This is a CONTACT implementation and remote participation is not possible. Participation to all evenings is not mandatory but highly encouraged.
Course learning approach is collaborative learning. Learning happens In Pasila workshops according to the Lukkari schedule, as well as individually and practising in pairs / teams outside classroom.
There are three main learning objectives:
1. To understand the concepts of coaching and facilitation, either at a basic level or by deepening one's own knowledge
2. To observe and develop interactions and interpersonal communication and to learn the basic elements of coaching-process (dialogue, asking questions etc)
3. Planning and implementing the facilitation process + the ability to select different facilitation methods according to objectives and situations.
The course approach is very interactive. The evenings consist of discussions, interactive coaching and facilitation exercises and orientative lectures. In addition to the contact workshops, learning requires self-directed study of the topic, and the submission of two personal learning reports. The learning process will be supported by a comprehensive methodological and resource bank in the course's Moodle environment. In additional, students may form and arrange voluntary peer / sparring groups for additional practice.
The course benefits all Masters students who wish to develop their coaching approach, coaching skills and competences as a facilitator.
Mirka Sunimento
The course materials / suggestions will be available on the course's Moodle learning environment. Te course does not require acquiring a specific book.
Some examples of literature related to the course is listed below
Kaner, S., Lind, L., Toldi, C. Fisk, S. & Berger, D. Facilitator's guide to participatory decision-making.
Starr, J. 2009. The Coaching Manual
Course material and topics translate into working life situations, abilities and know-how. Potentially also Guest Lecturer / Visit
Pasila Campus
No Exam
Internationality is provided by course content, materials, assignment, case studies (and makeup of students in the class).
20.10.2025 - 12.12.2025
Evaluation: Classroom activity = max 30 % Learning Report 1 (Journey to coaching and facilitation skills, weighted at 40% of the assessment) is a document focusing on personal learning Learning Report 2 (Facilitation experiment, weighted at 30% of the assessment) reports on the planning, implementation and reflection of you authentic group facilitation. Each participant is independently responsible for his/her own facilitation experiment, which can be carried out in his/her own work community, in another community/organisation or in a sparring group formed during the course.
This course workshops take place according to the schedule in Lukkarikone
Details for each days agenda will be provided in Moodle.
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show their competence via a demonstration and thus progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognizing and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at
Instructions for course specific RPL requirements will be shared in the course Kick
Mirka Sunimento
31 - 60
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business, BUTUM Degree Programme in Business Technologies and Management
0.00 cr
0.00 cr