JOUMA24 Journalism
Master of Culture and Arts, 60 ECTS

Spring 2024


Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Select visible years, semesters and periods (when only one year is selected) by clicking buttons on the right. (S = Spring, A = Autumn)

Year of study 1 2
Search: ECTS 1 2 1S 1A 2S 2A 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Compulsory Studies
(All compulsory)
TKI2HM001 Applied Design Research 5
JOU017AS3Y Perspectives on Research and Development of Journalism 5
Common Elective Studies
(Select 5 ECTS)
TKI2HM002 Data Analytics 5
TKI2HM003 Futures Research 5
ORG2HM001 Evolving Organisations 5
ORG2HM002 Learning Climate in Organisations 5
ORG2HM003 Acting as Coach and Facilitator 5
Specialisation Studies
(Select 5 ECTS)
JOU019AS3Y Data and Analytics in Journalism 5
JOU002AS3Y Journalists’ Digital Security and Introduction to Information Influencing 5
JOU003AS3Y Producer in a Editorial Room 5
JOU004AS3Y Current Trends in Journalism and Communication 5
JOU005AS3Y Deepening Professional Skills 5
JOU006AS3Y Data Journalism 1 5
JOU007AS3Y Data Journalism 2 5
JOU008AS3Y Journalistic Translation 5
JOU009AS3Y Audio Journalism 1 5
JOU010AS3Y Audio Journalism 2 5
JOU011AS3Y Social Media and Journalism 5
JOU012AS3Y Photojournalism 2 5
JOU013AS3Y Structure and Editing of Journalistic Text 5
JOU014AS3Y Video Journalism 2 5
JOU015AS3Y Investigative Journalism 5
JOU016AS3Y New and Experimental Storytelling 5
JOU018AS3Y Feature Journalism 5
Free-choice Studies
(Select 10 ECTS)
(All compulsory)
THE7HM701 Thesis Phase 1 10
THE7HM702 Thesis Phase 2 10
THE7HM703 Thesis Phase 3 10
ECTS credits per period / semester / academic year 150065850037.527.542.542.50000