This course is a part of all Haaga-Helia's degrees and the student can participate in any implementation. This implementation is aimed at students of the journalism and media degree. This means that the contents of materials and exercises are degree-specific. The competence goals and assessment criteria are identical for every implementation. / Tämä opintojakso kuuluu kaikkiin Haaga-Helian tutkintoihin ja opiskelija voi osallistua mille tahansa toteutukselle. Tämä kyseinen toteutus on suunnattu medianomitutkinnon opiskelijoille. Tämä tarkoittaa, että alakohtaisuus on otettu huomioon materiaalien ja harjoitusten sisällöissä. Osaamistavoitteet ja arviointikriteerit ovat kaikilla toteutuksilla yhtenevät.
After completing this course, the student:
• can describe themselves and their competence in a positive, sales-oriented way in English.
• knows the most central terminology of their field in English and is able to learn more independently.
• can understand/communicate key content related to business enterprises and companies
• knows principles of multicultural communication and can adapt their communication in work-related situations according to those principles.
• can evaluate their language and culture-related competence and assess possible needs for development.
The CEFR level of the course is B2.
Combination of different methods:
• Collaborative learning: workshops in teams
• Activities and assignments supervised by the lecturer
• Digital Learning
• Independent learning (home assignments, preparation for the workshops)
Learning materials provided by the Lecturer and digital/Moodle materials.
See Learning objectives.
Pasila Campus
The detailed timetable announced on the course.
• knows principles of multicultural communication and can adapt their communication in work-related situations according to those principles.
• can evaluate their language and culture-related competence and assess possible needs for development.
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
ASSIGNMENTS AND EXERCISES • Five (5) compulsory individual assignments (detailed schedule and deadlines in the Moodle section: COURSE ASSIGNMENTS AND DEADLINES) WORKSHOPS consisting of various classroom activities • WORKSHOP 1: CAREERS AND PERSONAL BRANDING • WORKSHOP 2: WRITTEN COMMUNICATION • WORHSHOP 3: MEETINGS • WORKSHOP 4: CULTURAL AWARESS
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
The detailed timetable announced on the course.
Ilpo Päiväläinen
15 - 44
• Evaluation based on Five (5) compulsory individual assignments (detailed schedule and deadlines in the Moodle section: COURSE ASSIGNMENTS AND DEADLINES); evaluations scales: 1-5/and Pass/fail depending on the individual Assignments
MEDIA Medianomi, journalismi
0.00 cr
0.50 cr