Please select the curriculum by the start year of studies and track.
Jouko Mykkänen
Haaga Campus
12.08.2024 - 16.05.2025
12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
1 - 60
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Joel Pakalén, Aarni Tuomi
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Taina Pallonen
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 16.05.2025
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
1 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Pekka Heikkilä
Haaga Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Face-to-face instruction and independent work. Additional support from mathematics workshops.
Material available in Moodle
Timi Kohonen
Examples and exercises are from the everyday business life.
Porvoo Campus
The exam takes place in the last week of the course.
Retakes are organized in Exam.
26.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
Homework exercises or the final exam. Exercises earn bonus points for the exam.
Class exercises and examples.
12.08.2024 - 23.08.2024
The themes of the course are divided into 8 weeks, and there is an exam in the last week.
Virtual implementation and face-to-face implementation.
15 - 60
Homework exercises
Exam, with bonus points from weekly learning tasks.
Evaluation: Pass/Fail
When the implemention type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
3 cr
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Aarni Tuomi, Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Aarni Tuomi, Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
03.03.2025 - 09.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 28.02.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Johanna Förnäs
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Riitta Räisänen
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
The prerequisite is to have completed the Finnish Defense Forces non-commissioned officer (AUK) or reserve officer (RUK) training.
This is a demonstration implementation. DEMO implementations do not contain any tuition or classes. Other type of implementations are not possible. The demonstration is performed in Moodle.
Management and leadership books and professional management and leadership articles.
Piia Heikkilä
Finnish defense forces leadership training
Pasila Campus
No exam. Demonstration (essay and certificate of leadership training) will be returned to Moodle.
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
Demonstration is completed by writing a reflective essay and returning a certificate of completed leadership training.
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
You can return the demonstration assignments at a time that suits you best. Demonstrations are evaluated monthly.
Demonstration implementation. The prerequisite is to have completed the Finnish Defense Forces non-commissioned officer (AUK) or reserve officer (RUK) training.
0 - 200
The demonstartion is evaluated on a scale of accepted - rejected.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations, COACH Sports Coaching and Management, ITBBA Business Information Technology, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management, AVIBBA Aviation Business, INTBBA International Business
Bachelor of Business Administration (ENG)
Project based course. The project is about planning and organizing 2025. is Haaga-Helia's the biggest recruiting event, and will be held at Pasila campus, with over 40 companies and 800+ students participating every year.
The event organization will take place in small teams based on the student´s background, study program and interest. The course requires the students to work individually with their teams. Regular team meetings with teachers will happen in every second week, where questions can be discussed.
Depending on the team the student chooses students participate in different activities like:
- planning, organizing, producing and wrapping up the event
- budgeting
- contacting companies
- marketing for students and companies
- event management
- professional communication with stakeholders within and outside of Haaga-Helia
Agreed on an individual or a group basis.
Materials agreed with students.
Timo Lampikoski, Eszter Pienluoto, Jukka Väyrynen
Communicating with and marketing to companies, depending on student's team.
Pasila Campus
No exam.
The course is implemented with Finnish and international students collaborating in teams.
The language of the course is Finnish and English, depending on the member of the teams.
02.09.2024 - 28.02.2025
Event management diary: summary of what the student did during the course and what did they learn.
03.06.2024 - 27.08.2024
Course starts in September 2024, and ends in February 2025.
The kick-off meeting is held on 5th September 2024 15.00-17.00. Participation on the kick-off meeting is mandatory, as the schedule and small teams for the rest of the course will be decided then.
The course is about producing recruitment event, which takes place at Pasila campus on 29th January 2025. Active presence on this event as well as the preparation on the day before (28th January 2025) is mandatory.
1 - 20
Course starts in September 2024, and ends in February 2025.
The kick-off meeting is held on 5th September 2024 15.00-17.00. Participation on the kick-off meeting is mandatory, as the schedule and teams for the rest of the course will be decided then.
The course is about organizing recruitment event, which takes place in Pasila campus on 29th January 2025. Presence on this event as well as the preparation on the day before (28th January 2025) is mandatory.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations, ITBBA Business Information Technology, INTBBA International Business
Contact teaching, independent study and learning assignments. The teaching uses participatory and applied learning methods and guidance for independent work.
