Please select the curriculum by the start year of studies and track.
This is a CONTACT implementation and remote participation is not possible. Participation to all evenings is not mandatory but highly encouraged.
Course learning approach is collaborative learning. Learning happens In Pasila workshops according to the Lukkari schedule, as well as individually and practising in pairs / teams outside classroom.
There are three main learning objectives:
1. To understand the concepts of coaching and facilitation, either at a basic level or by deepening one's own knowledge
2. To observe and develop interactions and interpersonal communication and to learn the basic elements of coaching-process (dialogue, asking questions etc)
3. Planning and implementing the facilitation process + the ability to select different facilitation methods according to objectives and situations.
The course approach is very interactive. The evenings consist of discussions, interactive coaching and facilitation exercises and orientative lectures. In addition to the contact workshops, learning requires self-directed study of the topic, and the submission of two personal learning reports. The learning process will be supported by a comprehensive methodological and resource bank in the course's Moodle environment. In additional, students may form and arrange voluntary peer / sparring groups for additional practice.
The course benefits all Masters students who wish to develop their coaching approach, coaching skills and competences as a facilitator.
Anita Pösö
The course materials / suggestions will be available on the course's Moodle learning environment. Te course does not require acquiring a specific book.
Some examples of literature related to the course is listed below
Kaner, S., Lind, L., Toldi, C. Fisk, S. & Berger, D. Facilitator's guide to participatory decision-making.
Starr, J. 2009. The Coaching Manual
Mirka Sunimento
Course material and topics translate into working life situations, abilities and know-how.
Potentially also Guest Lecturer / Visit
Pasila Campus
No Exam
Internationality is provided by course content, materials, assignment, case studies (and makeup of students in the class).
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
Classroom activity = max 30 %
Learning Report 1 (Journey to coaching and facilitation skills, weighted at 40% of the assessment) is a document focusing on personal learning
Learning Report 2 (Facilitation experiment, weighted at 30% of the assessment) reports on the planning, implementation and reflection of you authentic group facilitation.
Each participant is independently responsible for his/her own facilitation experiment, which can be carried out in his/her own work community, in another
community/organisation or in a sparring group formed during the course.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
This course workshops take place according to the schedule in Lukkarikone
Details for each days agenda will be provided in Moodle.
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competence via a demonstration and thus progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognizing and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at
Instructions for course specific RPL requirements will be shared in the course Kick
31 - 50
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business, BUTUM Degree Programme in Business Technologies and Management
Master’s Degrees
This is a CONTACT implementation and remote participation is not possible.
There are three main learning objectives:
1. To understand the concepts of coaching and facilitation, either at a basic level or by deepening one's own knowledge
2. To observe and develop interactions and interpersonal communication and to learn the basic elements of coaching-process (dialogue, asking questions etc)
3. Planning and implementing the facilitation process + the ability to select different facilitation methods according to objectives and situations.
The course approach is very interactive. The evenings consist of discussions, interactive coaching and facilitation exercises and orientative lectures. In addition to the contact workshops, learning requires self-directed study of the topic, and the submission of two personal learning reports. The learning process will be supported by a comprehensive methodological and resource bank in the course's Moodle environment. In additional, students may form and arrange voluntary peer / sparring groups for additional practice.
The course benefits all Masters students who wish to develop their coaching approach, coaching skills and competences as a facilitator..
Anita Pösö
The course materials / suggestions will be available on the course's Moodle learning environment. Te course does not require acquiring a specific book.
Some examples of literature related to the course is listed below
Kaner, S., Lind, L., Toldi, C. Fisk, S. & Berger, D. Facilitator's guide to participatory decision-making.
Starr, J. 2009. The Coaching Manual
Mirka Sunimento
Course material and topics translate into working life situations, abilities and know-how.
Guest Lecturer / Visit
Pasila Campus
No Re-exam as the course evaluation is based on assignments and practise, not exam.
Internationality is provided by course content, materials, assignment, case studies (and makeup of students in the class).
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
Classroom activity = 30 %
Group / Pair Assignment Coaching = 40 %
Individual Assignment B: Facilitation = 30 %
Each participant is independently responsible for his/her own facilitation experiment, which can be carried out in his/her own work community, in another community/organisation or in a sparring group formed during the course. Coaching assignment required identifying a pair and practising with someone in the same course.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
This course workshops take place according to the schedule in Lukkarikone. Details for each Saturday will be provided in Moodle.
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competence via a demonstration and thus progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognizing and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at
Instructions for course specific RPL requirements will be shared in the course Kick
31 - 50
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
Master’s Degrees
Kari Hiekkanen
Lili Aunimo, Kari Hiekkanen
Pasila Campus
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
31 - 60
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
Online lectures. In the lectures, we use flipped class-room method. Each lecture includes pre-assignment, group discussion in breakrooms and short lecture given by the teacher.
Nina Helander
Lecture materials and selected research methodology book chapters and articles that are provided in the Moodle.
Nina Helander
Pasila Campus
Moodle exam in the end of the course.
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
Pre-assignments before each lecture, research plan and Moodle exam.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Altogether seven online lectures during evening time (17:40-20:30).
31 - 60
Grade is based on Moodle exam (70%) and student's activity level in the course (30%). In order to pass the course, student need to have accepted Research plan, which is written during the course.
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
Online lectures. In the lectures, we use flipped class-room method. Each lecture includes pre-assignment, group discussion in breakrooms and short lecture given by the teacher.
Nina Helander
Lecture materials and selected research methodology book chapters and articles that are provided in the Moodle.
Nina Helander
Pasila Campus
Moodle exam in the end of the course.
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
Pre-assignments before each lecture, research plan and Moodle exam.
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
Altogether seven online lectures during evening time (17:40-20:30).
31 - 60
Grade is based on Moodle exam (70%) and student's activity level in the course (30%). In order to pass the course, student need to have accepted Research plan, which is written during the course.
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
Kari Hiekkanen
Kari Hiekkanen
Pasila Campus
19.05.2025 - 15.08.2025
02.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
31 - 60
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, AVBUM Degree Programme in Sustainable Aviation Business, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
The course consists of virtual learning and independent work.
100% virtual course
Forum discussions and participation is an important part of the course
Student can access the course material (video tutorials and materials) in Moodle
Kari Hiekkanen
AI-related business articles that are shared in the course.
Book: Artificial Intelligence: 101 Things You Must Know Today About Our Future by Lasse Rouhiainen
Lasse Rouhiainen
The studies and learning assignments seek to mirror everyday business in corporations and other organisations. The online material includes expert audio interviews from AI experts. Students may apply their learning within their current work environment.
Pasila Campus
This course features a final assignment, which consists of devising an artificial intelligence strategy for a company of your choice. This assignment will be completed at the end of the course.You can also redo this final assignment if you wish to improve your grade.
The course includes case studies illustrating how companies in Finland and internationally are utilizing artificial intelligence.
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
The course material includes videos and articles that students will study. Based on this material, students will complete quizzes independently at the end of each study module. At the end of the course, there is a final assignment, which involves creating an artificial intelligence strategy for a company.
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
61 - 150
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student understands the basic concepts of artificial intelligence. S/he knows how AI can be used to create value for business. S/he can name different ways companies can use AI in their business processes
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student has a good understanding of artificial intelligence and its application for creating value for business. S/he can create a simple artificial intelligence strategy plan
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student has an excellent understanding of artificial intelligence and its application in creating value for business. S/he can create excellent artificial intelligence strategy plan and knows how to successfully apply AI
LUJOM Degree Programme in Business Development and Leadership, BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, LITEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, PAKEM Degree Programme in Service Business Leadership and Development, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
Kari Hiekkanen
Lasse Rouhiainen, Kari Hiekkanen
Pasila Campus
19.05.2025 - 15.08.2025
02.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
61 - 150
LUJOM Degree Programme in Business Development and Leadership, BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, LITEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, PAKEM Degree Programme in Service Business Leadership and Development, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
This course uses blended learning pedagogical approaches, such as flipped classroom, supported by three main learning forms: (1) online contact learning; (2) directed learning; and (3) self-directed Learning. A proportion of the course hours provide the opportunity for online learning contact between students and experts (the facilitators and industry partners). Six to eight interactive online contact learning sessions will be available to participants via interactive learning methods. The forms of directed learning used are individual and team learning activities. Self-directed learning is also an important part of this course, and participants are encouraged to develop their ability to learn on their own and thus to take more responsibility for setting the objectives of their study work. This course uses Moodle as the course’s virtual learning environment and Microsoft Teams and Zoom platforms for online learning contact sessions.
In short, this course provides:
* 24 hours of online contact teaching/learning
* 110 hours of directed and self-directed learning
* 1 hour of the assessment of one’s own learning
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
If students have acquired the required competencies in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competencies via a demonstration. The demonstration must be agreed with the course teacher. More information and instructions for recognising and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at Look at "Instructions to students (master)"
Riina Iloranta
This course will draw on a fair amount of both conceptual and empirical reading. It requires a high degree of personal study, and participants are expected to find relevant materials, read widely, and think critically. A modest amount of reading prior to each session is to be expected. Below, participants can find several indicative publications, which serve as background to the course. Other resources relevant for this course will be available on the course’s Moodle page.
* Aaker, D. A. & Joachimsthaler, E. (2009). Brand Leadership: Building Assets in an Information Economy. London: Free Press.
* Aaker, D. A. (2010). Building Strong Brands. London: Simon & Schuster.
* de Chernatony, L. (2006). From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation: The Strategic Process of Growing and Strengthening Brands. 2nd Edition. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
* Hultén, B., Broweus, N. & van Dijk, M. (2009). Sensory Marketing. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
* Jenkins, H., Ito, M. & Boyd, D. (2015). Participatory Culture in a Networked Era: A Conversation on Youth, Learning, Commerce, and Politics. Malden: Polity Press.
* Kalliomäki, A. (2014). Tarinallistaminen: Palvelukokemuksen Punainen Lanka. Helsinki: Talentum.
* Keller, K. (2007). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity. 3rd Edition. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education.
* Keller, K. L., Apéria, T. & Geor, M. (2008). Strategic Brand Management: A European Perspective. Harlow: Pearson Education.
* Lindstrom, M. (2005). Brand Sense: How to Build Powerful Brands Through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight and Sound. New York: Free Press.
* Moilanen, T. & Rainisto, S. (2009). How to Brand Nations, Cities and Destinations: A Planning Book for Place Branding. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
* Schmitt, B. H. & Rogers, D. L. (2008). Handbook on Brand and Experience Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leena Korttilalli, Mario Passos Ascencao
In this course, participants will learn how to apply brand development theories and models/frameworks to 'real-world' situations. They will have the option to work on their own organisation or an organisation of their choice.
