Teaching is based on contact lessons (starting from calendar week xx): 48 contact hours, 87 hours independent study.
Schmidgall, R. 2009 (or later). Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting. Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, USA. Chapters: 6-9 and 10
Other study materials in Moodle
Students are encouraged to actively present their own thoughts and knowledge from their working experiences . All the assignments are working life related and based on practical cases.
Porvoo Campus
Two classroom exams by Excel (max 2 * 30 p = 60 p) and two home-assignments (max 2 * 10 p = 20 p) during the course will include practical cases related to studied topics.
International reporting standards of the hospitality industry are applied in assignments.
18.08.2025 - 10.10.2025
Two individual home-assignments will be given during the implementation.
Weeks 1 and 2: Approach to budgeting and forecasting sales, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the hospitality industry
Weeks 3 and 4: Impact of pricing on demand and profitability and Profitability calculations of profit centers and customer segments
Weeks 5 and 6: Operational budgeting and Variance Analysis
Weeks 7 and 8: Cash budgeting and Forecasted Balance Sheet
If you have prior learning of topics studied during this implementation you can demonstrate your competencies: procedure is to be discussed individually, please contact the teacher of this implementation.
Kalle Räihä
15 - 40
Exam and Home assignments 100% (total max 80 p) showing:
Student´s skills to produce forecasts and use hospitality KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
Student´s skills to apply in solving managerial accounting problems,
Student´s skills to apply operational and cash budgets included in course contents and handle them as management tools
Evaluation table: S1 = 36 - 43 p / S2 = 44 - 51 p / G3 = 52 - 59 p / G4 = 60 - 67 p / E5 = 68 - 80 p
STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management
0.00 cr
0.00 cr