Will be presented in the beginning of the studies.
Kati Naumanen, Ulla Kuisma
Haaga Campus
Will be presented in the beginning of the studies.
International business context.
International learning environment and learning material.
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
Will be presented in the beginning of the studies.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Will be presented in the beginning of the studies.
15 - 25
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Contact lessons.
Group activities.
Can be found in Moodle
Maija Niemelä
Guests from Business.
Haaga Campus
Themes in this implementations are international.
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
Contact lessons two times in every week. More detailed timetable is in Moodle.
If you have prior knowledge, the course can also be demonstrated. More detailed instructions on key competence demonstrations can be found here:
15 - 40
Grades 0-5.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Maija Niemelä
Haaga Campus
03.03.2025 - 09.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 28.02.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Can be found in Moodle
Ivan Berazhny
Haaga Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Pasi Tuominen, Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
All materials will be provided in Moodle.
Mario Passos Ascencao, Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
All materials will be provided in Moodle.
Joel Pakalén, Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Janne Jokinen, Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
All materials will be provided in Moodle.
Pasi Tuominen
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
All materials will be provided in Moodle.
Joel Pakalén
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Laura Uusitalo
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Laura Uusitalo
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Lectures, guest lectures, site visits, flipped learning.
Material provided at the start of the course.
Ville Parkkinen, Aarni Tuomi
Real-world industry projects and examples. Site visits to companies. Guest lecturers from industry.
Haaga Campus
There is no exam.
International case-examples, international resources.
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
The course includes both group and individual assignment(s).
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
Teaching Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11am-1:45pm
Please see Haaga-Helia's RPL guidelines at:
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Digital material provided during the course
Literature and reading list published as the course starts.
Sonja Etelävuori, Markus Kauppinen
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
12.08.2024 - 18.10.2024
15 - 40
When the implementation type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 25%, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
This is a demonstration or DEMO-implementation for students who already have the knowledge and skills taught on the course. The course does not have tuition or classes.
Students demonstrate their previous learning in a demonstration report and discussion.
No predetermined learning materials.
Liisa Wallenius, Hanna Rinne
Students are encouraged to use their knowledge of the industry and previous work life experiences in the demonstration.
Porvoo Campus
Demonstration discussion (exam) as agreed by the supervising teacher.
The demonstration assignments include also portraying the hospitality industry from an international perspective.
19.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
In the demonstration report, the student writes a report which includes the following learning assignments
1 Traveler's timeline
2 International competence
3 Letter from the future.
Specifications in the DEMO Moodle course.
In the report and oral skills test, you will demonstrate your knowledge of key concepts in the hospitality industry and present your report.
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
The student and the supervising teacher agree on the date of report submission and the demonstration discussion.
Haagan kampus: Hanna Rinne
Porvoo campus: Liisa Wallenius
This Demo implementation is an optional learning method for face-to-face, online, blended, and virtual implementations.
The course does not have tuition or classes.
1 - 40
Evaluation of the report on a scale of 1–5, evaluation criteria in Moodle assignments.
Evaluation of the demonstration discussion according to the course evaluation scale
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
All materials will be provided in Moodle.
Mario Passos Ascencao, Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
All materials will be provided in Moodle.
Joel Pakalén, Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Contact teaching on campus, independent study as well as individual and group class and learning assignments.
Teaching will be based on participatory learning methods and supervision of independent work.
Surakka, A., 2012. Access to Finnish Law (e-book).
Materials on Course Moodle, such as Teacher’s and web materials
as well as class assignments.
Pia Vapaavuori
The course uses examples and cases from working life. The course may also include a company visit and/or guest lectures.
Haaga Campus
This course has no exam but the grade is based on assignments.
EU legislation.
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
There are 4 - 5 learning assignments on this course, which will be specified in the first session of the course. The subjects of the learning relate to the following legal areas:
Basic legal concepts
Introduction to key legislation regulating experience economy
Contract law
Consumer protection
Labour law
Data protection
The instructions and timetable for the learning assignments can be found on the course Moodle.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
More detailed information can be found in the Lukkari schedule and the course Moodle.
RPL - recognizition of prior learning
If you already have acquired the skills and competences set out in the learning objectives of this course, you can demonstrate your skills and competence.
