Online lectures. In the lectures, we use flipped class-room method. Each lecture includes pre-assignment, group discussion in breakrooms and short lecture given by the teacher.
Nina Helander
Lecture materials and selected research methodology book chapters and articles that are provided in the Moodle.
Pasila Campus
Moodle exam in the end of the course.
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
Pre-assignments before each lecture, research plan and Moodle exam.
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
Altogether seven online lectures during evening time (17:40-20:30).
Anita Pösö
31 - 60
Grade is based on Moodle exam (70%) and student's activity level in the course (30%). In order to pass the course, student need to have accepted Research plan, which is written during the course.
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
0.00 cr
1.00 cr