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Entrepreneurship Studies and StartUp School in Haaga-Helia



The world is changing rapidly and so is the world of work. In the future, work will be fragmented - for example, careers may consist of successive periods of paid work and self-employment. These changes will require an entrepreneurial approach from all of us. At Haaga-Helia, you will be equipped to become an entrepreneur during or after your studies. You can also work on entrepreneurship in an expert role! Our studies develop the skills needed in working life.

Entrepreneurship studies can complement your skills alongside your major studies. Best of all, entrepreneurship studies are suitable for all degrees!

Entrepreneurship studies help you develop your entrepreneurial and business skills:
- entrepreneurial thinking and action
- Understanding and anticipating change
- your capacity and ability to manage your own career
- understanding entrepreneurship in different roles
- your ability to develop and create business from ideas
- a holistic business mindset
- your ability to identify business opportunities and business ideas; and
- your ability to develop and internationalise an SME.

Please note that some of the courses will be available later on.


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