To initiate the demonstration, you are required to notify by email of your wish to show your skills and knowledge of the Hospitality Law course through the demonstration process.
Please note that the demonstration is based on the skills and competence which you have acquired previously yourself (e.g. through your work). Accordingly, you are not given any course materials prior to the demonstration, but you should carefully familiarize yourself with the learninng objectives of the course to decide whether your skills and competencies match them. RPL will be assessed by the responsible teacher (Pia Vapaavuori) and the criteria for the assessment is how the student has been able to demonstrate that their skills and knowledge meet the learning objectives of the course.
If you already have enrolled on a Haaga-Helia implementation of Hospitality Law it is important that you inform both the teacher of your implementation and during the first week of the implementation of you willingness to initiate the demonstration process. You will then be removed from the implementation by the course teacher.
The demonstration cannot be completed, if you are actively on an implementation of Hospitality Law or if you previously have received a grade for the course (0 - 5).
Further information on demonstrating your skills can be found on the Haaga-Helia web pages.
15 - 40
The course grading is based on the following:
-The Data Protection Assignment is graded pass/fail. You need at least 50 % of the points in order to pass the assignment. You need to pass the Data Protection Assignment to pass the whole course.
-The total maximum points of the rest of the learning assignments is 100 points. To pass the whole course you need to gain at least 40 / 100 points.
There is no possibility for upgrading or retaking assignments. Further information on the learning assignments and their schedule can be found on the course Moodle.
The final grade of the course will be 0 - 5 based on the points you have gained in the course. If you are absent more than 25% of the classes, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Independent study
Hygiene passport test
Self-study material in Moodle
Mirjami Willman, Birgitta Nelimarkka, Jaana Laaksonen, Saija Laitinen
Haaga Campus
Hygiene passport tests are organized during the autumn and spring semester.
During autumn 2024 test will be organized
Monday 23.9. klo 13 classroom L402
Monday 28.10.klo 13 classroom L402
Tuesday19.11.2024 klo 14 classroom G314
Tests are organized at the following times during the spring in Haaga campus:
Tue 4.2. at 9.30 classroom L302
Tue 4.3. at 9.30 classroom L302
Tue 25.3. at 9.30 classroom G307
Registration for the test in Moodle no later than 3 business days before the test.
Payment (€12) via Lyyti before participating in the test. Information and link for payment are found in Moodle.
12.08.2024 - 16.05.2025
12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
If you already have the Finnish Hygiene Passport, you can get the credit to Peppi by presenting the hygiene passport. You need the card or the paper certificate from the Hygiene Passport. The credit is recorded in Study Services, whose information point is located in the Haaga library.
15 - 60
The test consist of 40 true/false statements. In order to pass the test, you must have at least 34 correct answers.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
This course is a part of all Haaga-Helia's degrees and the student can participate in any implementation. This implementation is aimed at students of Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management degree. This means that the contents of materials and exercises can be degree-specific. The competence goals and assessment criteria are identical for every implementation.
The course is conducted in contact learning in class
-Lectures about theory
-Exercises and guidance in class
-Final assignments
Course material will be published in Moodle-learning platform
Marika Elovaara Mak
The course gives the needed essential digital skills to using Microsoft 365 program for today's work life.
Microsoft 365 is a product family of productivity software, collaboration and cloud-based services.
Haaga Campus
Published in Moodle.
Course is conducted in English.
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Published in Moodle.
12.08.2024 - 18.10.2024
Published in Moodle.
15 - 40
Published in Moodle.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
This course is a part of all Haaga-Helia's degrees and the student can participate in any implementation. This implementation is aimed at students of Hospitality Management degree. This means that the contents of materials and exercises can be degree-specific. The competence goals and assessment criteria are identical for every implementation.
The course is conducted virtually and students progress independently with Moodle material. Teacher will also organize a few online classes to support the students.
Course material will be published in Moodle-learning platform
Marika Elovaara Mak
The course gives the needed essential digital skills to using Microsoft 365 program for today's work life.
Microsoft 365 is a product family of productivity software, collaboration and cloud-based services.
Haaga Campus
Published in Moodle.
Course is conducted in English.
19.05.2025 - 29.08.2025
Published in Moodle.
02.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
Published in Moodle.
