Interactive Lectures, assignments, guest speakers, quizzes and class exercises
Book and other material will be provided in Moodle
Use of business cases and guest speakers. This course includes key topics applicable to working life
Pasila Campus
Will be defined in Moodle
18.08.2025 - 10.10.2025
Quizzes, xls exercises and others
More details in moodle
Lauri Larjavaara, Christian Langmann
15 - 45
Active participation 10%
Quizzes 30%
Skill up tasks 30%
Exam 30%
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
No ongoing implementations yet.
Interactive Lectures, assignments, guest speakers, quizzes and class exercises
Book and other material will be provided in Moodle
Use of business cases and guest speakers. This course includes key topics applicable to working life
Pasila Campus
Will be defined in Moodle
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Quizzes, xls exercises and others
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
More details in moodle
Juan Borra, Lauri Larjavaara
15 - 45
Active participation 10%
Quizzes 30%
Skill up tasks 30%
Exam 30%
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr