- Course materials in moodle
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Timo Rima, Diego Hernández Campos
5 - 25
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
This course is 100 % online, no contact sessions at Campuses.
Note ! First online session is on Wed Aug. 21
Read News in Moodle about preparations and a task before the first session.
18.08.2025 - 10.10.2025
Soile Kallinen, Eeva Aarnio
15 - 60
This course follows Haaga-Helia's general attendance policy:
" When the implementation type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 25%, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed."
During this course, compulsory attendance means (total 10 online sessions) :
If you are absent from the online contact sessions:
A. more than 50% (if you participate only 4 times)
-> your course performance will be rejected
B. more than 25% (if you participate only 6 times)
-> your final course grade will decrease by one grade.
Passing the course therefore requires attendance at least 5 times.
Attendance has no degrading effect on the grade if you attend at least 7 times.
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
No ongoing implementations yet.
This course is 100 % online, no contact sessions at Campuses.
Note ! First online session is on Wed Aug. 21
Read News in Moodle about preparations and a task before the first session.
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
Soile Kallinen, Eeva Aarnio
15 - 60
This course follows Haaga-Helia's general attendance policy:
" When the implementation type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 25%, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed."
During this course, compulsory attendance means (total 10 online sessions) :
If you are absent from the online contact sessions:
A. more than 50% (if you participate only 4 times)
-> your course performance will be rejected
B. more than 25% (if you participate only 6 times)
-> your final course grade will decrease by one grade.
Passing the course therefore requires attendance at least 5 times.
Attendance has no degrading effect on the grade if you attend at least 7 times.
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
Contact course at Porvoo Campus.
Material in moodle
Best practise of Circular economy companies
Porvoo Campus
No exam
International sources, companies and webinars.
25.03.2024 - 17.05.2024
Individual and team assignments
02.01.2024 - 22.03.2024
On Wed 27.3.-15.5 at 8.15-13.45 at Porvoo in classroom PC 2623
RPL is only possible if student masters all the topics of circular economy
Contact before the course start
Soile Kallinen, Eeva Aarnio
15 - 35
Scale 0-5
DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations
0.00 cr
0.00 cr