innovation process well, and is able to manage an innovation project in a solution-oriented and customer-oriented manner. The student shows initiative in developing an innovation process.
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
After completing this course the student is able to use ideation methods to a problem, acting creatively and focusing on the client and the solution. The student can present an innovative product using visual aids. The student knows how to use methods of concept building and is able to produce a working solution based on the concept.
The course is mostly based on exercises and group work.
The course focuses on problems from either client companies or the students themselves. Innovations are then developed starting from ideas related to the problems.
Central themes include:
• innovation: concepts, stages and demands of the innovation process, ideation and analysis methods, and tools for structuring the work
• concepting: defining and describing a concept, presenting and testing a concept, and how to present a concept
In Moodle
You need to read at least one related book. You can either pick one from the list below, or submit a book you'd like to read.
Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from
Scott Berkun: The myths of innovation
Clayton M. Christensen: Innovator´s dilemma
W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne: Blue Ocean Strategy
Austin Kleon: Steal like an artist
Jeff Dyer et al.: Innovator´s DNA
Scott Belsky: Making ideas happen
Chip Heat & Dan Heat: Made to stick
James Webb Young: A technique for producing ideas (method)
Mark Stickdorn: This is service design doing (methods)
Vijay Kumar: 101 Design Methods (methods)
Michael Michalko: Tinkertoys (methods)
Pasila Campus
This course is graded by the group project - there is no exam.
19.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
Tasks presented in class. Project work resulting in a working prototype.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
Fall semester of 2023, both periods
This course can be completed by either
a. full time studying in class, blended learning or intensive implementations
b. taking part in a work project
c. learning at work (studification)
d. taking a virtual course.
Heikki Hietala, Mikko Uusitalo
15 - 40
Grade 1
The student knows innovation methods, has a basic understanding of the central tenets of innovation, and knows the main features of the innovation process.
Grade 3
The student knows the basic concepts of innovation work, is able to choose applicable innovation methods for solving real life problems, recognizes the phases of an innovation process, and is able to function as a team member in an innovation project.
Grade 5
The student knows the basic concepts of innovation work, is able to choose applicable innovation methods for solving real life problems, knows the phases and requirements of an innovation process well, and is able to manage an innovation project in a solution-oriented and customer-oriented manner. The student shows initiative in developing an innovation process.
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
After completing this course the student is able to use ideation methods to a problem, acting creatively and focusing on the client and the solution. The student can present an innovative product using visual aids. The student knows how to use methods of concept building and is able to produce a working solution based on the concept.
The course is mostly based on exercises and group work.
The course focuses on problems from either client companies or the students themselves. Innovations are then developed starting from ideas related to the problems.
Central themes include:
• innovation: concepts, stages and demands of the innovation process, ideation and analysis methods, and tools for structuring the work
• concepting: defining and describing a concept, presenting and testing a concept, and how to present a concept
In Moodle
You need to read at least one related book. You can either pick one from the list below, or submit a book you'd like to read.
Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from
Scott Berkun: The myths of innovation
Clayton M. Christensen: Innovator´s dilemma
W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne: Blue Ocean Strategy
Austin Kleon: Steal like an artist
Jeff Dyer et al.: Innovator´s DNA
Scott Belsky: Making ideas happen
Chip Heat & Dan Heat: Made to stick
James Webb Young: A technique for producing ideas (method)
Mark Stickdorn: This is service design doing (methods)
Vijay Kumar: 101 Design Methods (methods)
Michael Michalko: Tinkertoys (methods)
Porvoo Campus
This course is graded by the group project - there is no exam.
25.03.2024 - 17.05.2024
Tasks presented in class. Project work resulting in a working prototype.
02.01.2024 - 22.03.2024
This course can be completed by either
a. full time studying in class, blended learning or intensive implementations
b. taking part in a work project
c. learning at work (studification)
d. taking a virtual course.
Pierantonio Silvani
15 - 50
Grade 1
The student knows innovation methods, has a basic understanding of the central tenets of innovation, and knows the main features of the innovation process.
Grade 3
The student knows the basic concepts of innovation work, is able to choose applicable innovation methods for solving real life problems, recognizes the phases of an innovation process, and is able to function as a team member in an innovation project.
Grade 5
The student knows the basic concepts of innovation work, is able to choose applicable innovation methods for solving real life problems, knows the phases and requirements of an innovation process well, and is able to manage an innovation project in a solution-oriented and customer-oriented manner. The student shows initiative in developing an innovation process.
DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations
0.00 cr
0.00 cr