20 - 100
Published in Moodle.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
5 cr
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
This is a contact learning workshop where you can attend as many times as you find suitable for you to get to know the basics of using the computer.
All students at Haaga-Helia need a personal computer device. You will soon write assignments and reports, record videos, attend online lectures and do many other tasks that would not be possible without a computer and a keyboard.
Your personal computer device can be a PC or Mac laptop, desktop computer, or a tablet with a proper keyboard and mouse. You must be able to install software to your device, such as the Microsoft Office desktop applications. You need enough memory to run them. Please see other recommendations for your device.
Here are the requirements for your immediately next courses:
On the Introduction to studies -course a mobile device or tablet is sufficient.
On ICT Competencies, you need a laptop or desktop computer where you can install Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and Excel as Desktop applications.
If you do not yet have a personal computer with a keyboard, you can start your studies using the campus computers. However, make sure that you will acquire a computer that obeys the Device recommendations for Haaga-Helia students.
Tommi Immonen
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
1 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
This is a demonstration or DEMO-implementation for students who already have the knowledge and skills taught on the course. The course does not have tuition or classes.
Will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Nina Vallin, Susanna Perikangas
Porvoo Campus
19.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
1 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Contact lectures and independent work.
Will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Nina Vallin
Working life examples in use.
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
Learning assignments in the course's Moodle.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
If you wish to complete this course by demonstrating, please contact the teacher before the course starts.
15 - 50
Each assignment will be graded from 1 to 5.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Maija-Kerttu Sarvas
Haaga Campus
12.08.2024 - 13.09.2024
12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
25 - 45
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
1 cr
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Taina Pallonen
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Sirpa Turunen, Anna-Liisa Aarti
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
This is a online course with 6 online lessons per week (Autumn 2024, period 2)
Materials will be provided in Moodle in the beginning of the course.
Jaana Laaksonen, Markus Kauppinen
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
When the implementation type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 25%, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed.
15 - 50
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Sirpa Turunen, Anna-Liisa Aarti
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
This is an Online course. Lessons are held in Teams in Period 2.
Course material is presented in firs lesson.
Thomas Kingelin, Outi Rekola
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Individual assignment and team assignment.
Assignment presentations online.
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
15 - 50
When the implementation type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 25%, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Timi Kohonen
Haaga Campus
12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
15 - 100
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Minna Polvinen
Pasila Campus
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
01.04.2024 - 01.04.2024
1 - 15
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations, COACH Sports Coaching and Management, ITBBA Business Information Technology, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management, AVIBBA Aviation Business, INTBBA International Business
Minna Polvinen
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
01.04.2024 - 01.04.2024
1 - 15
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations, COACH Sports Coaching and Management, ITBBA Business Information Technology, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management, AVIBBA Aviation Business, INTBBA International Business
Sirpa Turunen, Anna-Liisa Aarti
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
This is a online course with 6 online lessons per week (Autumn 2024, period 2)
Materials will be informed in the beginning of the course and will be seen in Moodle.
Jaana Laaksonen, Katja Laitinen
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
03.06.2024 - 18.10.2024
When the implementation type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 25%, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed.
15 - 50
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Aija Juvonen
Haaga Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Aija Juvonen
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Wallace Reynolds
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Wallace Reynolds
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
01.01.2024 - 01.01.2024
15 - 100
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
5 cr
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Wallace Reynolds
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Taina Pallonen
Haaga Campus
01.08.2024 - 30.07.2025
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
1 - 60
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Work placement instructions and return of documents as required by the degree.
Taina Pallonen
Haaga Campus
01.08.2024 - 30.07.2025
03.06.2024 - 16.07.2025
1 - 60
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Teaching is based on contact lessons (starting from calendar week xx): 48 contact hours, 87 hours independent study.
Schmidgall, R. 2009 (or later). Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting. Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, USA. Chapters: 6-9 and 10
Other study materials in Moodle
Pekka Heikkilä
Students are encouraged to actively present their own thoughts and knowledge from their working
experiences . All the assignments are working life related and based on practical cases.
Haaga Campus
Two classroom exams by Excel (max 2 * 30 p = 60 p) and two home-assignments (max 2 * 10 p = 20 p) during the course will include practical cases related to studied topics.
