Understanding Air Travel Experience of Persons with Disabilities (0.5 ECTS)
• Learners will be able to review the air travel journey of persons with disabilities
• Learners will be able to understand the customer journey and its touchpoints
Legal Frameworks and Existing Benchmark Regulations (Part 1 EU), (1ECTS)
• Learners will become familiar with the existing legal framework and benchmark regulations related to services for PRMs and PwDs in Europe.
• Learners will be able to understand the purpose of regulations for air travel of PRMs and PwDs (i.e., EC1107/2006).
• Learners will gain knowledge about the roles and responsibilities of service providers, operators, and travellers with disabilities when traveling by air.
Legal Frameworks and Existing Benchmark Regulations (Part 2 US, Canada) (1ECTS)
• Learners will be able to understand the key regulations regarding passengers with disabilities in Canada and the USA.
• Learners will be able to recognise the main differences between benchmark regulations and the need for consistency.
Air Transport Accessibility Today (0.5 ECTS)
• Learners will be able to familiarise themselves with the global aviation industry's ecosystem, including its primary stakeholders and organisations, key facts, and processes.
• Learners will be able to understand how air transport accessibility has evolved to the present day.
• Learners will be able to describe trends related to accessibility in the aviation industry.
Accessibility Terminology (including definitions of PwDs and PRMs) (1ECTS)
• Learners will be able to identify terms and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) special service codes that refer to passengers who may need assistance while traveling by air.
• Learners will be able to understand specific access requirements, which may include visible and invisible disabilities.
Universal Design (1 ECTS)
• Learners will familiarise themselves with the seven principles of Universal Design (UD).
• Learners will understand how these seven principles apply to aviation in terms of built environment infrastructure, products, services and facilities, as well as physical and digital communication and information.