Select 15 cr
In addition to the studies below, you can also choose elective studies from the curricula of other degrees.
Haaga's free elective studies (IN FINNISH) | 15 cr | |
EXP8RL400 | Circular Economy in Travel and Tourism Business | 5 cr |
COM8HA002 | Scientific reading and writing | 2 cr |
FPR8RH026 | Restaurant Gastronomy | 6 cr |
MAR8RH024 | School Marketing | 1 cr |
OTH8HH011 | Tutor activities, Peer Tutor | 3 cr |
OTH8HH013 | Tutoring, Head Tutor | 5 cr |
RES8RH021 | Wine Course | 3 cr |
RES8RH023 | Spirits and Cocktails | 3 cr |
RES8RH022 | Beers and Pub Operations | 3 cr |
RES8RH025 | Combining Wine and Food | 6 cr |
Haaga's free elective studies (IN ENGLISH) | 0 cr | |
ENV8HA001 | Responsible Business Management | 3 cr |
EXP1RZ005 | Creating Transformative Experiences | 5 cr |
HOT1RL001 | Accommodation Operations in Tourism Industry | 3 cr |
PLA8RZ001 | Work Placement 3 | 15 cr |
STU011HH1AE | Employment in Finland | 1 cr |