International reporting standards of the hospitality industry are applied in assignments.
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
Two individual home-assignments will be given during the implementation.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Weeks 1 and 2: Approach to budgeting and forecasting sales, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the hospitality industry
Weeks 3 and 4: Impact of pricing on demand and profitability and Profitability calculations of profit centers
Weeks 5 and 6: Profitability calculations of customer segments
Weeks 7 and 8: Operational budgeting and Variance Analysis
If you have prior learning of topics studied during this implementation you can demonstrate your competencies: procedure is to be discussed individually, please contact the teacher of this implementation.
15 - 40
Exam and Home assignments 100% (total max 80 p) showing:
Student´s skills to produce forecasts and use hospitality KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
Student´s skills to apply in solving managerial accounting problems,
Student´s skills to apply operational and cash budgets included in course contents and handle them as management tools
Evaluation table: S1 = 36 - 43 p / S2 = 44 - 51 p / G3 = 52 - 59 p / G4 = 60 - 67 p / E5 = 68 - 80 p
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Teaching is based on contact lessons (starting from calendar week 34/2024): 48 contact hours, 87 hours independent study.
Schmidgall, R. 2009 (or later). Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting. Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, USA. Chapters: 6-9 and 10
Other study materials in Moodle
Pekka Heikkilä
Students are encouraged to actively present their own thoughts and knowledge from their working
experiences . All the assignments are working life related and based on practical cases.
Haaga Campus
Two classroom exams by Excel (max 2 * 30 p = 60 p) and two home-assignments (max 2 * 10 p = 20 p) during the course will include practical cases related to studied topics.
International reporting standards of the hospitality industry are applied in assignments.
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
Two individual home-assignments will be given during the implementation.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
Weeks 1 and 2: Approach to budgeting and forecasting sales, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the hospitality industry
Weeks 3 and 4: Impact of pricing on demand and profitability and Profitability calculations of profit centers and customer segments
Weeks 5 and 6: Operational budgeting and Variance Analysis
Weeks 7 and 8: Cash budgeting and Forecasted Balance Sheet
If you have prior learning of topics studied during this implementation you can demonstrate your competencies: procedure is to be discussed individually, please contact the teacher of this implementation.
15 - 40
Exam and Home assignments 100% (total max 80 p) showing:
Student´s skills to produce forecasts and use hospitality KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
Student´s skills to apply in solving managerial accounting problems,
Student´s skills to apply operational and cash budgets included in course contents and handle them as management tools
Evaluation table: S1 = 36 - 43 p / S2 = 44 - 51 p / G3 = 52 - 59 p / G4 = 60 - 67 p / E5 = 68 - 80 p
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
This is a demonstration or DEMO-implementation for students who already have the knowledge and skills taught on the course. The course does not have tuition or classes.
Schmidgall, R. 2011 (or later). Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting. Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, USA. Chapters: 6 - 11
Other study materials in Moodle
Pekka Heikkilä
Porvoo Campus
19.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
Demonstration implementation. The course does not have tuition or classes.
1 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Learning materials will be announced in the each course.
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences 2022. Guidelines for Long Reports and Theses. Haaga-Helia Bachelor’s Degree. Bachelor’s Thesis Instructions.
Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Learning materials will be announced in the each course.
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences 2022. Guidelines for Long Reports and Theses. Haaga-Helia Bachelor’s Degree. Bachelor’s Thesis Instructions.
Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
The course will take the form of a mentoring programme. The aim is to deepen professional skills and networking.
The value of mentoring lies in the fact that the student is matched with a personal mentor who has graduated from Haaga-Helia. Mentoring is learning together, sharing experiences and knowledge through interaction.
As the programme is looking for a personal mentor for participants, those accepted for the course must respond in good time to a preliminary questionnaire sent by email.
It is up to the student to define the objectives for the mentoring. The objectives may be related to career planning, finding a concrete internship or job, facing the challenges of a final stage of working life or studying, self-development, getting to know Finnish working life or deepening expertise. The programme aims at the professional growth of the student and the strengthening of professional connections.
In the introduction, you will learn about the basics of mentoring and refine your objectives. The first group meeting will introduce you to your mentor and the rules of mentoring, agree on a schedule of the personal meetings and develop your interpersonal skills. In the second group meeting, you will network with all participants and hear a guest lecture. In the third meeting, networking will be further deepened.
