RPL - regonition of prior learning
Please see the instructions on Moodle
Restonomiopintojen avainosaamisten näytöt
Agree on the demonstration schedule and exam date with the course supervisors
Hanna Rinne at Haaga campus
Liisa Wallenius at Porvoo campus
14.08.2023 - 29.07.2024
- application for RPL - Assignments as per Moodle instructions at Avainosaamisten näyttö - Fundamentals and Future in Toursim and Hospitality - Demonstration exam
20.11.2023 - 20.11.2023
Apply for demonstration in the beginning of the academic term by contacting the supervisor.
Agree on the dates for assignments and demonstration exams.
This is the alternative demonstration for the implementations (contact and blended)
Liisa Wallenius, Hanna Rinne
15 - 40
Assessment of the assignements, scale 1-5
Assessment of oral demonstration, scale 1-5
RESTO Restonomi
0.00 cr
0.00 cr