Porvoo Campus
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
Annika Konttinen, Rilla Engblom
15 - 40
RESTO Restonomi
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
No ongoing implementations yet.
Poster session
Empathy map
Group work
Individual assignments
Material provided in the Moodle platform.
The topic, context and examples are all industry-related.
Porvoo Campus
The topic, learning materials and examples are international
15.01.2024 - 15.03.2024
#1 Individual introductory assignment 20%: My responsible consumption assignment. #2 Group Assignment Changing Consumer Behaviour: Trend analysis (poster + report) 20 % #3 Group Assignment Sustainable Consumer: Make an empathy map of a created sustainable consumer 20 % #4 Group Assignment Improving sustainable communication 40 %: Make a sustainability communication plan for a chosen company Activity in class will affect the final grade.
02.01.2024 - 12.01.2024
Classes on Thursdays at 8.30-10.45 in room 3402
Group work (unsupervised) on Fridays at 8-11 in room 3402 or a place of your choosing
Preliminary timetable:
Week 3: Introduction to the course, definitions of consumer behaviour & sustainable communication
Self study: My responsible consumption Assignment.
Week 4: Consumption discussion and trends in consumer behaviour
Group study: Read and explore trend reports, pick 3 most impressive trends and give examples
Week 5: Making the trend posters, gallery poster walk about trends, sharing ideas on consumer trends
Group study: Analyze the picked trends and write a trend report.
Week 6: Lecture: Sustainable Consumer + empathy map tool. The factors that influence consumer behaviour, such as attitudes, values, norms, emotions, motivations, social influences, and situational factors.
Group study: Study sustainable consumer and make an empathy map of a created sustainable consumer.
Week 7: Presentations of empathy maps. Lecture: How to influence consumer behaviour and become more sustainable
Self study: Find one good example of a company’s sustainable communication with justifications.
Week 9: Lecture: Discussion on good and bad examples from sustainable communication.
Communicating sustainability (means, methods) and green washing.
Group study: Working on sustainability communication plan for a chosen company
Week 10: Sustainable communication plan presentations, fishbowl feedback session.
Group study: Final adjustments to sustainability communication plan for a chosen company based on the feedback.
Week 11: Webinar + discussion in Moodle. Give official course feedback through the link in Moodle.
Annika Konttinen, Rilla Engblom
15 - 40
Individual assignment: 20 %
Group assignment: consumer behaviour: 40 %
Group assignment: sustainable communication: 40 %
Activity in class will affect the final grade.
STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management
0.00 cr
0.00 cr