The course is recommended to be taken preferably at the end of studies.
NOTE! The course is open to all degree students, regardless of campus, programme or orientation. Master's students can enrol, but the credits are not included in the degree.
Material is found in Moodle.
Elina El Amrani
The course is implemented in a work-oriented manner in cooperation with Haaga-Helia's alumni, who act as mentors in the program.
Pasila Campus
There is no exam included in the implementation.
A similar mentoring programme "Uralle vauhtia alumnien avulla" is also available in Finnish.
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
Once you have been accepted for the course, you will receive an email with a link to a preliminary questionnaire, which you must answer in time in order to participate. Mentoring pairs will be formed on the basis of the questionnaire.
During the course, you will return a mentoring agreement and a learning diary in the form of a short report.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Introduction to mentoring (compulsory attendance): in Teams, Wednesday 15.1. at 16-17, 1 hour
Group meetings (compulsory attendance): at Pasila campus, 6 hours
• 29 January at 16.30–18.30
• 19 March at 16.30–18.30
• 7 May at 16.30–18.30
Mentor meetings: to be agreed with the mentor separately (remote or on-site), minimum 6 hours
Independent study: 2.5 hours at your own pace
Assessment of own learning: 3 hours at your own pace
Depending on the implementation, the course may also include optional organisational visits..
It is not possible to perform in other ways.
15 - 45
Participation in group meetings (pass / fail)
Mentoring agreement (pass / to be to be completed / fail)
Learning diary (pass / to be to be completed / fail)
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations, ITBBA Business Information Technology, SPOCMA Degree Programme in Sports Coaching and Management, INTBBA International Business
The mentoring programme aims at the professional growth and the strengthening of professional relationships of the student (mentee).
The value of mentoring lies in particular in the fact that the mentee is assigned a personal mentor (a Haaga-Helia alum) who guides and supports the mentee in challenges. Mentoring is about learning together, sharing experiences and knowledge through interaction.
The mentee self defines the objectives for the process. The objectives may be related to career planning, finding a concrete internship or job, challenges in the working life or in the final phase of studies, self-development or deepening expertise.
The mentoring programme consists of one-to-one mentoring meetings between mentor and mentee, joint group meetings and self-study materials in Moodle. In the kick off meeting, the objectives and ground rules of mentoring are discussed, a mentoring agreement is drawn up and interpersonal skills are developed.
NOTE! The course is open to all degree students, regardless of campus, programme or orientation. Master students can enrol, but the credits are not included in the degree.
Material is found in Moodle.
Elina El Amrani
The course is implemented in a work-oriented manner in cooperation with Haaga-Helia's alumni, who act as mentors in the program.
Pasila Campus
There is no exam included in the implementation.
The mentoring programme is also taught in Finnish. It is called Uralle vauhtia alumnien avulla.
19.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
After acceptance to the course, you will receive a questionnaire, which is a prerequisite for participation. Mentoring pairs will be formed on the basis of the questionnaire.
During the course, you will return a learning diary in the form of a short report.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
Group meetings 3 x 2 h = 6 h
Mentoring sessions with the mentor minimum 4 x 1,5 h = 6 h
Voluntary visits to different organisations where mentors work max. 3 x 1,5 h = 4,5 h
Independent study 2,5 h
Assessment of own learning 2,5 h
Meetings, where attendance at the campus is compulsory:
28.8.2024 at 4.30–6.30 pm
23.10.2024 at 4.30–6.30 pm
11.12.2024 at 4.30–6.30 pm
Meetings between mentee and mentor are agreed by themselves. They can be done remotely or by meeting at a place agreed by you.
15 - 45
Participation in mentoring meetings (pass/fail)
Participation in group meetings (pass/fail)
Learning diary (pass/fail)
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations, ITBBA Business Information Technology, SPOCMA Degree Programme in Sports Coaching and Management, INTBBA International Business
Bachelor of Business Administration (ENG)
Taina Pallonen
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
12.08.2024 - 18.10.2024
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Sirpa Turunen, Jaana Laaksonen
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
If you want to demonstrate you knowledge on this Sustainable Experience Economy, choose this course. There is no teaching available if you choose this.
