This is a 8 week virtual e-learning course which can be completed latest on the Intensive week.
The course utilizes tutorials and learning materials from Microsoft and other good contributors.
Guided learning thru Moodle setup and teacher instruction videos.
The course utilizes also a SharePoint RPA-support site created by teacher.
- selected E-book and learning materials online
- instructed learning materials, tutorials, demos and workshops
- lectures / video presentations
Leading tools used in businesses.
Pasila Campus
No exam.
International materials and tools.
15.01.2024 - 22.03.2024
Tutorials Workshops Learnings project - automation assignment Quizzes Learning Diary
02.01.2024 - 12.01.2024
Starts on first week of semester
Start-Up Module need to be done in accordance with defined schedule in Moodle
to confirm place on the course.
No other deadlines than to complete the course.
RPL - includes an assignment to prove skills.
Ralf Rehn
15 - 40
Preliminary setup for pilot course:
Course activity (workshops, tutorials etc) 30%
Quizzes 30%
Learning Diary - including reflections and learning evaluations 40%
ITBBA Business Information Technology
0.00 cr
2.00 cr