Introduction to Financial Administration, 5 op - YHT1PE014
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After having completed this course or attained an equivalent competence level, the student:
- Knows how to calculate key financial ratios like like simple and compound interest calculations.
- Knows the basics of cost-volume-profit analysis
- Knows how to calculate key figures based on the financial information of a company and how to interpret them
- Knows how to analyze the income statement, balance sheet and cost structure, and understands their cause-effect relationships
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 1
Is able to describe cost and profitability concepts and categories. Is able to perform calculations related to company finances, such as interest calculations.
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 3
Is able to describe the core principles of management and financial accounting. Is able to describe the effects of business transactions on the company’s income statement, balance sheet and profitability. Is able to independently calculate the key figures of the income statement and balance sheet.
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 5
Is able to analyze and interpret the income statement and balance sheet as well as key figures based on them. Is able to make decisions based on financial information as well as combine theoretical and practical information.