Bachelor studies, daytime learning, before August 2022

GLOBBA Degree Programme in International Business

  • Programme
  • Curricula
  • Implementations

Name and level of education

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and the Finnish title of tradenomi

Admission requirements and applications

General eligibility for higher education in Finland; Language skills as required in the joint application system to degree programmes conducted in English
Act of Polytechnics 9.5.2003/351 20§
Before applying see the admission criteria at Studyinfo

Scope and duration

3.5 years and 210 ECTS credits

Recognition of learning

See Haaga-Helia general rules for the accreditation here Recognition of learning

Mode of study

Full-time day programme
Evening Studies

Language of tuition


Requirements and decrees

General eligibility for higher education in Finland; Language skills as required in the joint application system to degree programmes conducted in English

Study attainments and assessment

See Degree regulations

Targets and structure

Why to Choose Haaga-Helia BBA in International Business, Helsinki Pasila?

Your aim is to

Acquire a mind-set of continuous personal and professional development.
Have a strong professional orientation to global business.
Develop competencies in effective multicultural teamwork and communication.
Acquire a variety of competences needed by business developers, digital implementers, knowledge facilitators, relationship builders and solution providers.
Become an expert in one of the key fields in global business such as in customer relationship management and communication, entrepreneurship, financial management, human resource management and supply chain management.

Structure of the programme:

Basic Studies (compulsory for all students): 100 ECTS credits (including 25 cr language studies)
Specialisation Studies: 50 credits
Free-choice Studies: 15 credits
Work Placement: 30 credits. This can be accomplished in Finland or abroad and in several parts, typically 15 cr and 15 cr, also by working part time during studies.
Thesis: 15 credits

TOTAL: 210 ECTS credits

Haaga-Helia International Business graduates are highly competitive knowledge workers in the global labour markets. Graduates have the skills and broad-based know-how needed in global professional B2B services-focused environment. They anticipate future trends and cope proactively with the volatility of global markets. Our sales and service minded graduates create value through proactive networking in international contexts. In addition, they manage and lead multinational projects using effective teamwork, digital tools, time management, communications and negotiation skills. They also appreciate the importance of sustainability and business ethics.


When studying in the Haaga-Helia International Business Programme students have several opportunities to include multicultural dimensions in their degree studies. About one half of the students in the programme come outside Finland. They represent over 60 different nationalities. Annually more than 150 exchange students study in the programme. The large international student community at Haaga-Helia offers a natural daily platform for multicultural learning. Learning of multicultural communication and business knowledge is based on the vast expertise of the Haaga-Helia teaching staff. The full-time lecturers represent several different nationalities. In addition, visiting guest lecturers from Haaga-Helia’s international partner institutions give frequently lectures in the programme. In the full-time day programme students with the Finnish educational background must include either an exchange study period or work placement abroad in their degree studies. The wide network of international partner institutions all over the world helps all degree students find a suitable university for an exchange semester or two semester long double degree studies.

Work placement and cooperation with the business community

The programme works in cooperation with a wide range of different companies and organisations in Finland and abroad.

The cooperation strengthens the learning in the basic and specialisation studies and offers the students the possibility to develop their professional networks while studying. The programme offers Double Degrees with universities and universities of applied sciences abroad. It belongs to the global CIDD Double Degree network developing double degrees further together with partners.

The students of the programme can benefit from the wide network of almost 200 international partner institutions of Haaga-Helia. All students are encouraged to include exchange studies or work placement abroad in their degree. The programme staff and students function also in various international projects and networks, by developing e.g. the internationalisation and exports of enterprises.

Career opportunities

The studies prepare the graduates to work in all fields of international business. As a BBA one can develop a career from assistant levels to management positions, as an entrepreneur, a specialist or in RDI positions.

The Specialisation Major Customer Relationship Management and Communication prepares for careers in marketing, sales and communication. It gives skills in the areas of innovation and sales management, digital marketing, service design, B2B branding, corporate and marketing communication and how to create customer value in B2B service processes.

Financial Management leads to positions in areas such as accounting, controlling or finance. The studies focus on, for example, profitability controlling, financial reporting and how to find the most competitive sources and modes of finance for the company´s development projects and transactions. Typical job titles after graduation: accountant, controller, business analyst, financial manager.

Supply Chain Management (SCM) focuses on sourcing, sustainability, and the SCM function as supporting companies’ sales and service. The studies include, for example, sourcing strategies, managing quality and circular economy principles. Graduates collaborate with suppliers, optimise deliveries and engage in sustainable supply chain management. Graduates typically work in the areas of operations, logistics, purchasing or sales management.

Human Resource Management (HRM) prepares for careers in people management and leadership. HRM studies focus on attracting, managing, developing and rewarding talent in the competitive international labour market. Graduates typically work in positions of HRM assistant, HR consultant, HR coordinator, payroll specialist, recruitment consultant, compensation and benefits manager. Eventually many aim for the HR manager position.

Entrepreneurship specialisation prepares for careers in entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. Entrepreneurship studies focus on learning entrepreneurial competences to run entrepreneurial projects as well as start and develop a business. Graduates work as self-employed, in family business, franchising, freelancing, startups, as business advisors, innovation assistants or managers.

Postgraduate studies

Non Degree Programmes
Master studies: DP in Leading Business Transformation
University Studies

Alumni activities

Haaga-Helia offers various alumni activities and events also for students, offering an opportunity to network and create new connections. Read more about the alumni activities here.

Contact information

Degree Programme in International Business

Pasila campus
Ratapihantie 13
00520 Helsinki

Tel. +358 (0)9 229 611

Degree Programme Director: Anna Hankimaa
Academic Advisors: Elizabeth SanMiguel, Marit Keränen, Eva Herttuainen (evening studies)
All emails:

Study Services