Antti Kurhinen, Rilla Engblom
Porvoo Campus
Safety Examination done independently on Moodle
19.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
The demonstration consists of three different sections:
A self-assessment of the student's skills and a CV (application letter).
A Security Exam, max. 20 points
An Oral Examination, max. 80 points
The self-assessment and CV are sent to the course teachers who, after reading the self-assessment, decide on the student's overall level of competence. If the student passes the self-assessment, the student will take the Safety Exam in Moodle with a maximum of 20 p. The student must obtain at least 10/20 points for the exam.
After passing the Safety Exam, the student will meet the teachers in the form of an oral questioning, where the student's competence in the areas of responsibility, fair travel, circular economy and Sustainable Travel Finland programme will be assessed. The maximum score for the oral examination is 80 p/100p.
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
1 - 40
Grading the demonstration (max. 100 points):
0-49 p -> grade 0 fail
50-59 p -> grade 1
60-69 p -> grade 2
70-79 p -> grade 3
80-89 p -> grade 4
90 -100 p -> grade 5
The demonstration cannot be renewed. This means that the grade given from the demonstration remains valid. However, if the grade is 1 or 2, the student can decide whether he/she would rather prefer to take part in a future course module instead of approving the given demonstration grade.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Contact lessons in Haaga Campus (Pajuniityntie 11)
Study project in week 48
Course material is presented in Moodle in the beginning of the implementation
Wallace Reynolds
Course material and assignments are reflected to Hospitality industry.
Haaga Campus
No Exam
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Team assignment: Study project (Christmas event in Haaga Campus)
Individual assignments
12.08.2024 - 18.10.2024
Contact lessons in Haaga Campus (Pajuniityntie 11)
2. Period 2023
Wed 14.00-16.45
Fri 11.30-13.45
15 - 40
Students' performance is graded on the following scale:
• Excellent (5)
• Very good (4)
• Good (3)
• Satisfactory (2)
• Fair (1)
• Fail (0).
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Jouko Loijas, Aarni Tuomi
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
- Thesis page on
-Handouts in Moodle
Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
19.04.2024 - 19.04.2024
1 - 50
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
- Thesis page on
-Handouts in Moodle
Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
19.04.2024 - 19.04.2024
1 - 50
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
- Thesis page on
-Handouts in Moodle
Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
21.10.2024 - 20.12.2024
19.04.2024 - 19.04.2024
1 - 50
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
- Thesis page on
-Handouts in Moodle
Violeta Salonen
Haaga Campus
24.03.2025 - 23.05.2025
19.04.2024 - 19.04.2024
1 - 50
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Sonja Etelävuori, Salla Ursin
Haaga Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Salla Ursin
Haaga Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Nina Mäkelä, Jenni Virtanen
Pasila Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
16.12.2024 - 10.01.2025
Online group meetings at Zoom:
1. meeting Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 3–5pm
2. meeting Thursday February, 20, 2025 at 3–5pm
3. meeting Thursday March 13, 2025 at 3–5pm
The Zoom-link will be available on Haaga-Helia's Moodle platform.
15 - 20
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations, COACH Sports Coaching and Management, ITBBA Business Information Technology, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management, AVIBBA Aviation Business, INTBBA International Business, HOST Strategic Hospitality Management
RDI and Digitalization
Sari Sinisalmi-Airila, Taina Pallonen
Porvoo Campus
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
11.04.2024 - 11.04.2024
1 - 10
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Minna Polvinen
Pasila Campus
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
01.04.2024 - 01.04.2024
1 - 15
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations, COACH Sports Coaching and Management, ITBBA Business Information Technology, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management, AVIBBA Aviation Business, INTBBA International Business
Minna Polvinen
Pasila Campus
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
01.04.2024 - 01.04.2024
1 - 15
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations, COACH Sports Coaching and Management, ITBBA Business Information Technology, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management, AVIBBA Aviation Business, INTBBA International Business
Kirsi Lehtoviita
Porvoo Campus
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
02.01.2025 - 02.05.2025
30 - 150
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
1 cr
Bachelor of Business Administration (ENG)
Contact lessons and group activities.
Can be found in Moodle.
