Detailed information on timetable etc. on the student schedule and during the first lecture. Please note, it is compulsory to participate to the first on-line lecture in order to keep the course position and later complete the course.
There is a strong "learning-by-doing" method in the course.
Moodle platform and all the articles etc. material referred in Moodle.
Strong connection to the working life in the materials and also possible outside entrepreneurs as guest stars.
Pasila Campus
No exam. Assignments and their presentations act as "exams". Please note, there is no re-take possibility, so do your best work at once. It is compulsory to act on time and fulfill all the requirements in order to pass the course.
Internationalization is inbound in all the materials and approach.
20.10.2025 - 12.12.2025
Instructions at Moodle and during the first on-line lecture. There is a group-work and an individual assignment and their presentations in the course. All these assignments must be done well and returned in time and according to instructions in order to pass.
According to separate time table, detailed instructions during the first on-line lecture.
If you already know the study requirements of this course you can possibly demonstrate your skills. Please contact the respective study guiding councellor (=OSO).
More information: https://www.haaga Ohjeistus: Opintojakso – Kuvaustiedot – Toteutustavat, näyttö ja opinnollistaminen
Petra Lindell
15 - 50
Evaluation is based to the quality of the assignments and their presentation. Detailed information in the Moodle and during the first lecture.
INTBBA International Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr