LIIKO22 Bachelor of Sport Studies, Daytime and Blended Learning, Vierumäki Campus
Bachelor of Sport Studies, 210 ECTS

Autumn 2022

Key Competencies
(Select 80 ECTS)
Haaga-Helia Key Competencies
(All compulsory)
COM001HH1A Professional Communication 5
MAR001HH1A Customer Insight and Marketing 5
ICB001HH1A ICT Competencies 5
SAL001HH1A Customer Experience and Sales 5
HRL001HH1A Teamwork and Project Management 5
ANA001HH1A Research and Development Skills 5
ECO001HH1A Basics of Financial Management 5
ENT001HH1A Entrepreneurship and Business Operations 5
ENG001HH1AE Professional English 5
SWE001HH1A Professional Swedish 5
Keys to Studies and Career
(Select 5 ECTS)
Common Part
(All compulsory)
STU001HH1A Introduction to Studies 1
Optional Part
(Select 4 ECTS)
STU002HH1A Introduction to Digital Learning Environments 1
STU003HH1A Study Skills 1
STU004HH1A Time Management 1
STU005HH1A Wellbeing and Self-Leadership Skills 1
STU006HH1A Recognise and Communicate Your Strengths 1
STU007HH1A Career Planning 1
STU008HH1A Job-Seeking Skills 1
STU009HH1A Speed Up Your Career with Alumni 1
STU010HH1A Studies and Entrepreneurship 1
Key Competencies in Bachelor of Sport and Leisure management Studies
(All compulsory)
PHY001LI1A Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 1 5
PHY002LI1A Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 2 5
PHY003LI1A Event Organizing 5
PHY004LI1A Functional Anatomy and Physiology 5
PHY005LI1A Operating Environments in the Field of Sport and Physical Activity 5
Professional Competencies
(Select 85 ECTS)
Professional Competencies in Sport Studies
(Select 75 ECTS)
(Select 40 ECTS)
Physical Activity and Wellbeing
(Select 40 ECTS)
SPO001AS3A Responsible Sport and Physical Activity Management 5
PHY001AS3A Operating Environments in Promotion of Physical Activity and Wellbeing 5
PHY002AS3A Enhancing Health and Physical Activity 1 5
PHY003AS3A Enhancing Health and Physical Activity 2 5
PHY004AS3A Physical Activity in Disease Prevention and Treatment 5
PHY005AS3A Development as a Wellbeing Coach 1: Tools in Wellbeing Coaching and Wellbeing Technology 5
PHY006AS3A Development as a Wellbeing Coach 2: Testing and Exercise Programming 5
PHY007AS3A Instructorship in Health-Enhancing Physical Activity and Development of Expertise 5
(Select 40 ECTS)
SPO001AS3A Responsible Sport and Physical Activity Management 5
SPO002AS3A Responsible Sport Club Activities and Athlete Paths 5
SPO003AS3A Skills of Competence Developer 5
SPO004AS3A Planning and Implementation of Competence Development 5
SPO006AS3A Holistic Athlete Development 1 5
SPO007AS3A Coaching Process 1 5
SPO008AS3A Coaching Process 2 5
SPO009AS3A Holistic Athlete Development 2 5
Development of Sport and Physical Activity
(Select 40 ECTS)
SPO001AS3A Responsible Sport and Physical Activity Management 5
PHY001AS3A Operating Environments in Promotion of Physical Activity and Wellbeing 5
PHY002AS3A Enhancing Health and Physical Activity 1 5
PHY003AS3A Enhancing Health and Physical Activity 2 5
PHY004AS3A Physical Activity in Disease Prevention and Treatment 5
SPO002AS3A Responsible Sport Club Activities and Athlete Paths 5
SPO003AS3A Skills of Competence Developer 5
SPO004AS3A Planning and Implementation of Competence Development 5
SPO005AS3A Communities of Practice in Sport 5
PHY008AS3A Structures and Prerequisites for Operation in the Field of Sport and Physical Activity 5
PHY009AS3A Development of Activities within the Field of Physical Activity, Wellbeing and Sports 5
PHY010AS3A Developing Organizations within the Field of Sport and Physical Activity 5
(Select 40 ECTS)
SPO001AS3A Responsible Sport and Physical Activity Management 5
PHY004AS3A Physical Activity in Disease Prevention and Treatment 5
PHY011AS3A Adapted Physical Education 10
PHY012AS3A Adapted Physical Activity in Rehabilitation 10
PHY013AS3A Adapted Physical Activity in Sports and Recreation 10
Complementary Professional Competencies in Sport Studies
(Select 35 ECTS)
Expertise in the sports sector
(All compulsory)
PHY001AS2A Skill Acquisition 5
PHY002AS2A Nutrition and Recovery 5
PHY003AS2A Physical Activity Behavior and Motivation 5
PHY004AS2A Developing Sports and Exercise Services 5
PHY005AS2A Adapted Physical Activity 5
SPO002LI1A Strength and Conditioning 5
Development of Expertice
(All compulsory)
PHY006AS2A Development of Expertice in the Field of Sport and Physical Activity 1 2
PHY007AS2A Development of Expertice in the Field of Sport and Physical Activity 2 2
PHY008AS2A Development of Expertice in the Field of Sport and Physical Activity 3 1
Complementary Professional Competencies
(Select 0-10 ECTS)
PHY010AS2A Fundamentals of Gym Instruction 5
PHY014AS3A Adapted Physical Education 5
PHY015AS3A Adapted Physical Activity in Rehabilitation 5
SER029AS2A Developing Professional Competencies 1 5
Other Studies Included in the Degree
(Select 0-15 ECTS)
Work Placement
(Select 30 ECTS)
PLA031HH1A Basic Work Placement 5
PLA032HH1A Basic Work Placement 2 5
PLA033HH1A Basic Work Placement 3 5
PLA031HH2A Professional Work Placement 5
PLA032HH2A Professional Work Placement 2 5
PLA033HH2A Professional Work Placement 3 5
(Select 15 ECTS)
THE7HH901 Thesis Phase 1 5
THE7HH902 Thesis Phase 2 5
THE7HH903 Thesis Phase 3 5
THE7HH904 Maturity Test 0


Haluamme tarjota opiskelijoillemme motivoivia ja työelämäläheisiä oppimisympäristöjä, joissa he pystyvät kehittymään sekä ihmisinä että tulevina liikunta-alan ammattilaisina. Opintojen tavoite on tarjota valmiudet liikunta-alan asiantuntija- ja kehittäjätehtäviin, joissa korostuvat itseohjautuvuus, ajantasaisen tiedon hyödyntäminen ja yhdessä oppimisen taidot.

Opiskelija perehtyy opintojensa aikana seuraaviin liikunta-alan toimintaympäristöihin: kilpa- ja huippu-urheiluun sekä hyvinvointi- ja liikuntapalveluihin. Opintojen aikana on mahdollista kehittää osaamista mm. liikunnan ja urheilun pedagogiikan, asiakaslähtöisten palveluiden ja -tapahtumien, liikuntajohtamisen ja organisaatioiden kehittämisen sekä yrittäjyyden parissa.

Liikunnanohjaaja voi toimia julkishallinnossa, kansalaisjärjestöissä tai yksityissektorilla. Työ voi sisältää kehittämistä, suunnittelua, markkinointia, johtamista, ohjausta, osaamisen kehittämistä tai urheilijakeskeistä valmennusta. Opinnot antavat valmiuksia toimia myös yrittäjänä. Valmistuttuaan opiskelija voi edistää ja kehittää työssään ihmisten kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointia, kilpa- ja huippu-urheilua ja liikuntaelämyksiä. (not translated)