Pasila Campus
* Moodle exam: 27.11.2024
This course fosters the development of an international mindset by incorporating international elements and examples into the learning content. The facilitators use instructional methods that are appropriate for culturally diverse participants. The readings include international resources. The learning activities can also be done in Finnish, and they encourage participants to explore and reflect on ‘glocal’ issues and perspectives whilst contributing to intercultural competence.
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
The course offers three learning activities to participants, as follows:
* 15% Pre-assignment
* 15% Moodle exam
* 70% Post-assignment (project)
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
* Session 1: Wed 23.03.2024, 17.40-20.30
* Session 2: Wed 30.10.2024, 17.40-20.30
* Session 3: Wed 6.11.2024, 17.40-20.30
* Session 4: Wed 13.11.2024, 17.40-20.30
* Session 5: Wed 20.11.2024, 17.40-20.30
* Session 6: Wed 27.11.2024, 17.40-20.30
* Session 7: Wed 4.12.2024, 17.40-20.30
* Session 8: Wed 11.12.2024, 17.40-20.30
* Recognition of prior learning (RPL):
If students have acquired the required competencies in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competencies via a demonstration. The demonstration must be agreed with the course teacher. More information and instructions for recognising and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at Look at "Instructions to students (master)"
15 - 30
* This course employs both formative and summative assessment methods.
The Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences grading scale is not a proportionate scale and does not therefore fully correspond to the ECTS grading scale. The difference is: the ECTS system is based on an expectancy of the distribution of different grades, the Finnish system is not. This means that in the Finnish system there is no rule or expectation as to how big a proportion of the participants in any given course can be given what grade; each student is graded on his/her individual performance, not in relation to the performance of others.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
Kari Hiekkanen
Lili Aunimo, Dmitry Kudryavtsev
Pasila Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 06.08.2024
31 - 50
LUJOM Degree Programme in Business Development and Leadership, BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, LITEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, PAKEM Degree Programme in Service Business Leadership and Development, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
Master’s Degrees
Elli Korpinen
Tähän Oppimateriaalit (not translated)
Porvoo Campus
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
0 - 10
ATB Degree in Aviation and Tourism Business, RUOKA Degree Programme in Culinary Management, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, AVIBBA Aviation Business, INTBBA International Business, HOST Strategic Hospitality Management
5 cr
The intention is to provide beneficial circumstances for the student to get insights derived from personal experience and supporting themes. Zoom online sessions include lectures, videos and other material. Breakout room discussions and reflections. Versatile literature and other material to support studying.
The experienced based approach also includes mindfulness practice that will take place during class and student’s own time. This practice supports concentration, resilience, wellbeing and success. This is an opportunity to integrate mindfulness practice in own life as part of the studies. Mindfulness skills are mainly acquired through practice. Mindfulness constitutes a meta competence in current working life and even more in the future.
The course material consists of lecture and other material as well as ebooks that will be published in Moodle.
Monica Åberg
Being conscious at workplace which enhances use of potential, productivity, stress release and creativeness.
Pasila Campus
Mindfulness is an international method.
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
Reflections (mid-course and course end) 50%, zoom attendance 25% and independent mindfulness practice 25%. In the beginning of this course you will define a leadership challenge for yourself. This assignment will not be assessed, it is a starting point and a kind of frame for your observations and insights. The challenge may also change during the course.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
Zoom online sessions Tuesdays 17:40 – 20:30 as follows: 22.8, 29.8, 5.9, 12.9, 19.9 and 3.10. Independent studies during week 39 (23-29.9).
31 - 60
Reflection reports 50%, zoom attendance 25% and independent mindfulness practice 25%.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
The course consists of 6 modules (date of the module in question in brackets)
1. Introduction
2. Stakeholder management
3. Issue prioritization
4. Expectation management
5. Crisis Response Strategies and media practices
6. Preparing and Planning and Crisis Leadership
+ Guest Lecture and Crisis Simulation
For each module there is an introductory lecture in Pasila followed by individual assignment / exam where student applies modular theme to their chosen organization / brand.
At the end of the course, a crisis simulation exercise will take place in case there are at least 12 participants.
Hanna Rajalahti
Learning materials are published during the course. In addition, students must independently search for information about their chosen organizations / industries and crisis cases.
Mirka Sunimento, Eeva Puhakainen
Current cases and/or cases are discussed and analyzed and in assignments, students are encouraged to analyse cases relevant to own work / industry. Possibly guest lecturers/ visits.
Pasila Campus
No re-exam is available for the course.
The course grade is based on the points accrued from the exam and assignments returned by the final DL, according to the evaluation criteria. After this, possible supplementing or improving the grade takes place in accordance with the degree regulations.
Note! You will not receive feedback on assignments returned late and they will be evaluated according to the teachers' schedule. Repeated delays can also affect the course grade, because a grade of 5 requires that "The student stays on schedule."
Learning material is international
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
Note! Some small changes might take place and 1-2 assignments will be done during worskhops together
Assignment 1 (Individual) Exam 0-10 points
Assignment 2 (individual OR group) Stakeholder Analysis 0-10 points
Assignment 3 (Individual) Issue Prioritization 0/15 points
Assignment 4 (Individual) Expectational Gaps 0-10 points
Assignment 5 (Individual) Crisis Response Strategies 0-15 points
Assignment 6A (Individual) Crisis Communication Readiness 0-15 points OR
Assignment 6B (Individual) Organisation's Trust and Credibility 0-15 points
Assignment 7 A (Individual) Crisis Communications Plan 0-25 points OR
Assignment 7 B Crisis Simulation + Reflection 0-25 points
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
See Lukkarikone.
Detailed instructions and pre-requisites for RPL process will be shared in the course kick off.
As a principle, if students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can present their competence via a demonstration. The demonstration must be agreed with the course teacher. More information and instructions for recognizing and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at Look at "Instructions to students (master)"
31 - 50
See assignments.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
Master’s Degrees
Juha Nurmonen
Juha Nurmonen
Pasila Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
31 - 60
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, AVBUM Degree Programme in Sustainable Aviation Business, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
Note: the course subscriber (degree program) has required that this course be implemented in the Python coding language. Therefore, no other data analytics application programs are used in the course, only the Python coding language.
The course is divided into four parts, each of which focuses on analyzing structured data from different perspectives. Each part includes coding tasks and an exam. The parts are as follows.
- descriptive analytics
- diagnostic analytics
- time series analysis and forecasting
- introduction to machine learning.
All necessary material can be found on Moodle, including a Q@A section where students can raise questions related to the course.
Veijo Vänttinen
Material given in Moodle
Veijo Vänttinen
Pasila Campus
Three exams and subject specific coding assignments issued throughout the course
20.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
Four assignments:
- descriptive analytics
- diagnostic analytics
- time series analysis and forecasting
- machine learning.
02.01.2025 - 17.01.2025
61 - 100
Four assignments on scale accepted/rejected.
Three exams:
1) descriptive and diagnostic
2) time series and forecasting
3) machine learning
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business, BUTUM Degree Programme in Business Technologies and Management
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
Summary of course
*Online summer course
*Voluntary starting and keynote lecture (22.5. 2025 at 16.00-17.00 at Pasila campus/Teams), voluntary study visits and voluntary guidance
*Individual assignments
*Teaching languages: Finnish, English
Objectives and main contents:
- Design and innovation thinking
*Different service systems (stations, ports, tourism, experience, trade, culture, health, sports and school centers, hotels, restaurants)
-Pavel centers and ecosystems and their management and development
- Service innovations and service networks
Introduction of course
In the past two decades much has changed, yet one constant has persisted throughout: a shift away from merely producing and purchasing goods and services, to a focus on designing and experiencing value (consuming experiential value). Adopting the experience and transformation economy is a win-win situation, positively impacting customers, and the organisations that offer the experience.
In order “to realize the full benefit of staging services and experiences, however, businesses must deliberately design engaging transformation.
All these designed experiences are embedded into a system, and as the line between digital and non-digital experiences continues to dissolve, the systems become more complex. The design domain is full of design types – human-centered design, service design, interaction design, experience design, systemic design, sustainable design, user experience (UX) design, customer experience (CX) design, fashion design, interior design, set design, etc. In the past decades design thinking has gained prominence, among designers and managers, as the way to solve service challenges (problems and opportunities).
However, most organisations operate within complex service systems, and consequently in the recent years some researchers have started looking into system thinking as an alternative or supplement to design thinking (and services design) to design services and experiences.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student is expected to be able to:
*knows the terminology related to the design for service systems, value networks and sustainable supply chains.
*understanding the fundamentals of design thinking and system thinking;
*think of services as systems of value and can adopt a systems mindset;
*review the fundamentals of the most prominent service management dominant logics;
*understand the contexts for service system design
*understand the value co-creation process in service systems and value networks;
*analyse service networks, demand driven supply and supply chains;
*apply value creating processes to an actual project;
*design service systems for a value network;
*solve service networks real-life problems and create real-life opportunities for service networks;
*manage and transform work contexts that are complex and unpredictable and which require new strategic approaches.
Course Contents:
*From design thinking to systems thinking
*Service management dominant logics and service systems
*Service design in the network economy
*The network concept and levels of network analysis
*Service networks types, structures and effects
*Inter-organisational, internal and external value networks in the service industry
*The value concept and value creating processes
*Service design for inter-firm, multichannel and omnichannel networks
Riina Iloranta
Conway, R., Masters, J., & Thorold, J. 2017. From Design Thinking to Systems Change: How to invest in innovation for social impact. London: RSA Action and Research Centre.
Deming, W. E. 2000. The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education. 2nd edition. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Jokinen, L. 2022. Ideation for future cruise ships. Collaborative interorganisational foresight in cruise ship concept ideation. Doctoral dissertation. Turku: University of Turku. In
Jones, P. H. 2014. Systemic design principles for complex social systems. In G. S. Metcalf (Ed.), Social Systems and Design, Translational Systems Sciences (Vol. 1, pp. 91-128). Tokyo: Springer.
Ketonen-Oksi, S. 2019. The Role of Social Media in Value Cocreation and Innovation in Service Ecosystems. Academic Dissertation. Tampere University Dissertations. 70. Tampere: Tampere University.
Lähteenmäki, J. 2021. Managing the evolution of a platform business in network-centric ecosystems. Doctoral theses 146/2021. Helsinki: Aalto University publication series.
In (17.5. 2024.)
Mouazan, E. 2019. Managing Circular Business Models: Essays on Customer Value Creation, Dynamic Capabilities and Value Networks in the Circular Economy. Acta Wasaensia, 439. Vaasa: University of Vaasa. In (
Mario Passos Ascencao, Vesa Heikkinen
Cases: Hubs, clusters, service infrastructures, phygital (physical and digital) services, airports, shopping centres, culture centres, events, exhibition centres, sport centres, destinations, hotels, railways,
Pasila Campus
19.05.2025 - 22.08.2025
*Individuel literature review
*Individuel assignment and/or in pairs or groups of 3 students
*Individuel assignment
*Individuel assignment
02.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
15 - 50
LUJOM Degree Programme in Business Development and Leadership, PAKEM Degree Programme in Service Business Leadership and Development, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
4 cr
Master’s Degrees
Online course.
Individual work, team work and discussions.
Hanna Rajalahti
Material and details available in Moodle.
Riku Hytönen
Students make a development project preferably for their employer organizations.
Pasila Campus
The language is English.
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Topics of the course:
1. Introduction and Assignments
2. Customer-Centric Sales Organization
3. How Organization Drives Value
4. Sales Enablement & AI
5. Building Sales Culture for High Performance
6. How to Drive Organizational Transformation
7. Sales Organization of the Future
8. Final Session Wrap Up
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
2024 2. period,
31 - 60
Development project max. 76 points
Activity max. 24 points
Total max. 100 points
Points/grade: -39/0, 40-49/1, 50-61/2, 62-74/3, 75-87/4, 88-100/5
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student knows the strategic role of sales and is able to describe its significance in a sales-oriented organization. He/she recognizes and is able to partly explain the key structures and factors that promote the development and management of a sales-oriented organization. The student recognizes the sales processes in an organization as well as the key factors of strategic sales.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student is able to describe the strategic role of sales and its significance in a sales-oriented organization. He/she recognizes and is able to explain the key structures and factors that contribute to the development and management of a sales-oriented organization. The student recognizes sales processes and is able to develop them and strategic sales in an organization.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student is able to define the strategic role of sales and its significance in a sales-oriented organization. The student has excellent skills in evaluating and developing the structures and functions of a sales-oriented organization. The student recognizes sales processes in an organization and is able to develop both them and strategic sales holistically.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
Hanna Rajalahti
Leena Korttilalli
Pasila Campus
19.05.2025 - 15.08.2025
02.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
31 - 60
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
2 cr
Master’s Degrees
Kari Hiekkanen
Irma Mäkäräinen-Suni
Pasila Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
31 - 60
LUJOM Degree Programme in Business Development and Leadership, BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, LITEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, PAKEM Degree Programme in Service Business Leadership and Development, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
The course consists of online lectures and independent work according to set schedule.
Kari Hiekkanen
The course material is combination of recent academic articles, online webinars, white papers and other relevant and timely sources.
Kari Hiekkanen
Pasila Campus
No exam
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
Four short essays (peer reviewed)
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
First lecture: Mar 27th, 2025 @ 17.40 (online, Zoom)
31 - 60
The grading will be based on four peer-reviewed short reflection essays on selected themes.
LUJOM Degree Programme in Business Development and Leadership, BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, LITEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, PAKEM Degree Programme in Service Business Leadership and Development, AIBUM Degree Programme in AI for Business Transformation, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
2 cr
Master’s Degrees
As was introduced by Haaga-Helia management in spring 2024, the new attendance policy has been made effective autumn 2025 onwards;
This means that:
Being absent more than 25 % of the scheduled lessons might reduce the course grade by 20 %
An absence of more than 50 % leads to disqualification (in this course if absent from 5 or more evenings)
Pedagogical approach in this course is Autonomous and Experimental Learning - and we follow "iterative and agile" way of working :)
A) First A lecture to the topic and introduction of related assignment(s)
B) “Independent study and testing"” where students get familiar with the topic and materials, look for information, engage with each other on the discussion forum and do some content creation / testing / analysis.
C) Analysis and discussion together before moving into the next topic
Note! As this course very much follows the iterative process of planning, ideation, testing, measurement, evaluation and development it is encouraged to identify a real life "test lab" and objective for the course assignments.
This could be, for example related to your own personal brand, company employee advocacy, improvement of customer engagement etc. It is not mandatory, and there are options for assignments that don't require testing but from the learning perspective testing something for real is ideal :)
Hanna Rajalahti
Will be shared in course Moodle.
Mirka Sunimento
Real life cases analysed in each module and students may do the experiments for their own employer / chosen organisation. Guest Lecturer.
Pasila Campus
No re-takes as the evaluation is mostly based small tests and experiments done during the course.
International by default.
19.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
The main assignments of this autonomous-learning and iterative course are
10 % Exam (motivational orientation assignment)
10 % Online certificate (Hubspot or similar)
60 % Small experiments and tests and weekly Moodle activity & Zoom participation
20 % Reflective essay on own learning with at least one peer-reviewed article used OR presentation about using AI in Marketing
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
31 - 60
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
Kari Hiekkanen
Jarmo Sarkkinen
Pasila Campus
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
31 - 60
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
2 cr
Master’s Degrees
Kari Hiekkanen
Kari Hiekkanen
Pasila Campus
21.10.2024 - 14.03.2025
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
61 - 100
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
The course is an intensive course with an online part in the beginning on May 2025.
Learning materials are available on Course Moodle pages.
Anita Pösö
Students apply their learning within their current or prior work environment.
Pasila Campus
No exams.
International perspective comes through case study, books, articles and assignments.
05.05.2025 - 23.05.2025
The course consists of three key learning assignments:
A pre-assignment during the online part of the course: A case analysis introduction to employer branding
Employer branding group assignment during the intensive week
A report on employee experience, due one week after the intensive week.
02.01.2025 - 02.05.2025
Detailed schedule is published when the course begins.
31 - 50
Passed courses are assessed on a scale of 1 to 5. The assessment criteria are presented for grades 1, 3 and 5.
Grade 5
The student’s knowledge and understanding meet excellently the requirements of the course. The student masters profoundly theories and concepts presented in the course. The student uses theories and concepts analytically and critically to explore real-life cases.
Grade 3
The student’s knowledge and understanding meet the course requirements well. The student knows theories and concepts presented in the course. The student uses theories and concepts to explore real-life cases.
Grade 1
The student’s knowledge and understanding meet the course requirements satisfactorily. The student identifies narrowly theories and concepts presented in the course. The student identifies narrowly their implications to practice.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
3 cr
Master’s Degrees
The implementation is based on independent study during the autumn semester of 2023.
The learning methods are classic: reading, thinking, writing - as well as watching videos, observing organisational life and reflecting on own experiences in various organisations.
The implementation supports also the following meta-competencies: problem-solving skills and analytical and critical thinking.
Anita Pösö
Learning material will be available in Moodle
Yücel Ger
The content and assignments are linked to organisational practices.
Pasila Campus
Students choose the time
Learning material and student body are international
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
There are three main topics, and each of them have their own assignment:
- Future of work > Short written analysis.
- Organisations and organising > Exam
- Developing organisations > Written report or quiz
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
Recgonition of prior learning based on Haaga-Helia's Master instructions.
61 - 100
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student is able to recognize some trends affecting the future of work and reflect on her/his own work and role against the changes. S/he recognises the elements of organisational design and is able to explain some tensions in organisations. The student recognises different organisational concepts and ways to organise. S/he can define some approaches to organisational development and plan how to apply them in a development plan. S/he writes professional text.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
In addition to competencies described in grade 1, s/he is able to identify ways to develop agency at work. S/he can compare different organisational designs and their elements. S/he is able to distinguish different kinds of tensions and their consequences in organisations and explain how they emerge. S/he can select and compare different approaches for organisational development and take multiple perspectives into account when planning how to apply them in practice. S/he recognises and reflects ethical questions related to change and development work. The level of the student’s academic writing is mostly correct.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
In addition to competencies in grades 1 and 3, the student can distinguish multiple perspectives affecting the future of work and be able to evaluate which factors and trends will affect her/his own job and career. The student is able to critically assess the factors that affect her/his own work, organisational design and organisational development from different perspectives. This is demonstrated in reports comparing, justifying and using of different theoretical frameworks. The level of the student’s academic writing is correct.
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
The teaching methods of this online course include readings, active learning assignments, class discussions, short lectures and (critical) reflection of students' past and current experiences with work practices and organisations. These learning methods have been designed to foster the following meta competences: complex problem solving, critical thinking, people management, coordinating with others and cognitive flexibility.
Anita Pösö
Literature supporting student learning will be presented in course Moodle
Johanna Vuori
Course themes and assignments relate to students’ own work and their work organisations
Pasila Campus
no exam
International student body
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
1. Mind-map on the future of work 30 points
2. Two interim assignments related to organisational design and organisation development, total of 30 points
3. Final assignment on organisation development 40 points
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
This class will meet once a week online on Wednesdays at 17:40 - 20.30. The zoom link will be sent to students at the beginning of the spring semester 2025
15 January: orientation and paradox thinking
22 January: job crafting and agency
29 January: future of work
5 February: organization and organization design
12 February: organization and organization design continuing
no class on 19 February
26 February: self-managing organization
5 March organizational development
12 March organizational development continuing
Final assignment due on 1 April, grades by 22 April
31 - 60
Evaluation is based on reaching the learning outcomes and demonstrated in the learning and final assignments
90 – 100 points, grade 5
80 – 89 points, grade 4
70 – 79 points, grade 3
60 – 69 points, grade 2
50 – 59 points, grade 1
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, AVBUM Degree Programme in Sustainable Aviation Business, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
Anita Pösö
Learning material will be available in Moodle.
Yücel Ger
The content and assignments are linked to organisational practices.
Pasila Campus
Student chooses the time.
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 09.01.2025
Recgonition of prior learning based on Haaga-Helia's Master instructions.
61 - 100
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, MBATUT Degree Programme in Education Management, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, AVBUM Degree Programme in Sustainable Aviation Business, STROM Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
This implementation is an online course with scheduled online lectures/workshops.
The course is based on flipped classroom method: The student studies a relevant reading material before each class.
Participation in the online classes effects on the grade.
Juha Olava
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
Margit Suurnäkki, Heidi Rajamäki-Partanen
Work life experiences and cases can be utilized in the workshops and assignments.
Pasila Campus
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
1 Short pre-lecture assignments
2 Written course assignment
3 Multiple choise exam
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
There will be 4 Zoom sessions.
The learning platform (Moodle) will be available on the official starting day of this implementation.
Zoom sessions (at 17:40-20:30):
October 24
November 7
November 21
December 12
Student feedback will be collected and used for improving the course.
31 - 60
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
2 cr
Master’s Degrees
This implementation is an online course with scheduled online lectures/workshops and individual learning assignments.
