This is a online blended implementation. The course will be completed by actively participating in mandatory lectures and completing the given tasks. Coaching will be provided to support assignment completion and learning.
Course book: Don Norman: Design of Everyday Things
In addition, lecture presentation decks and additional reference materials will be provided to support learning and completing the course assignments.
Topics to be covered in the course include the following methods for developing user experience:
• mapping user experience
• analyzing user information
• utilizing user information in design
• testing and evaluating design
Students/student groups may freely choose their real-life project cases to be studied as part of the implementation.
There is no exam in this implementation.
Working in multi-cultural teams.
International literature and reference materials & cases will be used on the course.
18.08.2025 - 10.10.2025
a) Group assignments b) Individual assignments All assignments need to be completed and passed in order to pass the course. See Course Moodle for details.
Mandatory lectures/learning sessions 2 times / week, Mondays and Wednesdays, at 8:30-11:00AM during 21.8.-11.10.2023.
This course may be completed by either:
a. participating in contact lessons and completing the tasks given as daytime implementation OR
b. participating in a working life project or other project OR
c. showing the requisite skills as acquired (RPL)
Tommi Pelkonen
15 - 60
Accepted course is assessed with grades from 1 to 5. See detailed acceptance criteria in the Course Moodle.
A self and peer assessment will be required for completion of the course.
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
2.00 cr
Pasila Campus
12.01.2026 - 13.03.2026
Tommi Pelkonen
15 - 40
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
2.00 cr
Pasila Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Tommi Pelkonen
15 - 40
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
2.00 cr
This is a online blended implementation. The course will be completed by actively participating in mandatory lectures and completing the given tasks. Coaching will be provided to support assignment completion and learning.
Course book: Don Norman: Design of Everyday Things
In addition, lecture presentation decks and additional reference materials will be provided to support learning and completing the course assignments.
Topics to be covered in the course include the following methods for developing user experience:
• mapping user experience
• analyzing user information
• utilizing user information in design
• testing and evaluating design
Students/student groups may freely choose their real-life project cases to be studied as part of the implementation.
There is no exam in this implementation.
Working in multi-cultural teams.
International literature and reference materials & cases will be used on the course.
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
a) Group assignments b) Individual assignments All assignments need to be completed and passed in order to pass the course. See Course Moodle for details.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
Mandatory lectures/learning sessions 2 times / week, Mondays and Wednesdays, at 8:30-11:00AM during 21.8.-11.10.2023.
This course may be completed by either:
a. participating in contact lessons and completing the tasks given as daytime implementation OR
b. participating in a working life project or other project OR
c. showing the requisite skills as acquired (RPL)
Tommi Pelkonen
15 - 60
Accepted course is assessed with grades from 1 to 5. See detailed acceptance criteria in the Course Moodle.
A self and peer assessment will be required for completion of the course.
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
2.00 cr
This is a contact-blended implementation. The course will be completed by actively participating in lectures and working on a small-scale user experience study. Coaching will be provided to support assignment completion and learning.
In the course assignments, it is necessary to utilize literature and scientific articles related to the topics. Material tips, as well as the lecture presentation materials, can be found on the course's Moodle learning platform. Additionally, self-directed information searching is supported and guided.
Students/student groups may freely choose their real-life project cases to be studied as part of the implementation.
Pasila Campus
There is no exam in this implementation.
The course is held in English and targeted for international students.
International literature and reference materials & cases are used on the course.
15.01.2024 - 15.03.2024
The learning assignment of the course is a small-scale user experience study, resulting in a report (approximately 15 pages). The work includes: - Theoretical foundation - Case study - Self-assessment
02.01.2024 - 12.01.2024
The course is divided into 8 themes (1 theme per course week).
The first task must be completed during the first week of the course.
The report must be submitted by the end of the course.
Participation in the 1st lecture is mandatory to secure your spot in this implementation. During the course there are 1-2 contact lectures held per week (see detailed schedule in Moodle). In addition to the lectures, students will work independently on their user experience studies.
This course may be completed by either:
a. participating in the contact lessons and completing the given tasks during the course OR
b. participating in a working life project or other project OR
c. showing the requisite skills as acquired (RPL)
Heikki Hietala, Anne Lahti, Tommi Pelkonen
15 - 30
The course is graded on a scale of 1-5. The grade is based on the report.
Sub-task submissions are assessed as pass/fail. Completing them is a prerequisite for successfully completing the course.
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
2.00 cr