This course will be completed by participating in contact lessons and completing the tasks given during the daytime implementation. Individual and group coaching will be provided to support assignment completion and learning.
Our course book is: Design of Everyday Things, By Don Norman
In addition to the book, lecture presentation materials and additional reference materials will be provided to support learning and completing the course assignments.
Topics to be covered in the course include the following:
Methods for developing user experience:
• for mapping the user experience
• for analyzing the user information
• for utilizing the information in design
• for testing and evaluating the designs
Real life business cases will be used on the course.
Pasila Campus
There is no exam in this implementation.
International literature and other reference materials and cases will be used on the course.
22.08.2022 - 14.10.2022
a) Group assignments b) Individual assignments All assignments needs to be completed and passed in order to pass the course. See Moodle for details.
13.06.2022 - 19.08.2022
According to the given schedule, i.e. lectures on Mondays and Thursdays btw. 22.8.-13.10.2022. See detailed course schedule in Moodle.
This course may be completed by either:
a. participating in the contact lessons and completing the tasks given during this daytime implementation OR
b. by participating in a working life project or other project OR
c. by turning in the learning assignments (both group and individual) OR
d. by showing the requisite skills as acquired at work.
A self-assessment will be required for completion of the course.
Anne Lahti
15 - 30
The final grade of this course will be based on evaluations from multiple individual and group assignments during the implementation.
Accepted course is evaluated with grades from 1 to 5:
Grade 1 = Knows partially the concepts related to user experience and understands the meaning of user experience in service development. Knows the basic principles of designing user experience.
Grade 3 = Knows the basic concepts related to user experience, can map the user experience and utilize the findings in designing user experience.
Grade 5 = Masters the entity of user experience, can map the entire user experience and skillfully applies the knowledge gained in designing user experiences.
Course grade consists of two elements:
- Final Presentation (group assignment) - 50%
- Final Report (individual assignment) - 50%
BITE Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
2.00 cr
0.00 cr