Upon completion of the course:
LO1: Student is able to define the process in becoming an entrepreneur and evaluate different available business forms and formalities.
LO2: Understanding entrepreneurial approach, business mindset based on individual, organisation and society context
LO3: Evaluate different entrepreneurial opportunities and business models with sustainability considerations e.g. circular economy.
LO4: Promote entrepreneurial spirit through individual participation, group work and understanding team dynamics influence in start-up context
LO5: The student realises the value and use of creating a useful business network both from an individual perspective and organisation´s view
The aim: Learn to think like an entrepreneur and to solve real-world problems by creating something new. After a successful participation in the course, the student should be able to develop business model considerations in context of entrepreneurial process in starting up a business. In addition, the student will be able to present a new venture idea to potential decision makers. Student will understand the difference between intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship and develop skills in innovative thinking, considering both inside and outside a corporate frame.