On this course you will study Swedish with an emphasis on subjects related to your own field of study. Therefore, be sure to choose an implementation aimed for students in your degree programme.
After successful completion the student is able to
- communicate in situations in their field of study and discuss topics related to that field in Swedish.
- keep up with news in their field of study and produce primary documents linked to that field in Swedish.
- operate in a Nordic work context taking the main cultural differences into consideration.
The starting level is B1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The prerequisite is a passed placement test in Swedish or the completion of the Brush up Swedish course.
- Communication in work life, discussion and following of of topical themes in own study field, writing short texts
- Cultural awareness, knowledge of Nordic business culture and responsible business in the Nordic countries
Knowledge: Your knowledge of the language is satisfactory in view of the projected learning outcomes of the course.
Skills: Your skills allow you to complete the given tasks and assignments with assistance. You need to develop how to apply your knowledge.
Competence: In view of the projected learning outcomes, you have a basic knowledge of the language and you demonstrate a limited ability to apply your skills, but you have difficulty to manage without assistance.
Knowledge: Your knowledge of the language is good in view of the projected learning outcomes of the course.
Skills: Your skills allow you complete the given tasks and assignments independently. You are able to apply your knowledge in practical situations, considering the projected learning outcomes of the course. You can critique your own abilities and identify ways to improve.
Competence: In view of the projected learning outcomes, you have a basic to good knowledge of the language and you demonstrate sufficient ability to apply your skills. You can perform independently, but you have some challenges in passing on your skills and knowledge to others. You have an interest in professional development.
Knowledge: Your knowledge of the language is excellent in view of the projected learning outcomes of the course.
Skills: Your skills allow you to apply your knowledge in demanding situations, considering the projected learning outcomes of the course. You can independently find ways to develop your skills and to cope in spontaneous situations.
Competence: In view of the projected learning outcomes, you have detailed and explicit knowledge in the language and you apply your skills with natural proficiency. You can perform independently and you are also able and actively willing to help others develop and pass on your skills. You have an attitude of continuous professional development.
Select an implementation within your field of study to explore topics relevant to your profession.
When the implementation type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 25%, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed