Virtual instructed.
Virtual instructed.
In Ulysseus Moodle. All registered students will receive instructions for Ulysseus Moodle registration before the course starts.
Two central topics on this course are seeking a job in German and dealing with German-speaking customers.
A written exam at the end of the course. Two re-takes possible.
02.10.2023 - 15.12.2023
- videos, recordings, and presentations - hand-in written tasks - Moodle-exercises (limit to pass: min. 50 % of each exercise)
01.09.2023 - 06.10.2023
Claudia Jeltsch
15 - 50
Assessment is based on
- video for job search 20 %
- shopping dialogue (pairwork) (pass/fail)
- product presentation as video 20 %
- compulsory Moodle-exercises (quizzes) 20 % (each one has to be a pass ie min. 50 %)
- written exam 40 %.
0.00 cr
5.00 cr