- Contact based study (8 x 45 min. sessions) during period 1 in Autumn 2023 in the form of lectures and class discussions.
- Independent online study in the form of written assignments, multiple choice assignments and discussion forum assignments.
Course material and links to external sites are available in the Moodle course. Additionally, students are encouraged to explore related materials on their own on the www.Haaga-Helia.fi site and other relevant sites.
The course requires the students to familiarize themselves with - the professional careers of ITBBA students in Finland and internationally in order to map personally relevant future career opportunities. - explore both Finnish and international study and work opportunities during studies and thereafter.
Pasila Campus
No final examination.
Refer to working life connections above.
19.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
Written assignments, multiple choice assignments and discussion forum assignments.
12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
Eight 45min sessions on Thursdays at 10:00 - 10:45, during period 1 in 2024.
not applicable
Liila Mäntylä Peuralinna
15 - 25
Pass / fail based on attendance and assignments.
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
0.00 cr