Students are required to participate actively in classes. There will be both individual and group work. After completion of the course and/or after acquiring equivalent competences, student:
- knows the structure of the economy and identifies the most significant drivers of economic change
- understands the role of the public sector, consumers, and businesses in society as a builder of wealth and well-being
- knows the principles of economic decision-making
- knows what is meant by corporate social responsibility and how the circular economy and sustainable development are promoted in business operations
- knows the key concepts and indicators of the economy
- understands current phenomena and trends in the global economy and their impact on the operations and competitiveness of companies.
This course will be based on material from following link:
Students are allowed to use the Economy 1 or economy 2
It is possible to read in any language of your choice. However, classes and assignments, and quizzes will be in English language.
Teacher will make available presentations and instructions in Moodle.
The course will focus on presenting and analysis of: - Economic growth, gross domestic product and well-being - Economic sectors and actors - Entrepreneurship and innovation processes - Supply, demand and the markets - society and Inequality - Circular economy - Development goals and sustainable development - Globalization and foreign trade - Economic policy
Porvoo Campus
The course has three quizzes and one analytical assignment
quiz 1 stands for 20% ,
quiz 2 stands for 30% and
quiz 3 stands for 30%
and final assignment stands for 20%.
Quizzes will be open during the period of 20.08.2024 until 10.10.2024
Participants have international background
- Learning material of international character
- Case example with international background
- Possible guest lectures with international background
18.08.2025 - 10.10.2025
This course will have three parts : Quiz 1: Introduction to Economics Quiz 2 : Micro Economics in practices Quiz 3 : Macro Economics Assignment 4: Final assignment on about sustainability
Lectures: TUE, THU 14:00-16:45
Porvoo Campus in Classroom 1421
During the period of 20.08.2024 - 10.10.2024
Those who have acquired equivalent competences may get a chance to demonstrate their competences.
They should discuss and agree with the teacher.
Each student is required to attend classes and to use available material.
Each student is required to do three quizzes and one final assignment.
Evariste Habiyakare
15 - 50
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student can describe:
- the importance of the economy and politics as a basis for the functioning of society
- economic phenomena, and is familiar with key economic concepts
- the structure of the economy and is familiar with the key international economic relations
- the principles of the circular economy, as well as the behavior and economic decision-making of people and businesses.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student:
- can estimate the impact of economic phenomena on their own activities, on consumers and on businesses
- can interpret key basic economic concepts
- can describe economic phenomena and their impact on the operating environment
- knows the role of Finnish society in the European Union and in the wider international community
- can assess the importance of the circular economy in society. Knows and understands the behavior and economic decision-making of people and companies.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student can analyze
- the impact of economic phenomena on the operating environment
- masters the basic economic concepts excellently
- its own and the company's operations based on economic phenomena
- the future impact of the circular economy on society
- the impact of human and business behavior and economic decision-making on the functioning of the overall economy.
DIGIBBA Digital Business Innovations
0.00 cr
0.00 cr