Terhi Oksanen-Alén, Maija Niemelä, Jari Karjalainen
Visiting Business.
Practice in the kitchen and service.
Haaga Campus
There is one exam that has to be performed with approval in order to begin practical lesson.
Themes in this implementations are international.
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
At least three tasks must be completed to receive a grade. However, note the minimum score required to pass the course.
Group assignment Visit and Observe - and presentation, 20/100 points
Learning Journal, 50/100 points
Practical Test, 10/100 points
Reflective Task for Practical Days, 10/100 points
Practical Days, 5 points/day, 10/100 points
12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
Contact lessons two times in every week. More detailed timetable is in Moodle.
If you have prior knowledge, the course can also be demonstrated. More detailed instructions on key competence demonstrations can be found here:
15 - 40
Grades 0-5.
When the implementation type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 25%, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
This is a demonstration or DEMO-implementation for students who already have the knowledge and skills taught on the course. The course does not have tuition or classes.
Students demonstrate their previous learning in a reflective essay as a performance report. Previously acquired competence can be formed from previous studies, work tasks, hobbies, and their combination
No predetermined learning materials.
Jaana Laaksonen, Maija Niemelä
The student can utilize their work experience and skills in the performance report. The student is also responsible for providing any necessary documentation (such as work certificates, job descriptions, etc.) to the supervising teacher for the assessment
Porvoo Campus
Submission of the report according to the schedule agreed with the supervisor. No resubmission opportunity.
The topic area of the performance report also includes an international perspective
19.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
In the reflective essay, the student must demonstrate their competence and role with examples in the following activities:
hospitality in service production,
elements of experience and their appearance to the customer in service environments,
clusters and networks of the experience economy,
the identified development trajectory and need of the experience economy and enabling change.
More information can be found on the DEMO implementation Moodle pages
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
The student agrees on the submission date of the performance report with the supervising teacher of their own campus.
Haaga Campus: Maija Niemelä
Porvoo Campus: Jaana Laaksonen
This Demo implementation is an optional learning method for face-to-face, online, blended, and virtual implementations.
The course does not have tuition or classes.
1 - 50
Evaluation of the report on a scale of 1–5, evaluation criteria in Moodle assignments.
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management, STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
There is no implementations attached to this degree programme.
Bachelor of Hospitality Management and the Finnish title of restonomi (AMK)
Act of Polytechnics 932/2014, Section 25 §
Before applying see the admission criteria at Studyinfo
210 ECTS, 3,5 years
Read more about the principles of recognition of learning at Haaga-Helia. Recognition of learning
Daytime learning
Completion of the courses specified in the curriculum, compulsory work placement, a thesis and maturity test.
Haaga-Helia’s operations are governed by The Government Decree on Universities of Applied Sciences (1129/2014) (only in Finnish) and the degree regulations.
Do you want to be part of the world's most dynamic and leading socio-economic sector?
The degree programme in Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management provides students with multiple competencies. Students will accomplish their major in:
Experience Management (30 ECTS)
In addition, students may choose one or several minor packages (15 ECTS) in the field of Hospitality, Tourism, and/or Experience or other business studies.
Studies improve students' skills in project management, team working, and presentation. Bachelor of Hospitality Management graduate, is an expert in the service sector.
Structure of the programme:
Key Competencies 75 ECTS
Professional Competencies 90 ECTS
Work Placement 30 ECTS
Bachelor´s thesis 15 ECTS
A culturally diverse student body will impact the internationalisation of the student experience and facilitate the development of an appreciation of cultural differences and intercultural sensibility.
Learning outcomes are facilitated by the European and global business environments through international case studies and learning materials. Some of the modules are jointly designed and taught with partner schools abroad.
International and national alliances with hospitality companies (e.g. hotel chains, holiday resorts and airlines) and educational partnerships provide the opportunity to increase the international knowledge and experiences for the students. This is feasible in provision of internship or study project work across borders.
Master's Degree studies
Non-Degree studies in Haaga-Helia
University studies
Read more about the Haaga-Helia´s alumni and join the international network.
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Haaga Campus
Pajuniityntie 11
FI-00320 Helsinki
Programme Director
Mr Risto Karmavuo
email: risto.karmavuo(at)
Study Services
Haaga-Helia operator +358 9 229 611