The service design course has a very practical and hands-on form and requires an active approach from each participant. During the course, work is done on the company case project commissioned by the industry in teams of 4-5 students. During the contact days you will learn the theory and between the contact days you will apply it into a practice.
Moodle for the course will open at the latest 24.1.2024.
Riina Iloranta
Material in Moodle.
Pasila Campus
26.01.2024 - 17.05.2024
in group] 1. SD Process Description & Tools Evaluation [30%] [in group] 2. Service Solution 'Book' [40%] [in group] 3. Presentation of the Service Solution [10%] [in group] 4. Case Study for SDN (Service Design Network) library [10%] [individually] 5. Peer Review Report [10%] The deliverables required for this course are natural milestones for inclusion in your schedule.
02.01.2024 - 12.01.2024
Contact days at campus:
day-1: 2.2.2024, 9-15.45
day-2: 3.2.2024, 9-15.45
day-3: 8.3.2024, 9-15.45
day-4: 9.3.2024, 9-15.45
day-5: 13.4.2024, 9-15.45
day-6: 17.5.2024, 9-15.45
Between the contact days, the work is done in 4 person groups in a weekly basis.
Mario Passos Ascencao, Vesa Heikkinen, Riina Iloranta
15 - 50
The assignments are graded 1-5.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation
0.00 cr
0.00 cr