The course is based on flipped classroom method: The student studies a relevant reading material before each class.
Participation in the online classes effects on the grade.
Juha Olava
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
Margit Suurnäkki
Work life experiences and cases can be utilized in the workshops and assignments.
Pasila Campus
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
1 Short pre-lecture assignments
2 Written course assignment
3 Multiple choise exam
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
Online lectures (in Zoom):
March 26 (17.40-20.30)
April 9 (17.40-20.30)
April 23 (17.40-20.30)
May 14 (17.40-20.30)
Learning platform (Moodle) will be opened one week before the beginning of this course.
Student feedback will be collected and used for improving the course.
31 - 60
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
2 cr
Master’s Degrees
This course uses blended learning pedagogical approaches, such as flipped classroom, supported by three main learning forms: (1) contact learning; (2) directed learning; and (3) self-directed Learning. A proportion of the course hours provide the opportunity for learning contact between students and experts (the facilitator and industry partners). Three interactive contact learning days are available to participants via interactive learning methods. The types of directed learning used are individual and team learning activities. Self-directed learning is also an important part of this course, and students are encouraged to develop their ability to learn on their own and thus to take more responsibility for setting the objectives of their study work. This course uses Moodle as the course’s virtual learning environment.
In short, this course provides:
* 24 hours of contact teaching/learning
* 110 hours of directed and self-directed learning
* 1 hour of assessment of one’s own learning
Riina Iloranta
This course will draw on a fair amount of both conceptual and empirical reading. It requires a high degree of personal study, and participants are expected to find relevant materials, read widely, and think critically. A modest amount of reading prior to each session is to be expected. Below, participants can find several indicative publications, which serve as background to the course. Other resources relevant for this course will be available on the course’s Moodle page.
* Boswijk, A., Peelen, E. & Olthof, S. 2012. Economy of Experiences (3rd ed.). Amsterdam: European Centre for the Experience Economy.
* Christensen, J. 2009. Global Experience Industries: The Business of the Experience Economy. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
* Gilmore, J. H., & Pine II, B. J. 2007. Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
* Jensen, R., & Aaltonen, M. 2013. The Renaissance Society: How the Shift from Dream Society to the Age of Individual Control will Change the Way You Do Business. New York: McGraw-Hill.
* Kuiper, G. & Smit, B. 2014. Imagineering: Innovation in the Experience Economy. CABI Publishing. Wallingford.
* O’Dell, T., & Billing, P. 2005. Experiencescapes: Tourism, Culture and Economy. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.
* Pine II, B. J., & Gilmore, J. H. 2019. The Experience Economy: Competing for Customer Time, Attention, and Money (Revised ed.). Boston: Harvard Business Review Press.
* Sundbo, J. & Sørensen, F. (Eds) 2013. Handbook on the Experience Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing. Cheltenham.
Mario Passos Ascencao, Aarni Tuomi
* Students will participate in learning activities related to different stakeholders.
Pasila Campus
This course fosters the development of an international mindset by incorporating international elements and examples into the learning content. The facilitators use instructional methods that are appropriate for culturally diverse participants. Some lessons or parts of them are conducted in English. The readings include international resources. The learning activities can also be done in English, and they encourage participants to explore and reflect on 'glocal' issues and perspectives whilst contributing to intercultural competence.
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
* 4 Assignments
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
* Session 1: Sat 8.2.2025, 9:00-15:45
* Session 2: Sat 1.3.2025, 9:00-15:45
* Session 3: Sat 5.4.2025, 9:00-15:45
* Recognition of prior learning:
If students have acquired the required competences in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competences via a demonstration. The demonstration must be agreed with the course teacher. More information and instructions for recognising and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at Look at "Instructions to students (master)"
15 - 25
* This course employs both formative and summative assessment methods.
The Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences grading scale is not a proportionate scale and does not therefore fully correspond to the ECTS grading scale. The difference is: the ECTS system is based on an expectancy of the distribution of different grades, the Finnish system is not. This means that in the Finnish system there is no rule or expectation as to how big a proportion of the participants in any given course can be given what grade; each student is graded on his/her individual performance, not in relation to the performance of others.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
The course is a virtual course where you can do the assignments at your individual pace. Get to know the material in Moodle and do the six assignments by the 6th of December 2024. During the course if you have any questions about the assignments, you can contact the teacher.
Moodle for the course will open at the latest 19.8.2024.
Kaisa Tsupari
Material on Moodle. Videos, reading material, templates.
Kaisa Tsupari
Pasila Campus
19.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
The course has five smaller individual assignments, which are graded fail-pass, and one individual final report, graded 1-5. The final report is 50% of the grade.
03.06.2024 - 15.11.2024
The course is a virtual course where you can do the assignments at your individual pace. Get to know the material in Moodle and do the six assignments by the 6th of December 2024.
31 - 100
Assignments 1-5 are graded fail/pass, Final assignment 1-5.
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
The course is a virtual course where you can do the assignments at your individual pace. Get to know the material in Moodle and do the six assignments by the 6th of May 2025. During the course if you have any questions about the assignments, you can contact the teacher.
Moodle for the course will open at the latest 13.1.2025.
Kaisa Tsupari
Material on Moodle. Videos, reading material, templates.
Kaisa Tsupari
Pasila Campus
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
The course has five smaller individual assignments, which are graded fail-pass, and one individual final report, graded 1-5. The final report is 50% of the grade.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
The course is a virtual course where you can do the assignments at your individual pace. Get to know the material in Moodle and do the six assignments by the 6th of May 2025.
31 - 100
Assignments 1-5 are graded fail/pass, Final assignment 1-5.
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business, BUTUM Degree Programme in Business Technologies and Management
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
Active contribution will have a positive impact on the course grade. As this is a contact course, video materials will not be available, but the presentation materials shared by the teacher in workshops and other written materials will be available on Moodle.
Critical, reflective, and collaborative learning approaches are applied
a) in workshops together
b) in smaller teams
c) individually
The course is very interactive in nature and the workshops at 17:40 - 20:30 all have a following structure:
-Introduction to the theme through critical reflection and sharing of experiences
-Team collaboration
-Feedback and reflection
Note that students need to allocate time for individual / team studies on a weekly basis as this 5 credit course only has approximately 20 hours of contact interaction.
Questions about the course preferably by email.
Hanna Rajalahti
Kotler P, Pfoertsch W and Sponholz, U. 2021. H2H Marketing - The Genesis of Human-To-Human Marketing. Available as e-book in Finna.
+ Learning materials provided by lecturer and acquired by the students.
Tanja Vesala-Varttala
Course materials, reflections, and discussions translate into working life situations, abilities and know-how.
Pasila Campus
Information will be provided through Moodle once that opens
Internationality is provided by course content, materials, assignments, case studies (and the overall makeup of students in the class).
09.09.2024 - 08.11.2024
Details will be shared on Moodle and in the course Kick Off .
Course assignments and grading will be as follows (max 100 p):
Exam max 40 p, H2H project max 30 p, workshops in Pasila max 30 p
03.06.2024 - 06.09.2024
The draft schedule (subject to minor changes regarding specific themes) can be found below.
Contact sessions in Pasila (3003) on Thursday evenings between 17:40 and 20:30 from 12 September to 7 November.
No contact lessons between 7-20 October. During these two weeks, the students prepare for the Moodle exam of the course. The exam is open all this time.
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competence via a demonstration and thus progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognizing and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at
Instructions for course specific RPL requirements will be shared in the course Kick Off or student may also request those from the teacher by email. Note that teacher is on holiday 10.6-11.08
31 - 50
Learning journal
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
Master’s Degrees
Anna Kimberley
Pasila Campus
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
61 - 100
LUJOM Degree Programme in Business Development and Leadership, BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, LITEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, PAKEM Degree Programme in Service Business Leadership and Development, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
Nina Helander, Johanna Maaniemi, Riina Iloranta, Juha Olava, Sanna Heiniö, Sakariina Heikkanen, Johanna Rajakangas-Tolsa, Anu Hakonen, Kevin Gore, Anita Pösö, Kari Hiekkanen, Marjo-Riina Välimaa, Heidi Rajamäki-Partanen
Pasila Campus
02.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
1 - 300
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, AVBUM Degree Programme in Sustainable Aviation Business, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
Master’s Degrees
The course implementation is based on three learning themes: coaching leadership, co-management and conflict management. The students explore these themes with the help of lectures, collective learning activities, discussions and individual studies. The aim of the course is to deepen one's knowledge of leadership and encourage analytical thinking, personal reflection and solution-focused mindset (design of practices) through the above-mentioned learning themes.
The implementation includes both contact and online clinics, where students share and analyze their own experiences, cases and problems related to the course contents. The advisors provide introductory lectures, guidance as well as assignments to support learning.
Prior or current work experience in managerial position is not required. The course is beneficial for all students who want to learn more of the learning themes and leadership.
List of literature:
Amundsen, S., Martinsen Ø. L. Linking Empowering Leadership to Job Satisfaction, Work Effort, and Creativity: The Role of Self-Leadership and Psychological Empowerment. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 2015, Vol. 22(3) 304–323. Available:
Fisher, R., Ury, R., 1999 Getting to Yes
Gallo, A., 2017 HBR guide to dealing with conflict.
Gallo, A. 2017. Roadmap to Handling Conflicts at Work (Talks at Google)
Goncalves, G. et al. 2016. Cultural intelligence and Conflict Management Styles. International Journal of Organisational Analysis
Johansson, C., Miller, V.D., Hamrin, S. 2014. Conceptualizing Communicative Leadership. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. Vol 19:2.
Kim, M., Beehr, T.A. Self-Efficacy and Psychological Ownership Mediate the Effect of Empowering Leadership on Both and Bad Employee Behaviors. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, April 7 2017. Available:
Laloux F., Reinventing Organizations. 2014.
Laloux F., What Does Self-Management Mean for You?: Available:
Lee M.Y. Edmondson A. Self-managing organizations: Exploring the limits of less-hierarchical organizing. Research in Organizational Behavior. Nov. 2017. Available:
MODe-project (Minimalist Organizational Design): Available:
Montes, C.; Rodriguez, D. & Serrano, G. 2012. Affective choice of conflict management styles. International Journal of Conflict Management.
Oncken W., Wass D. L., 1999. Management Time: Who's Got the Monkey. HBR.
Sharma, P. N., Kirkman, B. L. Leveraging Leaders: Literature Review and Future Lines of Inquiry for Empowering Leadership Research. Group & Organization Management, March 15 2015. Available:
Spears, L.C. Spears Center for Servant Leadership. Available:
Vogt, Brown & Isaacs 2003. The art of powerful questions.
