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Digital Innovation Hub



This path is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the Eureopean Union

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. (Project Nº.: 612656-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-SSA-P )

The DIHUB (Digital Innovation Hub for cloud-based services) study path offers a specialization either in cloud technologies or in cloud-based AI services. The study path is implemented by Haaga-Helia in close cooperation with the AWS Academy, businesses using cloud services and European project partners. Other cloud platform providers are also involved.

Read more: DIHUB




Select according to specific criteria35 - 55 cr


The student will study either cloud technologes or cloud-based AI services together with companies and in interaction with a European Innovation Hub for Cloud Based Services. The Innovation Hub is a European community of students, educators, businesses, cloud service providers and other actors aiming at the promotion of cloud services related knowledge and innovations.


According to the student’s own interest and in accordance with the supervisor.

Further information

The student will first learn the basics of cloud computing and services. After that s/he will select either courses related to cloud technologies or to cloud-based AI services. Thereafter, each student will complete a cloud services related work placement or thesis work in a company.

Additionally, a Business IT project course, 10 ECTS, on cloud-based AI services may be completed

The complete information on available courses is in the Innovation Hub Platform.

How to join?

If you are interested in joining the DIHUB study path, do the following:
1. Complete a course on cloud foundations. E.g. ICT8TF050, ICT4TF024 or ICT8TF052
2. After completing the course, fill in the Webropol survey