Lectures, guest lectures, site visits, flipped learning.
Material provided at the start of the course.
Real-world industry projects and examples. Site visits to companies. Guest lecturers from industry.
Haaga Campus
There is no exam.
International case-examples, international resources.
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
The course includes both group and individual assignment(s).
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
Contact lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 to 13:45 in classroom G317.
From 1.4. onwards, classes start with a short meeting in the "Valopiha garden."
Preliminary timetable, changes are possible:
Week 1:
25.3. Introduction of the course and who we are
Pleasant tasting, and let's get to know what data is and how we can use it
27.3. In-class activity, How and what data is used in the restaurant today and how do we utilize it?
Case Kotipizza at 12.30-
Week 2:
1.4. Course assignment introduction, Blokgarden
3.4. Primary production 2.0. In-class Activity
Sustainable food production from smart greenhouses- vertical farming, space farming
Week 3:
8.4. Visiting lecture: Miikka Inkinen, MatrFoods
10.4. Restaurant of the Future
Service robotics, AI
Week 4:
15.4. New consumption channels
direct-to-consumer foods, subscription-based food; food vending machines
17.4. Kitchen of the Future
3D printing, AI
Week 5:
22.4. Introduction to GMO, Solein, cellular agriculture
New ingredients to feed the growing world population
24.4. Visitors from the Blokgarden, today we are focusing on our garden
Week 6:
29.4. Mini-presentations / mid-course check on how group assignments are going (Future Restaurant 2050 & Blokgarden)
Week 7:
6.5. Blokgarden assignment final presentations
8.5. Restaurant 2050 assignment final presentations
Week 8:
13.5. Harvest festivals
15.5 Dismantling of the course assignment
Please see Haaga-Helia's RPL guidelines at: https://www.haaga-helia.fi/en/career-planning/recognition-learning
Aarni Tuomi, Ville Parkkinen
15 - 40
EXPER Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management
0.00 cr
0.00 cr