Yukl, G. Empowering leadership. Available:
Olli Laintila, Heta-Liisa Malkavaara
The learning themes/topics and equivalent assignments address day-to-day challenges and practices in organizations. Students can apply and implement learned principles and practices in their organizations. Also additional expertise may be provided (e.g. in form of visitor lectures).
Pasila Campus
No exam.
Students' work experiences and environments form the base for the implementation's international aspects. The learning material consists mainly of international sources.
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
Three (3) learning assignments based on the learning themes.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
Wednesday 21st Aug at 17.40 -20.30 Kick-off in Pasila (2008)
Wednesday 28th Aug Leadership clinic 1 in Pasila (2008)
Wednesday 4th Sep Leadership clinic 2 in Pasila (2008)
Wednesday 11th Sep Co-management clinic 1 in Pasila (2008)
Wednesday 18th Sep Co-management clinic 2 in Pasila (Zoom)
Wednesday 25th Sept Conflict management clinic 1 (Zoom)
Wednesday 2nd Oct Conflict management clinic 2 (Zoom)
Wednesday 9th Oct in reserve if needed
See recognition and demonstration of prior learning in case of already acquired, professional know-how of the learning themes.
31 - 50
The assessment criteria 1 - 3 - 5 with respective evaluation statements.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
Master’s Degrees
After completing the course, the student knows how to plan and lead a creative process and multi-channel content production.
In the course, a group project is done, where a concept and content are created according to the given brief.
NOTE The teaching is partially shared with the Finnish sister implementation, but in those instances English is being used.
Hanna Rajalahti
Available in the Moodle when the course begins.
Leena Korttilalli, Kevin Gore
The group work focuses on the development of the organization chosen by the students.
Pasila Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Creative concept and content plan to be done as a group work (weight: 60%)
Exam (weight 40%)
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
Intensive implementation, which consists of three workshops and group work between them.
Saturday 26 October 2024 from 9 am to 3 pm
Saturday 9 November 2024 from 9 am to 3 pm
Saturday 30 November 2024 from 9 am to 3 pm
In addition, the groups have the opportunity to receive coaching from the teacher (online) between the workshops at a separately agreed time.
Recognition of prior learning in accordance with the instructions on Haaga-Helia's student pages.
15 - 25
Passed courses are assessed on a scale of 1 to 5. The assessment criteria are presented for grades 1, 3 and 5.
Grade 1
The student is familiar with concepts, methods and knowledge related to all stages of the creative planning process: from customer and market insight to customer-centric concept planning and multichannel storytelling. S/he can operate as part of a creative team and knows how to plan a content concept and can produce customer-centric narrative content for digital channels for limited internal or external purposes.
Grade 3
In addition, the student understands and can evaluate concepts, methods and knowledge related to making strategic content marketing decisions for different types of business needs and market challenges. S/he can lead oneself and use various types of creative planning resources according to business/operational needs. S/he can deliver an effective content plan and produce attractive narrative content for digital channels based on customer and market insight. S/he can optimise creative planning process and various storytelling solutions successfully via multiple channels.
Grade 5
The student can critically evaluate and innovate customer-centric concepts, methods and knowledge related to developing content marketing solutions for various types of business needs and market challenges of the commissioning non-profit organisation. As part of a creative team, she/he can implement and manage creative planning processes constructively and effectively, while supporting the learning process of others. S/he can initiate and influence co-operation between different stakeholders and prioritise actions. S/he can proactively seek and analyse business critical and project specific information to continuously improve the creative planning process and to boost the success of various storytelling solutions in given contexts and on multiple digital platforms. He/she demonstrates excellent commitment to course responsibilities and assignments and is able to carry out the creative project / assignments according to the given deadlines.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
2 cr
Master’s Degrees
Independent virtual learning altogether 135 h (no contact lessons, only independent learning)
This course an asynchronous virtual course and learning is based on independent learning during 8 week period (13.1.2025 - 14.3.2025).
RPL and benefiting RPL during the course is to be agreed with the responsible lecturer (Meri Vehkaperä).
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competence via a demonstration and thus progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognising and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at MyNet.
Anita Pösö
Learning materials will be informed at the beginning of the course on Moodle (January 13, 2025).
Meri Vehkaperä
Development assignment is related to development of students’ working communities.
Pasila Campus
Exams will be taken during 8 week period (13.1.2025 - 14.3.2025).
International case examples will be presented, international learning material will be provided.
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
Instructions for studying as well as exams and assignments will be given at the beginning of the course (January 13, 2025). Learning is based on individual and independent learning. Assessment will be based on a mind map, two short exams and a development assignment.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
This course an asynchronous virtual course and learning is based on independent learning during 8 week period (13.1.2025 - 14.3.2025).
Please contact the responsible lecturer.
Student feedback will be collected and used for improving the course.
61 - 100
Module 1. Assignment (grading 1-5, 20 % of the final grade)
Module 2. Exam (grading 1-5, 20% of the final grade)
Module 3. Exam (grading 1-5, 20% of the final grade)
Module 4. Development assignment (grading 1-5, 40% of the final grade).
All lessons and learning assignments need to be completed and passed to pass the course
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, MBATUT Degree Programme in Education Management, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
Independent virtual learning altogether 135 h (no contact lessons, only independent learning)
This course an asynchronous virtual course and learning is based on independent learning during 8 week period (21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024).
RPL and benefiting RPL during the course is to be agreed with the responsible lecturer (Meri Vehkaperä).
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competence via a demonstration and thus progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognising and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at MyNet.
Anita Pösö
Learning materials will be informed at the beginning of the course on Moodle (21.10.2024).
Meri Vehkaperä
Development assignment is related to development of students’ working communities.
Pasila Campus
Exams will be taken during 8 week period (21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024).
International case examples will be presented, international learning material will be provided.
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Instructions for studying as well as exams and assignments will be given at the beginning of the course (21.10.2024). Learning is based on individual and independent learning. Assessment will be based on a mind map, two short exams and a development assignment.
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
This course an asynchronous virtual course and learning is based on independent learning during 8 week period (21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024).
Please contact the responsible lecturer.
Student feedback will be collected and used for improving the course.
61 - 100
Module 1. Assignment (grading 1-5, 20 % of the final grade)
Module 2. Exam (grading 1-5, 20% of the final grade)
Module 3. Exam (grading 1-5, 20% of the final grade)
Module 4. Development assignment (grading 1-5, 40% of the final grade).
All lessons and learning assignments need to be completed and passed to pass the course
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
Contact teaching in Pasila campus.
Hanna Rajalahti
In Moodle.
Tommi Immonen
Freely selectable company contact.
Pasila Campus
Learning task as individual work, defined at the beginning of the study period.
International examples and benchmarking.
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Defined at the beginning of the study period.
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
Contact teaching once a week.
Discussed at the beginning of the study period.
31 - 50
Defined in the course assignment.
LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
Online store as sales channel course contains e-com related topics like market analysis in digital domain, building and running an online store and customer acquisition.
We will meet two times in person, 21.8. and 28.8. 2024 at Pasila campus, other classes will be held through Zoom. The course consists of a project (individual or group) and conceptual assignment.
Hanna Rajalahti
Will be announced latter
Marko Mäki
Pasila Campus
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
1. Online store project (individual or group); a plan to set up an online store.
2. Conceptual assignment; an detailed analysis of e-com related topic of your choice (like softwares, marketing, operative issues; logistics, payment method etc., international e-com expansion).
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
31 - 50
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation
3 cr
Master’s Degrees
Please note: Priority for first semester students, enrollment opens on Jan 7, 2025.
In this self-study course, students are required to read a book for the exam. Students are provided with initial material that is a starting point for learning. Using this material, students search for further information and apply acquired knowledge in learning assignments two and three.
Anita Pösö
Smith, P., Farmer, M., Yellowley, W., & Smith, P. 2012. Organizational Behaviour. Taylor & Francis Group.
Smith, P., Yellow, W., & McLachlan, C. 2021. Organizational Behaviour: managing people in dynamic organizations. Routledge.
Other recommended material and specific articles are described in Moodle.
This is an advanced level course, so students are also expected to search university-level material independently.
Olli Kupiainen
Students are highly recommended to apply acquired knowledge to their work and organizational contexts.
Pasila Campus
This course does not have an exam.
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
Students have to do three learning assignments in this course:
1. An exam with multiple choice questions (30 per cent of the grade)
2. An essay (40 per cent of the grade)
3. A presentation (30 per cent of the grade).
Each learning assignment is an independent entity and can be done in any order a student wishes to do. All three learning assignments must be passed to pass the course.
Each learning assignment is evaluated independently.
07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
A more detailed timetable will be in Moodle.
In the beginning of the course, a teacher will give a short introduction to the course practicalities and gives tips for studying a virtual course independently. It is highly recommended that students participate in this short introduction, where they have an opportunity to ask questions.
61 - 100
Grades 1-5. An evaluation rubric for written learning assignments will be in Moodle.
STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, AVBUM Degree Programme in Sustainable Aviation Business, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
Flipped learning -type learning, where it's important that the student prepares independently for contact sessions beforehand.
Hanna Rajalahti
Material provided by the teacher as the course starts.
Aarni Tuomi
Contemporary industry case-examples.
Pasila Campus
There is no exam.
International literature; international case-examples.
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
The course includes independent assignments and a group assignment. The assignment briefs are provided at the beginning of the course.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Contact teaching in Pasila, based on schedule. Exemptions are possible, these will be informed at the beginning of the course.
Instructions for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process:
31 - 50
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student knows the role and strategic relevance of sales and can name the essential sales processes and tools. The student recognises the strategic goals of sales and can define the basic elements of strategic customership. S/he can describe the essential methods of personal sales and coaching principles. The student can set sales goals and recognise the main elements of value creation. The student knows the digital tools to be used sales.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
In addition to the competences described in Grade 1, the student is able to describe the role and strategic relevance of sales. S/he masters the essential sales processes and tools and is able to develop sales processes. The student can set strategic sales goals and define strategic customership and apply the methods of personal sales, the psychology of sales competence and the principles of coaching. The student can set and evaluate sales goals and outcomes and knows the principles of value creation in sales. S/he can utilise the key digital tools of sales. The student can analyse and develop strategic sales in an organisation.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
In addition to the competences of Grade 1 and 3, the student analyses, sets and measures the strategic goals of sales and develops strategic customerships. S/he masters sales processes and tools and is able to comprehensively develop sales processes and methods. S/he can apply the methods of personal sales, the psychology of sales competence and the principles of coaching. The student thoroughly analyses and assesses sales goals and outcomes and masters the principles of value creation in sales. The student masters the digital tools of sales. S/he can expertly analyse and develop strategic sales in an organisation.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
Master’s Degrees
The course explores leadership from several essential perspectives and provides opportunities for purposeful personal development in leadership. Reflective leadership is structured around three themes: 1) self-awareness, 2) leadership concepts (theories) and 3) leadership development. You can increase and deepen your leadership competence with the combination of theoretical knowledge, practice and self-reflection.
