Lectures, team discussions, guest speakers, class exercises
All study and practice materials and tutorials are available in Moodle.
There are Video tutorials, Sway documents and PowerPoint materials for study. In addition, for the accounting part, the following e-book is recommended and available online with HH credentials: Accounting and finance for non-specialists, Atrill, Peter McLaney, E. J., 11th edition. Pearson Education.
During this course, we utilize various real-case examples from various countries.
Pasila Campus
Attendance and quizzes are part of the grading criteria, in addition to Two (2) exams for Finance & Accounting and One exam for Business Math.
Check grading criteria % in moodle
During this course, we utilize various real-case examples from various countries. We also utilize a variety of international sources for learning material and videos.
25.03.2024 - 17.05.2024
Quizzes in Moodle, workbooks, Exams
02.01.2024 - 22.03.2024
Tuesdays and fridays from 2-1630. For detailed Schedule check moodle
You can RPL this course if you think you already have the knowledge-skills through work experience or prior studies, contact the teacher for more information
Juan Borra, Timi Kohonen
15 - 45
Attendance : 10% (compulsory 70%)
Quizzes': 20%
Finance & Accounting:40%
Business Math: 30%
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
0.00 cr