As was introduced by Haaga-Helia management in spring 2024, the new attendance policy has been made effective autumn 2025 onwards;
This means that:
Being absent more than 25 % of the scheduled lessons might reduce the course grade by 20 %
An absence of more than 50 % leads to disqualification (in this course if absent from 5 or more evenings)
Pedagogical approach in this course is Autonomous and Experimental Learning - and we follow "iterative and agile" way of working :)
A) First A lecture to the topic and introduction of related assignment(s)
B) “Independent study and testing"” where students get familiar with the topic and materials, look for information, engage with each other on the discussion forum and do some content creation / testing / analysis.
C) Analysis and discussion together before moving into the next topic
Note! As this course very much follows the iterative process of planning, ideation, testing, measurement, evaluation and development it is encouraged to identify a real life "test lab" and objective for the course assignments.
This could be, for example related to your own personal brand, company employee advocacy, improvement of customer engagement etc. It is not mandatory, and there are options for assignments that don't require testing but from the learning perspective testing something for real is ideal :)
Hanna Rajalahti
Will be shared in course Moodle.
Real life cases analysed in each module and students may do the experiments for their own employer / chosen organisation. Guest Lecturer.
Pasila Campus
No re-takes as the evaluation is mostly based small tests and experiments done during the course.
International by default.
01.09.2025 - 07.11.2025
The main assignments of this autonomous-learning and iterative course are 10 % Exam (motivational orientation assignment) 10 % Online certificate (Hubspot or similar) 60 % Small experiments and tests and weekly Moodle activity & Zoom participation 20 % Reflective essay on own learning with at least one peer-reviewed article used OR presentation about using AI in Marketing
21.08 17:40 - 20:30 Zoom Course Introduction, including instructions for the Exam (motivational orientation assignment required to continue the course)
06.09. 17:40 - 20:30 Zoom
13.09. Inpedendent study / testing / experimenting
20.09. 17:40 - 20:30 Zoom
27.09. Inpedendent study / testing / experimenting
04.10. 17:40 - 20:30 Zoom
11.10. Guest Lecture Mira Mäntyranta, Head of Analytics @Nordic Morning 17:40 - 20:30 arranged as a hybrid event in both Pasila 6205 and in Zoom
26.10. 17:40 - 20:30 Zoom
02.11. Inpedendent study / testing / experimenting
09.11. 17:40 - 20:30 Zoom
16.11. Inpedendent study / testing / experimenting
23.11. 17:40 - 20:30 Zoom
30.11 17:40 - 20:30 Zoom
13.12. Inpedendent study / testing / experimenting
Mirka Sunimento
31 - 60
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
0.00 cr
1.00 cr