The content is designed and structured into three levels which guide and support the learning journey. The first level is mandatory and comprises two assignments and one multiple-choice quiz based on the course book. The second and the third level delve further into the topics. After completing all three levels you have accomplished six learning assignments altogether. Grading is aligned with the levels and respective assignments.
All necessary materials will be available online. The instructions for the learning assignments will be found on Moodle as well as the submission areas for the assignments. In addition, some optional consultation sessions will be offered by the teachers.
Course book: Dugan, John P. (2017): Leadership Theory. Cultivating Critical Perspectives. John Wiley & Sons. Available as an e-book (library of Haaga-Helia). Additional materials available on Moodle.
Eija Kjelin, Heta-Liisa Malkavaara
The course is grounded on perspectives which explore leadership in the context of work, organisations, professional competence and personal growth. You will analyze your view on leadership in the light of work-related experiences as well as leadership research.
Pasila Campus
No exam.
The topics of the course and the course book offer avenues for diverse thinking including e.g. international work environments and inclusive patterns and practices.
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Learning assignments
Level 1 (consisting of three assignments): Improving self-awareness + Leadership as a concept (quiz) + Practicing leadership.
Level 2 (consisting of two assignments): My strengths in leadership + My personal leadership manifesto.
Level 3 (consisting of one assignment): Enriching my leadership manifesto.
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
This virtual implementation spans eight weeks starting on 21st of October until 13th of December 2024. The due dates regarding the learning assignments are allocated according to the time span in question. Starting and finalizing the course have fixed dates, during the course assingments have only suggested timetables.
Level 1: Improving self-awareness (due date 27th of Oct) + Leadership as a concept/quiz (due date 10th of Nov) + Practicing leadership (due date 17th of Nov).
Level 2: My strengths in leadership (due date 24th of Nov) + My personal leadership manifesto (due date 1st of Dec).
Level 3: Enriching my leadership manifesto (due date 15th of Dec).
See the instructions for demonstrating prior learning in master-level studies
This is the first implementation in English.
61 - 100
The evaluation is based on the assessment criteria of the course (see the course description). More detailed information can be found in the instructions for each learning assignment on Moodle.
Numerical assessment of the learning assignments:
Level 1 assignments altogether: maximum 60 points
Level 2 assignments altogether: maximum 20 points
Level 3 assignments altogether: maximum 20 points
Scale for the final grading:
Total of 50 points = grade 1
Total of 60 points = grade 2
Total of 70 points = grade 3
Total of 80 points = grade 4
Total of 90 points = grade 5
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
The course explores leadership from several essential perspectives and provides opportunities for purposeful personal development in leadership. Reflective leadership is structured around three themes: 1) self-awareness, 2) leadership concepts (theories) and 3) leadership development. You can increase and deepen your leadership competence with the combination of theoretical knowledge, practice and self-reflection.
The content is designed and structured into three levels which guide and support the learning journey. The first level is mandatory and comprises two assignments and one multiple-choice quiz based on the course book. The second and the third level delve further into the topics. After completing all three levels you have accomplished six learning assignments altogether. Grading is aligned with the levels and respective assignments.
All necessary materials will be available online. The instructions for the learning assignments will be found on Moodle as well as the submission areas for the assignments. In addition, some optional consultation sessions will be offered by the teachers.
Course book: Dugan, John P. (2017): Leadership Theory. Cultivating Critical Perspectives. John Wiley & Sons. Available as an e-book (library of Haaga-Helia). Additional materials available on Moodle.
Eija Kjelin, Heta-Liisa Malkavaara
The course is grounded on perspectives which explore leadership in the context of work, organisations, professional competence and personal growth. You will analyze your view on leadership in the light of work-related experiences as well as leadership research.
Pasila Campus
No exam.
The topics of the course and the course book offer avenues for diverse thinking including e.g. international work environments and inclusive patterns and practices.
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
Learning assignments
Level 1 (consisting of three assignments): Improving self-awareness + Leadership as a concept (quiz) + Practicing leadership.
Level 2 (consisting of two assignments): My strengths in leadership + My personal leadership manifesto.
Level 3 (consisting of one assignment): Enriching my leadership manifesto.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
This virtual implementation spans eight weeks starting on 13th of January until 16th of March 2025. The due dates regarding the learning assignments are allocated according to the time span in question. Starting and finalizing the course have fixed dates, during the course assingments have only suggested weekly timetables.
See the instructions for demonstrating prior learning in master-level studies
This is the first implementation in English.
61 - 100
The evaluation is based on the assessment criteria of the course (see the course description). More detailed information can be found in the instructions for each learning assignment on Moodle.
Numerical assessment of the learning assignments:
Level 1 assignments altogether: maximum 60 points
Level 2 assignments altogether: maximum 20 points
Level 3 assignments altogether: maximum 20 points
Scale for the final grading:
Total of 50 points = grade 1
Total of 60 points = grade 2
Total of 70 points = grade 3
Total of 80 points = grade 4
Total of 90 points = grade 5
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
This course is a fully virtual course without any set time slots for meetings, with the exception of an online group exam - you advance at your own pace within the time frame of the course; i.e. between 19.8.-13.12.2024. The absolute final deadline to finish all tasks in order to receive a grade is Friday the 3rd of January.
Juha Olava
Course material recommended on Moodle
Minna-Maari Harmaala
Pasila Campus
The student must participate in an online group exam on one of the three given alternative dates. The three dates reflect an initial exam date and two re-takes.
The dates are:
Wednesday 2nd October 16-19
Thursday 7h November 17-20
Monday 2nd December 9-12
19.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
The course is divided into five thematic topics; each of which carries either an individual task or participation in a group exam. In addition you must make a short reflection of your learning at the end with pass/fail grading.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
This course is a fully virtual course without any set time slots for meetings, with the exception of an online group exam - you advance at your own pace within the time frame of the course; i.e. between 19.8.-13.12.2024. The absolute final deadline to finish all tasks in order to receive a grade is Friday the 3rd of January.
Currently there are no alternative implementations. Next implementation spring 2025.
61 - 100
The course grading is as follows:
Task 1, 3 and 4. Graded 0-5. 20% each
Online group exam. Graded 0-5. 40%
Tasks 2 and 5 and Reflection of learning. Graded Pass/fail.
All must be completed with a passing grade to complete the course.
LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business, BUTUM Degree Programme in Business Technologies and Management
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
This course is a fully virtual course without any set time slots for meetings, with the exception of an online group exam - you advance at your own pace within the time frame of the course; i.e. between 13.1.-16.5.2025. The absolute final deadline to finish all tasks in order to receive a grade is Friday the 30th of May.
Juha Olava
Course material recommended on Moodle
Eeva Aarnio, Satu Harkki
Pasila Campus
The student must participate in an online group exam on one of the three given alternative dates. The three dates reflect an initial exam date and two re-takes.
The dates are:
Wednesday 5th March 16-19
Thursday 3rd April 17-20
Monday 5th May 9-12
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
The course is divided into five thematic topics; each of which carries either an individual task or participation in a group exam. In addition you must make a short reflection of your learning at the end with pass/fail grading.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
This course is a fully virtual course without any set time slots for meetings, with the exception of an online group exam - you advance at your own pace within the time frame of the course; i.e. between 13.1.-16.5.2025. The absolute final deadline to finish all tasks in order to receive a grade is Friday the 30th of May.
Currently there are no alternative implementations. Next implementation fall 2025.
31 - 100
The course grading is as follows:
Task 1, 3 and 4. Graded 0-5. 25% each
Online group exam. Graded 0-5. 25%
Tasks 2 and 5 and Reflection of learning. Graded Pass/fail.
All must be completed with a passing grade to complete the course.
LUJOM Degree Programme in Business Development and Leadership, STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, PAKEM Degree Programme in Service Business Leadership and Development, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, AVBUM Degree Programme in Sustainable Aviation Business, STROM Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
Self learning materials in Moodle an in UiPath Academy
• model business information processes
• recognize and evaluate opportunities for robotic automation
• implement a software robot for task automation
• design a business process automation using a software robot
Kari Hiekkanen
• visual modelling of information processes
• preconditions for robotic business process automation
• industry case studies of robotic process automation
• development tools for software robots
• implementation of a software robot for task level automation
• design of a process level automation
Ralf Rehn
World leading tool/environment - UiPath and UiPath Studio are utilized
Pasila Campus
No exam
World leading tool/environment - UiPath and UiPath Studio are utilized
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
Basic setup:
1. Warm-up Sign up for the UiPath Academy and install Studio/StudioX
Implement an automation program using StudioX
2. RPA and BPM RPA and BPM Quiz
3. Define workflow Define a workflow
4. RPA & AI RPA & AI Quiz
5. BA training DoC of RPA Business Analysis Fundamentals (UiPath Academy)
Voluntary Chart
6. Final excercise 2 options
7. Self-reflection Self-reflection and Feedback 0 0
02.01.2025 - 18.04.2025
61 - 100
Grades 1 - 5
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
This course adopts design thinking and blended learning pedagogical approaches, incorporating a flipped classroom model supported by three primary learning modalities: (1) contact learning, (2) directed learning, and (3) self-directed learning. A portion of the course hours is dedicated to fostering interactions between students and experts, including the facilitator and industry partners. Participants will engage in six interactive contact learning sessions designed to promote active learning. Contact learning sessions are conducted in dynamic and participatory formats, such as World Café, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, experiential prototyping, and other similar interactive methods. Directed learning includes both individual and collaborative activities, such as a service design project undertaken for a real-life company-client, allowing students to apply course concepts to practical scenarios. Self-directed learning is also emphasized, encouraging students to develop independent learning skills and take greater responsibility for defining and achieving their educational objectives. The course leverages Moodle as its virtual learning environment, providing a platform for online engagement, resources, and support.
In short, this course provides:
* 24 hours of online contact teaching/learning
* 110 hours of directed and self-directed learning
* 1 hour of the assessment of one’s own learning
The Moodle platform for the course will be accessible prior to the first session.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL):
If students have acquired the required competencies in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competencies via a demonstration. The demonstration must be agreed with the course teacher. More information and instructions for recognising and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at Look at "Instructions to students (master)"
Riina Iloranta
This course will draw on a fair amount of both conceptual and empirical reading. It requires a high degree of personal study, and participants are expected to find relevant materials, read widely, and think critically. A modest amount of reading prior to each session is to be expected. Below, participants can find several indicative publications, which serve as background to the course. Other resources relevant for this course will be available on the course’s Moodle page.
