International Economics ECO020AS3AE-3004 23.03.2026-15.05.2026 5 (IBE4PAACC, ...)+-
Learning objectives
Students develop their knowledge of International Economics.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
The student has successfully completed Principles of Economics (Yritykset, kuluttajat ja yhteiskunta), or equivalent.
Classic and modern trade theories
Trade policy
Foreign exchange markets
Exchange rate determination
Exchange rate regimes
Economic integration
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
• knows some of the basic concepts of international economics
• knows some of the economic mechanisms in the international economic sphere
• in a team, is capable of analyzing some of the effects of the international economy on the firm
• understands news related to international economics
• knows where to look for information
Assessment criteria - grade 3
• knows how economics is related to international economics
• knows core concepts of both international trade and international finance
• can independently analyze effects of international trade and international finance on the firm
• feels comfortable when working in a team
• in a team, can make suggestions for preventive measures
Assessment criteria - grade 5
• has a very good understanding of the potential effects of international trade and international finance on the firm
• has a very good understanding of different models used in international economics
• can independently analyze potential opportunities in the international environment for the firm
Further information
When the implementation type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 25%, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed.