This is a virtual implementation is based on self-directed working.
-No team assignments, only individual ones.
-No mandatory lectures or meetings.
-Online support will be offered.
Edmondson, A. C. Roberto, M.A., Watkins, M.D. (2003): A dynamic model of top management team effectiveness: managing unstructured task streams. The Leadership Quarterly 14 297-325.
Kahneman, D. On Making Smart Decisions. E-kirja. Harvard Business Review Press 2013.
Wageman, R. Nunes, D.A., Burruss, J. A., Hackman, J. R.: Senior leadership teams: what it takes to make them great. E-kirja. Harvard Business School Press cop. 2008
+ other online material on Moodle.
The learning themes of the implementation are formed based on top management/CEO interviews of Finnish companies from various sectors. Personal work life experiences can be utilised in the assignments.
Pasila Campus
There is an online multiple choise test in the course. All the details will be informed on Moodle.
The learning content is based on international examples and cases.
15.01.2024 - 15.03.2024
Assignment 1. Multiple choice Assignment 2: Writing assignment Assignment 3: Audiovisual assignment
02.01.2024 - 12.01.2024
The learning platform on Moodle will open latest on 15th January 2024.
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competence via a demonstration and thus progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognizing and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at MyNet.
Olli Laintila
31 - 40
The assessing criteria will be announced in the course Moodle.
STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, STROM Strategiatyö organisaatioissa
0.00 cr
5.00 cr