* Liedtka, J. & Ogilvie, T. 2011. Design for Growth: A Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers. Columbia University Press. New York.
* Miettinen, S. & Koivisto, M. (Eds) 2009. Designing Services with Innovative Methods: Perspectives on Service Design. Kuopio Academy of Design. Kuopio.
* Miettinen, S. & Valtonen, A. (Eds) 2013. Service Design with Theory. Discussions on Value, Societal Change and Methods. Lapland University Press. Rovaniemi.
* Moritz, S. 2005. Service Design: A Practical Access to an Evolving Field. Köln International School of Design. London.
* Polaine, A., Løvlie, L. & Reason, B. 2013. Service Design: From Insight to Implementation. Rosenfeld Media. Brooklyn.
* Stickdorn, M. & Schneider, J. 2011. This Is Service Design Thinking - Basics, Tools, Cases. BIS Publishers. Amsterdam.
* Stickdorn, M., Hormess, M., Lawrence, A. & Schneider, J. 2018. This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World. O'Reilly Media. Sebastopol.
Mona Eskola, Mario Passos Ascencao, Vesa Heikkinen
Students will participate in learning project that involve selected Finnish partner organisations.
Pasila Campus
This course fosters the development of an international mindset by incorporating international elements and examples into the learning content. The facilitators use instructional methods that are appropriate for culturally diverse participants. The readings include international resources. The learning activities can also be done in Finnish, and they encourage participants to explore and reflect on 'glocal' issues and perspectives whilst contributing to intercultural competence.
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
The course includes five assignments, each graded on a scale of 1 to 5. These assignments are due near the end of the course.
* 1. [in group] (30%) SD Process Description & Tools Evaluation
* 2. [in group] (50%) Service Solution 'Book'
* 3. [in group] (10%) Presentation of the Service Solution
* 4. [individually] (10%) Peer Review Report
The required deliverables for this course align naturally with key milestones in the course implementation schedule.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Teaching will be conducted on campus in Pasila. The schedule for the in-person contact days is as follows:
* Session 1: Fri 31.1.2025 (9:00-15:45)
* Session 2: Sat 1.2.2025 (9:00-15:45)
* Session 3: Fri 7.3.2025 (9:00-15:45)
* Session 4: Sat 8.3.2025 (9:00-15:45)
* Session 5: Sat 11.4.2024 (9:00-15:45)
* Session 6: Fri 16.5.2025 (9:00-15:45)
Between the in-person contact days, each service design (SD) team works independently on the assigned tasks. Support and guidance from the teachers are available as needed. If you are unable to attend any of the contact days, it is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the topics covered. No additional assignments will be provided to compensate for absences, nor will teachers arrange make-up activities. Your absence is a personal responsibility, and it also affects your SD team and, indirectly, the company-client you are collaborating with.
* Recognition of prior learning (RPL):
If students have acquired the required competencies in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competencies via a demonstration. The demonstration must be agreed with the course teacher. More information and instructions for recognising and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at Look at "Instructions to students (master)"
15 - 50
* This course utilizes a combination of formative and summative assessment methods.
The grading scale at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences differs from the ECTS grading scale, as it is not based on proportional distribution. Unlike the ECTS system, which assigns grades based on an expected distribution of outcomes, the Finnish grading system evaluates each student solely on their individual performance. There are no predetermined rules or expectations regarding the proportion of participants who can receive a particular grade in any given course. Grades are awarded independently of how other students perform, ensuring a fair and individualized assessment.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
Master’s Degrees
Upon successful completion of the course, the student is able to
- Understand and describe brand management and its significance as a strategic tool in the global business environment
- Apply theories of branding, communication and marketing to practical contexts
- Recognise and address the interests of various stakeholder groups
- Create and sustain networks of collaboration with internal and/or external partners
- Apply problem identification, analysis and solving in real-life cases.
The assignments in the course also teach the skills needed in Master's studies, such as information search, reading research articles and critical writing.
The course is recommended as an introduction to the Communication and Marketing Management studies.
Ville Lahtinen
Available in Moodle when the course begins.
Ville Lahtinen
The learning assignments utilize the students' professional expertise and reflect the organizations' current challenges.
Pasila Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
Individual and group assingments, and an exam.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Contact classes on Wednesdays between January 15th - March 12th, 2024 at 5:40 - 8:30 pm.
Recognition of prior learning following Haaga-Helia's instructions for Master education.
31 - 50
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student is familiar with the basics of brand management and the various aspects of communication and marketing as strategic tools for business management. S/he identifies key concepts, processes and tools of branding, communication and marketing. S/he identifies opportunities for branding and areas for development in an organization.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student is able to design solutions that benefit business based in theories of branding, communication and marketing. S/he can utilize key concepts, processes and tools related to branding, communication and marketing when justifying her/his own choices to practical business needs. S/he can evaluate and develop brand management processes and activities for the internal and/or external needs of an organization.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
In addition to the criteria above, the student can critically evaluate and develop concepts, processes and knowledge related to brand management. S/he can integrate brand perspectives into the company’s business planning and management processes in different contexts. The student can develop new ways of working and justify his/her own views successfully. S/he is able to identify key stakeholders in terms of brand management and to justify strategic choices and prioritize activities in a stakeholder-driven manner. The student has professional project like approach to learning and stays on schedule.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
Master’s Degrees
NB. This implementation is based on students' independent study using course material that is available on Moodle, without interaction with the teacher. This implementation is mainly meant for the students in STROME and AVBUM-education.
Please take this into account, if you enroll in this course instead of the implementation COM4HM001-3010, which has contact classes and is implemented in the Spring semester 2024..
Upon successful completion of the course, the student is able to
- Understand and describe brand management and its significance as a strategic tool in the global business environment
- Apply theories of branding, communication and marketing to practical contexts
- Recognise and address the interests of various stakeholder groups
- Create and sustain networks of collaboration with internal and/or external partners
- Apply problem identification, analysis and solving in real-life cases.
The assignments in the course also teach the skills needed in Master's studies, such as information search, reading research articles and critical writing.
Ville Lahtinen
Available in Moodle.
Ville Lahtinen
Pasila Campus
21.10.2024 - 14.03.2025
Individual assignments and Exam.
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
Course available in Moodle 23.10.2023 - 15.3.2024.
Recgonition of prior learning following Haaga-Helia's instructions for Master education.
31 - 60
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student is familiar with the basics of brand management and the various aspects of communication and marketing as strategic tools for business management. S/he identifies key concepts, processes and tools of branding, communication and marketing. S/he identifies opportunities for branding and areas for development in an organization.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student is able to design solutions that benefit business based in theories of branding, communication and marketing. S/he can utilize key concepts, processes and tools related to branding, communication and marketing when justifying her/his own choices to practical business needs. S/he can evaluate and develop brand management processes and activities for the internal and/or external needs of an organization.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
In addition to the criteria above, the student can critically evaluate and develop concepts, processes and knowledge related to brand management. S/he can integrate brand perspectives into the company’s business planning and management processes in different contexts. The student can develop new ways of working and justify his/her own views successfully. S/he is able to identify key stakeholders in terms of brand management and to justify strategic choices and prioritize activities in a stakeholder-driven manner. The student has professional project like approach to learning and stays on schedule.
STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, AVBUM Degree Programme in Sustainable Aviation Business, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
This is a fully virtually course, which is targeted for students who prefer to study independently. If you are not willing or able to study independently, we do have blended learning implementations which contain contact sessions.
Juha Olava
Recommended literature list of this course. Moodle will contain information about the chapters to be read. E-content including all e-books are available to use with Haaga-Helia user account. (HAKA sign in required, links in Moodle).
Atrill, Peter & McLaney, E. J. (2019). Accounting and finance for non-specialists, eleventh edition. Pearson.
Niven, Paul R. (2014). Balanced Scorecard Evolution: A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution. WILEY
Parmenter, David, (2016) Key Performance Indicators : Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs, John Wiley & Sons.
Atrill, Peter & McLaney, E. J (2018): Management accounting for decision makers
Mariitta Rauhala, Heli Kortesalmi
Some of the case studies are prepared in co-operation with business
Pasila Campus
There is no exam but the course contains five learning assignments. From each of these you will get a grade 1-5 and they have 20% weight in assessing. All assignments must get a grade in order to pass the course. There is no retakes, so make sure you do your best with each of them.
1. Balance Scorecards and KPI: Case Paulig.
2. Long-term planning model: Excel simulation.
3. Budgeting. Excel assignment
4. Investment calculations and finance. Moodle quiz.
5. Profitability calculations. Moodle quiz and Excel assignment
All topics apply internationally
09.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
There is no exam but the course contains five learning assignments. From each of these you will get a grade 1-5 and they have 20% weight in assessing. All assignments must get a grade in order to pass the course. There is no retakes, so make sure you do your best with each of them.
1. Balance Scorecards and KPI: Case Paulig.
2. Long-term planning model: Excel simulation.
3. Budgeting. Excel assignment
4. Investment calculations and finance. Moodle quiz.
5. Profitability calculations. Moodle quiz and Excel assignment
03.06.2024 - 13.11.2024
Course's Moodle page is open till 31.12.2024, by when all the learning assignments must be submitted. No extensions to this deadline are given.
One topic takes 1-2 weeks to study. Make yourself a study schedule right at the beginning of the course and follow it!
In case you already have knowledge on this topic, please contact heli.kortesalmi(a) for RPL (recognition of previous learning).
61 - 100
There is no exam but the course contains five learning assignments. From each of these you will get a grade 1-5 and they have 20% weight in assessing. All assignments must get a grade in order to pass the course. There is no retakes, so make sure you do your best with each of them.
STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
Virtual course based on 100 % student individual working. The course does not include any meetings or teamwork.
Learning assignments are published when the course begins. Course includes different kinds of individual learning assignments. All learning materials are available on Course Moodle pages.
Johanna Maaniemi
Real-life cases and examples are included to the course materials
Pasila Campus
Internationality is present through case studies, books, articles and assignments.
09.09.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 13.11.2024
Detailed schedule is published when the course begins.
61 - 100
Grade 5
The student’s knowledge and understanding meet excellently the requirements of the course. The student masters profoundly theories and concepts presented in the course. The student uses theories and concepts analytically and critically to explore real-life cases.
Grade 3
The student’s knowledge and understanding meet the course requirements well. The student knows theories and concepts presented in the course. The student uses theories and concepts to explore real-life cases.
