International Finance FIE3LF103-3006 15.01.2024-17.05.2024 5 (EVENING, ...)+-
Learning objectives
You are equipped with tools and theory to understand and analyse the international economic environment and the processes of international financial management. You identify financial systems and how they are structured. You can operate in the international financial markets and banking environment and are familiarised with foreign exchange markets and international trade. You recognize methods to manage foreign exchange and credit risk, including derivate instruments and how financial markets are different. You identify the various risks that businesses face in their daily operations in a competitive global environment. You also recognize and understand bank related risks and risk mitigation.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
Prerequisite: FIE3LF101 Introduction to Corporate Finance.
financial institutions
international banking: commercial and investment banking
foreign exchange markets
interbank markets and role of central banks
trade and project finance
bank and corporate risk management
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
You know the key concepts within the course’s scope, but are yet to develop the general view and the big picture of the subject matter.
You can complete given tasks and assignments with assistance. You need to develop how to apply knowledge
You demonstrate some ability to perform skills and have basic knowledge, but you have difficulty to manage without assistance.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
You know the key concepts well and can explain how the theories and models function and the tools are used. You have a general view of the subject matter.
You complete given tasks and assignments independently. You apply knowledge in hands-on business related situations. You can critique your own practice and identify ways to improve.
You demonstrate sufficient ability to perform skills and have basic to good knowledge. You can perform independently, but you have some challenges in passing on your skills and knowledge to others. You have an interest in professional development.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
You have a strong command of the key and related concepts. You can critically evaluate theories, models and tools. You can demonstrate explicit knowledge of the subject matter, and how it relates to other disciplines.
You apply knowledge in demanding business related situations. You can prioritize and critically select tools and methods for solving complex problems in the subject matter.
You execute skills with natural proficiency and you have detailed and explicit knowledge. You can perform independently and you are also able and actively willing to help others develop and pass on your skills. You have an attitude of continuous professional development.
Further information
Cooperation with the business community
Guest lectures, partner company co-operations
An international case company and benchmarking the closest competitors in multicultural student teams.