If you already have acquired the skills and competences set out in the learning objectives of this course, you can demonstrate your skills and competence. The demonstration will be completed within this DEMO implementation, to which you should enroll in PEPPI.
Please also notify one of the responsible teachers rilla.engblom@haaga-helia.fi, antti.kurhinen@haaga-helia.fi or pia.vapaavuori@haaga-helia.fi during the first week of the implementation of your willingness to complete the demonstration.
The Sustainable Experience Economy course consists of Law Studies (3 credits), which affect the course grade 60% and other Experience and Sustainability Studies (2 credits), which affect the course grade 40%.
Rilla Engblom and Antti Kurhinen are responsible for the demonstration of the Experience and Sustainability part of the course, and Pia Vapaavuori for the Law part of the course.
19.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2024 - 15.12.2024
Contact a responsible teacher at the beginning of the course implementation during the first week.
Antti Kurhinen, Pia Vapaavuori, Rilla Engblom
1 - 40
In the demonstration, you will show your previously acquired skills in an exam and/or interview. Your competence will be assessed according to the course assessment criteria. The grade obtained in the Law part affects 60% of the grade of the entire course, and the grade obtained in the Experience and Sustainability part affects 40% of the grade of the entire course.
More information on the demonstration process can be found here: https://www.haaga-helia.fi/en/career-planning/recognition-learning
STEM Sustainable Tourism and Event Management
0.00 cr
0.00 cr