Grade 1
The student’s knowledge and understanding meet the course requirements satisfactorily. The student identifies narrowly theories and concepts presented in the course. The student identifies narrowly their implications to practice.
STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, AVBUM Degree Programme in Sustainable Aviation Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
Virtual course based on 100 % student individual working. The course does not include any meetings or teamwork.
Learning assignments are published when the course begins. Course includes different kinds of individual learning assignments. All learning materials are available on Course Moodle pages.
Johanna Maaniemi
Real-life cases and examples are included to the course materials
Pasila Campus
Internationality is present through case studies, books, articles and assignments.
03.02.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 31.01.2025
Detailed schedule is published when the course begins.
61 - 100
Grade 5
The student’s knowledge and understanding meet excellently the requirements of the course. The student masters profoundly theories and concepts presented in the course. The student uses theories and concepts analytically and critically to explore real-life cases.
Grade 3
The student’s knowledge and understanding meet the course requirements well. The student knows theories and concepts presented in the course. The student uses theories and concepts to explore real-life cases.
Grade 1
The student’s knowledge and understanding meet the course requirements satisfactorily. The student identifies narrowly theories and concepts presented in the course. The student identifies narrowly their implications to practice.
STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, AVBUM Degree Programme in Sustainable Aviation Business, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
This one is a self guided virtual course.
-No live meetings.
-No Group work.
-The student can work with the assignments in her/his own time and pace.
The course requires a lot of self guided working. Online support is offered during the course.
Juha Olava
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
Juha Olava
Real life cases and experiences can be utilized in the assignments.
Pasila Campus
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
10.02.2025 - 04.04.2025
There are 2 writing assignments and a multiple-choise on this implementation.
02.01.2025 - 07.02.2025
The learning platform (Moodle) is open for the student on the official starting day of the course. The student can then begin the studies immediately
Couple of weeks earlier than this self guided implementation starts an implementation with plenty of online lecturing and teacher contact. If you prefer lecturing and teacher contact instead of self guided studying you should take that other implementation.
61 - 100
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, MBATUT Degree Programme in Education Management, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
This course consists of scheduled online sessions, individual learning, and working in groups
Juha Olava
Whittington, R., Regner, P., Angwin, D., Johnson, G., Scholes, K., Evans, J., . . . Johnson, G. 2020. Exploring strategy: Text and cases. Twelfth edition. Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited.
Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B., & Lampel, J. B. 2017. Strategy safari. Strategy Safari: Your Complete Guide Through the Wilds of Strategic Management, Second Edition. Pearson UK.
Burgelman, R. A., Floyd, S. W., Laamanen, T., Mantere, S., Vaara, E. & Whittington, R. 2018. Strategy processes and practices: Dialogues and intersections. Strategic management journal, 39(3), pp. 531-558.
Other learning materials will be assigned during the course.
Margit Suurnäkki
Pasila Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
Learning assignments include individual assignments, group work presentation, and learning diary.
07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Online sessions will be on
Jan 14 (17:40-20:30), Introduction to strategy
Jan 21 (17:40-20:30), Examining the external business environment
Jan 28 (17:40-20:30), Looking inside the firm
Feb 4 (17:40-20:30), Business strategy and business models
Feb 11 (17:40-20:30), Growth strategies
Feb 18 (no class)
Feb 25 (17:40-20:30), including time for group work assignment
Feb 4 (17:40-20:30), including time for group work assignment
Feb 11 (17:40-20:30), Final presentations
31 - 60
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation
1 cr
Master’s Degrees
This is a virtual implementation which requires self guided working.
-No team assignments, only individual ones.
-No scheduled lectures or meetings.
-Online support will be offered.
Juha Olava
The material is announced when the Moodle of the course is published. Online access to all the materials.
Juha Olava
There is an opportunity to use real life cases in the assignments. This is not, however, mandatory.
Pasila Campus
There are 2 short writing assignments and a multiple choice type of test. The deadlines will be published in the course Moodle.
19.05.2025 - 15.08.2025
There are 2 short writing assignments and a multiple choice type of test. The deadlines will be published in the course Moodle.
02.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
The Moodle site will be available on the official starting day of the course at the latest and the studies can then get started right away. The assessing of the assignments takes place during the August.
According to the HH's course feedback procedures.
31 - 100
See the course information to get familiar with the official evaluation criteria. There is more information about the evaluation in the course Moodle.
STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
The online implementation makes use of a research and development approach to learning, with an emphasis on both teamwork and independent study.
The weekly online meetings include lectures and presentations on the topics as well as related small group work.
The implementation follows the Flipped Classroom approach, whereby students are encouraged to study in advance each week's learning material, which will be applied in the online meetings.
Juha Olava
Baliga, R.M. Santalainen, T. 2016. Rethinking strategy.
Johnson, M. W., Suskewicz, J. 2020. Lead from the Future. e-Book.
Kim, C. - Renee Mauborgne. 2005. Blue Ocean Strategy.
Marting R. - Lafley A.G., 2013. Playing to win: how strategy really works. Harvard Business Review Press.
McGrath, R. 2019. Seeing around corners : how to spot inflection points in business before they happen, e-Book.
Minzberg H. - Ahlstrand B. - Lampel J, 1998. Strategy Safari. Prentice Hall.
Tighe, S. 2019. Rethinking Strategy. e-Book.
Additional, recommended readings and journal articles listed in Moodle.
Olli Laintila
The assignments of the implementation are linked to the current strategy work practices - both in private and public organizations.
Pasila Campus
No exam!
Students’ backgrounds and work environments will bring an international perspective to the implementation. Internationality is present through teamwork, course books, articles and assignments.
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
Team assignments:
Assignment 1: Strategic analysis of a chosen company/organization.
Assignment 2: Foresight/scenario work
See more specific instructions of the learning assignments in Moodle.
07.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
Weekly agenda for the Zoom online sessions on Tuesdays starting 25th March 2025 at 17.40:
25th March: Kick-off including an introduction of the learning objectives, learning material, assignments and learning methods
1st April: Strategic planning & preparedness
8th April: Positioning vs. continuous adaptation
15th April: Principles and practices of execution
22nd April: Strategic re-framing
29th April: Foresight and scenario work
6th May: Drafting a strategic narrative
13th May: Feedback and key takeaways
If a student would like to proceed according to the RPL process s(he) should contact the instructor of the implementation during the pre-enrollment week or latest when attending the first lecture.
According to the HH's course feedback procedures.
31 - 60
• Teamwork of the Assignments 1 and 2: 100 %
There will be no extra assignments given to compensate for absences.
STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
2 cr
Master’s Degrees
The course is fully virtual and includes no classroom or online sessions. Feedback is given on tasks bi-weekly. The student can advance at their own speed individually.
Course material on Moodle
Annika Konttinen, Minna-Maari Harmaala
Pasila Campus
No exams on the course. Quizzes on Moodle at the student's own pace.
19.08.2024 - 16.05.2025
Quizzes and assignments on Moodle. Five assignments with grading 0-5 and two pass/grade assignments. All weighted equally in final grade. All assignments must be completed with passing grade to pass course.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
Course is available to students 19.8.2024-13.5.2025
No alternatives at this time.
61 - 100
Quizzes and assignments on Moodle. Five assignments with grading 0-5 and two pass/grade assignments. All weighted equally in final grade. All assignments must be completed with passing grade to pass course.
LUJOM Degree Programme in Business Development and Leadership, BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, LITEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, PAKEM Degree Programme in Service Business Leadership and Development, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
5 cr
Master’s Degrees
There is no implementations attached to this degree programme.
Master of Business Administration, Master's Degree
Act of Polytechnics 9.5.2003/351 20§
Before applying see the admission criteria at
The scope of the studies is 90 ECTS completed in 1.5 to 3 years as part-time of full time studies.
Studies can also progress through the use of competencies acquired in the past or competencies acquired at work during the studies.
The mode of studies is blended and the amount of independent studying, virtual studies and sessions on campus depend on the student’s individual study plan and the chosen courses. There are several types of course implementations to choose from, such as evening, intensive, partly or fully virtual. Depending on the course implementation, the learning sessions take place in evenings, weekends, virtually, and as intensive studies.
The language of the studies is English.
The degree curriculum includes core studies, specialization studies, free choice studies, thesis and maturity test.
Haaga-Helia's operations are governed by the Act on Studies in Universities of Applied Science 18.12.2014/1129 (in Finnish) and Haaga-Helia's Degree Regulations.
The course assessment criteria are available in the course descriptions. More information about the course assessment is available in Haaga-Helia's Degree Regulations.
The Master's Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation prepares the students for work in challenging knowledge work and management positions on private and public sector.
After the studies the graduates will be able to implement change projects and lead the transformation of their organization toward achieving its higher competitive advantage in a flux, global and international business environment. They will work in positions, for example: leading work development projects, planning and implementing business strategies, acting as leaders of their own business domestically and internationally.
Curriculum Structure:
Core Studies 20 ECTS
Specialisation Studies 20 ECTS
Free-Choice Studies 20 ECTS
Thesis 30 ECTS
Communication and Marketing Management
Digital Business Opportunities
Experience Economy and Designing Services
Leadership and People Management
Leading Sales and Customer Experience
Strategic Thinking and Management
Studies provide students with general competences, such as interaction competency, required in all organizations and with business specific skills and competencies, depending on the chosen specialization area by the student.
Compulsory studies focus on research and development skills as well as competences needed in developing organizations and leading change. Studies enhance students’ abilities in analytical and critical thinking and problem solving. Specialization studies focus on business related skills and competencies. Studies enhance the students’ ability to apply current research knowledge in their professional field.
In the beginning of studies, students choose their specialisation, on the basis of individual career goals and development needs. The specialisation studies together with thesis account for majority of the Master's studies.
The students represent various nationalities and work in organisations operating in global settings, which allows learning to take place in multicultural teams. The learning assignments mirror professional’s work in a global setting. The students can also take part in an exchange program with selected partner universities of Haaga-Helia UAS.
The courses include industry and business visitors and address the challenges of organisations and business. In addition, the thesis is a development project undertaken within an organisation.
The programme encourages students to study and work concurrently, which gives the students the opportunity to integrate real-life projects in studies. This exchange between work and study enhances the skills and competencies the students need to advance professionally.
The programme gives the students excellent qualifications for a variety of managerial and specialist positions in business and other organizations.
For example university studies (Ph.D.) or vocational teacher's programme
Haaga-Helia's alumni network is very active. Read more about our alumni relations and update your contact information to receive information about upcoming events, further education and Haaga-Helia's news.
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Pasila campus
Ratapihantie 13
00520 Helsinki
Head of the Degree Programme
Hanna Rajalahti, hanna.rajalahti(at)