The student is able to apply the fundamentals of design and visual communication theory to the process of solving communication challenges.
The student can demonstrate original, creative and relevant thinking, and apply it to visual communication solutions.
The student can successfully produce visual communication solutions using the appropriate Adobe design programmes.
The student is able to continue to develop their skills and knowledge through self-directed learning.
This course is a part of all Haaga-Helia's degrees and the student can participate in any implementation. This implementation is specifically aimed at students of the TRALI Business Administration degree.
Material will be available via the Moodle site.
The student will plan and implement a visual design project, during the course.
Pasila Campus
No exam
The course will be taught in English, and much of the material will be from international sources.
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
Visual design project.
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
Graham Hill
15 - 35
Passing the course requires commitment to the assignment work and contact sessions. The grade is based on the design material produced (70%) and on the student’s own commitment and attitude (30%).
TRALI Business Administration
0.00 cr
3.00 cr