This is a virtual course with no contact hours. Independent study in network environment. Feedback provided for parts 1-2. The assessment of one’s own learning 1 h.
Material available on the Moodle platform.
The course supports the students in their own research/development project which is related to the business community.
Porvoo Campus
Deadlines of assignments are available on the course Moodle site. No exams for this course.
International learning materials and assignment contents.
18.08.2025 - 12.12.2025
Part 1 = 60 % (video or report) Future orientation and trend analysis (The importance of futures thinking, definitions; analysing, anticipating and forecasting future trends) Innovative development methods (Applying the two step method for making scenarios). Part 2 = 40 % (letter) Transformation description: How the trends and transformation will shape the chosen industry: business opportunities and possibilities You can complete the assignments on your own or with another student.
Week 34. Have a look at the course contents.
Week 35. Choose and describe your industry.
Week 36. Describe the megatrends that affect the world in the decades to come.
Week 37. Describe the two most interesting industry-related trends you focus on.
Week 38. Finalise the trend section of your video/report
Week 39. Explore the two step method for making scenarios
Week 40. Describe the two step method for making scenarios
Week 41. Start making scenarios and document it on the video/report.
Week. 42. Intensive week.
Week 43. Continue making scenarios and document it on the video/report.
Week 44. Deadline: Submit your trends and scenarios assignment (Part 1).
Week 45. Transformation: Look back.
Week 46. Transformation: Paint the big picture.
Week 47. Describe the key steps to business transformation (apply the Six Hats)
Week 48. Deadline: Submit your letter from the future assignment (Part 2).
Week 49-50: Submit official course feedback.
Learning by using the work-based learning method “Work&Study” according to on a plan if the learning goals of the course can be obtained through the student´s work or hobby.
Demonstration (of earlier skills and knowledge in the course content).
Anu Seppänen, Annika Konttinen
25 - 100
Part 1 = 60 % (video or report)
Part 2 = 40 % (letter)
RESTO Restonomi
0.00 cr
5.00 cr