LEBUM24 Leading Business Transformation
Master of Business Administration, 90 ECTS

Spring 2025


Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Select visible years, semesters and periods (when only one year is selected) by clicking buttons on the right. (S = Spring, A = Autumn)

Year of study 1 2
Search: ECTS 1 2 1S 1A 2S 2A 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Common, Elective Studies
(Select 15 ECTS)
RDI2HM102 Data Analytics 5
RDI2HM103 Futures Research 5
ORD2HM101 Evolving Organisations 5
ORD2HM102 Learning Culture in Organisations 5
ORD2HM103 Acting as Coach and Facilitator 5
Compulsory Studies
(All compulsory)
RDI2HM101 Applied Design Research 5  
(All compulsory)
THE7HM601 Thesis Phase 1 10  
THE7HM602 Thesis Phase 2 10  
THE7HM603 Thesis Phase 3 10  
Specialisation Studies
(Choose one)
Digital Business Opportunities
(Select 20 ECTS)
DIG4HM101 Digital Service Design 5
DIG4HM102 Business Analytics 5
DIG4HM103 Robotic Automation 5
DIG4HM104 Emerging Technology Opportunities 5
DIG4HM106 Artificial Intelligence in Modern Business 5  
DIG4HM108 Digital Ethics 5  
DIG4HM109 Digital Business Platforms and Ecosystems 5
Experience Economy and Designing Services
(Select 20 ECTS)
EXP4HM101 Service Design 10
EXP4HM102 From Services to Experiences and Transformations 5  
EXP4HM103 Brand Experience Development 5
EXP4HM104 Design Service Systems and Value Networks 5  
Communication and Marketing Management
(Select 20 ECTS)
COM4HM101 Strategic Brand Management 5
COM4HM102 H2H Communication 5
COM4HM103 Digital Marketing Technologies 5
COM4HM106 Leading Creative Planning and Production 5
COM4HM107 Crisis Communication and Reputation Management 5
Leading Sales and Customer Experience
(Select 20 ECTS)
SAL4HM101 Processes and Strategic Development of Sales 5
SAL4HM102 Developing Sales Oriented Organisation 5
SAL4HM103 Development of Customer Journey and Leading Customer Experience 5
SAL4HM104 Online Store as Sales Channel 5
Leadership and Human Resource Management
(Select 20 ECTS)
LEA4HM101 Strategic Human Resources Management 5
LEA4HM102 Leadership Clinic 5
LEA4HM103 Reflective Leadership 5
LEA4HM104 Employee Experience and Employer Brand 5
LEA4HM105 Conscious Leader 5
ORD2HM104 Organisational Behaviour 5
Strategic Thinking and Management
(Select 20 ECTS)
STR4HM101 Strategic Thinking and Growth Strategies 5
STR4HM102 Strategy in Practice 5
STR4HM103 Experimental and Engaging Strategy 5
STR4HM104 Responsible Business and Sharing Economy 5
STR4HM105 Strategic Financial Management 5  
Free-Choice Studies
(Select 20 ECTS)
Other Studies
(Select 0 ECTS)
ECTS credits per period / semester / academic year 157.562.58572.542.52037.547.527.54522.5201010


The extent of the Master's Degree is 90 ECTS. The degree consists of the following studies:

Compulsory studies - Applied Design Research 5 ECTS

Common elective studies - Choose minimum of 15 ECTS from Research and Development and Organisational Development competence areas.

Specialisation studies - Choose one specialisation and minimum of 20 ECTS from it. Specialisation studies include also Master's thesis 30 ECTS.

Free-choice studies - Choose 20 ECTS from the common elective studies, from your own specialisation, from other specialisations or from other Master level studies that are clearly related to the field of the degree. In case you want to include courses from other universities or universities of applied sciences to your degree, first ensure from your guidance counsellor that the course you have selected can be approved to your degree.