VIRTUAL, self-study course.
NOTE! This study module prepares you for starting the Thesis. On the course, you will ideate a preliminary topic for your own thesis. You will also enroll to the thesis process to acquire a thesis supervisor.
The course is offered for all Haaga-Hedia study lines, and the student can participate in any implementation. This implementation is aimed for IT students. Learning gials and grading criteria are identical for all course implementations.
Pasila Campus
No exam. There are assignments, along with a larger comprehensive assignment.
19.05.2025 - 29.08.2025
The study module is divided to 8 themes, which necessitates independent work and time management. There is a comprehensive assignment, the duration of which is 3 weeks.
02.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
We offer contact, blended, online and virtual versions of the course. Alternative is an exam in the Exam system.
Hanna Mäenpää
15 - 100
Total of assignments:
1. Thesis "driver's license" quiz 0 - 5 p
2. Goal-setting assignment 0 - 5 p
3. Theoretical Background-assignment 0 - 5 p
4. Knowledge search quiz 0 - 5 p
5. Reporting quizi 0 - 5 p
6. Quantitative research methods quiz 0 - 5 p
7. Qualitative research methods quiz 0 - 5 p
8. Own topic proposal to Wihi 0 - 5 p
9. Comprehensive assignment: Evaluating a thesis 0 - 60 p
Total grade for the course:
0 - 49 Fail
50 - 59 1
60 - 69 2
70 -79 3
80 - 89 4
90 - 100 5
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
5.00 cr