Basic 3D Design with Blender DIG012AS2AE-3014 23.03.2026-15.05.2026 3 (ITB2PADIG1, ...)+-
Learning objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, the student knows how to create valid and complete 3D meshes for use in visualisation, games design, and 3D printing.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
No demands on previous courses.
Followed by an extended, problem-based learning course DIG006AS3AE Extended 3D.
This course is a NECESSARY PREREQUISITE for DIG005AS3AE 3D Printing.
Introduction to 3D modeling
Blender installation and environment
3D Modeling Basics
Learning to use the Blender environment
Transforming objects in Blender
Tool Shelf and Properties window
Adding and moving more objects in Blender
Subdivision and Extrusion
Subdivision Surface
Using curves and background images
Materials and textures using Blender internal renderer
Using the Simple Deformers
Basic Lighting and Cameras
Modifiers and Add-Ons
Rendering the scene
Basic UV Mapping Introduction to 3D modeling
Blender installation and environment
3D Modeling Basics
Learning to use the Blender environment
Transforming objects in Blender
Tool Shelf and Properties window
Adding and moving more objects in Blender
Subdivision and Extrusion
Subdivision Surface
Using curves and background images
Materials and textures in meshes
Using the Simple Deformers
Basic Lighting and Cameras
Modifiers and Add-Ons
Rendering the scene EEVEE and Cycles
Basic UV Mapping
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student has limited understanding of 3D and Blender. Meshes created are very simple and texturing is rudimentary.
The student has satisfactory skills to produce small, textured meshes and rendered scenes in Blender.
The student shows satisfactory activity and initiative in learning process.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student knows partly the Blender application. Meshes created are more complex and have good texturing.
The student has good skills to produce intermediately complex meshes and scenes.
The student shows activity and initiative in learning process. He/she is willing to develop his/her 3D skills further.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student understands the Blender system to a large extent and can produce complex and well textured meshes.
The student shows activity and initiative in learning process. He/she is willing to develop his/her 3D skills further.
The student shows excellent activity and initiative in the learning process. He/she is independently taking his/her skills further using other online tutorials than those in the course.