Spring 2025
Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.
Select visible years, semesters and periods (when only one year is selected) by clicking buttons on the right. (S = Spring, A = Autumn)
The extent of the Master's Degree is 90 ECTS. The degree consists of the following studies:
Compulsory studies 20 ECTS - Applied Design Research, Data Analytics, Evolving Organisations and Organisational Behaviour.
Specialisation studies 20 + 30 ECTS - Strategic Thinking and Growth Strategies, Strategy in Practice, Experimental and Engaging Strategy and Strategic Financial Management. Specialisation studies include also Master's thesis 30 ECTS.
Additional advanced competencies 20 ECTS - The following courses are recommended: Effective Management Team, Strategic Brand Management, Strategic Human Resources Management and Responsible Business and Sharing Economy.
Instead of the recommended additional advanced courses, you may choose courses from other master's level courses in Haaga-Helia or from other universities or universities of applied sciences. The courses you choose, must be clearly related to the field of the degree. Ensure from your ISP supervisor that the course you have selected can be approved to your degree.