Sustainable Events as Pull Factor for Destinations (project) SER010AS3AE-3004 19.08.2024-30.07.2025 5 (DEMO)+-
Learning objectives
1 Is able to consider the United Nations sustainable development goals and Sustainable Travel Finland program in event planning and production and create a sustanainability plan for the event 2 Is able to calculate and minimize the carbon footprint at events 3 Is able to actively communicate to the event audience and key stakeholders about the sustainibilty efforts 4 Builds on the destinations' attractiveness and recourses in creation of the event concept
Sustanability programs, Sustainability planning for events, Event concept creation, Destination development
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student can name sustanability programs affecting the event industry. He/she can sufficiently distinguish the role of events in destination development. The student can sufficiently develop and manage sustainability plans for events.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student can apply and compare various sustainability programs to support the event concept creation. The student can formulate sustainability plans for events and destinations. Student can identify the development needs regarding sustainability at events. He/she sees the potential of using events to create more attractive destinations.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student can apply, compare and critically assess various sustainability programs to support the event concept creation. The student can develop and manage sustainability plans for events and destinations. Student can identify the development needs regarding sustainability at events. He/she makes use of sustainable events concepts to create more attractive destinations.