Osaamis- ja opintokokonaisuudet, kielet ja kulttuuri, kesätarjonta ja muut opinnot

Travel and Transportation



No matter how you choose to travel, traveling is always about transporting from one place to another. But what will the future transportation experience be like?

When it comes to distribution, the essential point is that your customers need to find you – so you must be present wherever they are, whether it is virtually or physically.

In the Travel and Transportation studies you will learn about all the elements of travel and transportation in a close working life connection. So, if you are dreaming

about a future workplace at the airport, for an airline or a cruise-company, or virtual travel services or even space, this minor is for you!



Sisällön valinnaisuus

Kaikki pakollisia


Academic year 24-25: next implementation in spring semester 2025. See more detailed timings and implementation types by clicking on courses below.

* subject to change