Work Placement PLA6PO104-3009 01.08.2023-31.07.2024 30 (AB5CQ)+-
Learning objectives
The students learn to develop their professional skills and to link their academic studies with real-life work practices and is able to evaluate and develop their workplace environment. Work placement is assessed as pass (H=accepted) or fail. Please see MyNet for further information.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
The student has successfully completed 120 ECTS.
Work placement period is one uninterrupted period or several shorter ones. Work placement can be full-time or part-time work with a minimum of 20 h/week. A students submits a written work placement notification (application) to the work placement coordinator. Work placement comprises the following:
• Participation in a placement info meeting before work placement.
• Contact with the work placement advisor (lecturer) before and during the placement.
• Placement period in an approved company or organization.
• Keeping a learning log.
• Submitting a written or an oral placement report with the required attachments and submitting the required documents to the advisor.
• Giving feedback on the learning platform or submitting a Work Placement Abroad –student report