Upon successful completion of the course:
- the student has used ERP-system(s) for procurement and understands what the Purchasing Process is and what variations companies typically use about it
- the student has investigated and understands to which other business processes purchasing is interconnected (sales, manufacturing, warehouse and inventory management, enterprise asset management, financial management in particular)
- the student has explored and understands the different purchasing organization setups and their implications (centralized, decentralized, hybrid)
- the student has used ERP-system(s) to the extent that she/he understands how ERP systems facilitate purchasing and has learned to use some of these capabilities (such as material requirements planning, demand management, advanced planning for lean manufacturing etc.)
- the student is able to figure out some main trends, current and future, in purchasing, such as new scalable business models (C-to-C, C-to-B), traceability (tracking origin of materials), business networks such as Ariba
- the student learned to use SAP for purchasing and interrelated business processes